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This FAQ is made by me, Scott Ong (kangning@mbox5.singnet.com.sg) Unpublished work of Scott Ong 1999. You are allowed to print the FAQ out, but make sure that you did not sell it for cash! These FAQs are not meant for sale! This is Part II of Final Fantasy VIII FAQ for the US version. ___ / I \___________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Revision History and Updates ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -[Version 1.0]- Done by Markweb First appearance of FAQ -[Version 1.1]- Added a few more stuff, done by Markweb -[Version 1.2]- Re-vamp the layout to fix the word width Added more information to most sections. Corrects most errors done by Markweb. -[Version 1.3]- Expand the item list [that's a lot!] Added Gameshark codes! Correct some errors. -[Version 1.4]- Expanded the remainding Item List [Ammo and Junk Group] More corrections made on the FAQ. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This FAQ can be found in following locations: GameFAQs http://www.gamefaqs.com QUATZ Adoption http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Frontier/5344 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ <<<< Author's Note >>>> As promised, here is an update to Part II of the FF8 FAQ done by me. I was really working very tediously on the entire list and it has been giving me troubles as I need to fixed the word width. The word wrap is very important as it allows you to view the FAQ and able to print it easily. Currently, I'm still working sluggishly on most sections. BTW, I have finally find time to reply e-mails [^_^;] as I have decided to close my site. [My files are crashed in my ZIP disks..] I know that my FAQs are a bit wordy.. But FF8 is really a game that you can't explain a word of two. If you have sufficient space, I would recommend you to save it (for future references) If you want to know the ZIP source for the FAQs, just contact me. What has been added? - Expanded the last two groups of Ammo and Junk Group. I have added a lot of information in that area. - Correct a lot of spelling errors [well still can't get used to this new keyboard]. Corrections on certain areas are also added. - This will be probably the last update for this FAQ. [Scott] ____ / II \__________________________________________________________________ ======================================================================== Table of Contents ======================================================================== I Revision Update II Table of Contents 1.0 Guardian Forces - 1.1 Introduction - 1.2 Management of GFs - 1.3 How to get the GF? - 1.4A Non-Abilities GFs 1.4B The GFs' Abilities List - 1.5A Command Abilities 1.5B Party Abilities 1.5C Character Abilities 1.5D Junction Abilities 1.5E GF Abilities 1.5F Menu Abilities - Magic Refinement - Item Refinement 2.0 List of Magic 2.1 Curative Magic 2.2 Elemental Magic 2.3 Status Magic 2.4 Support Magic 2.5 Non-Elemental Magic 2.6 Junction Charts 3.0 Weapon Remodel / Limit Breaks 3.1 Squall Leonhart 3.2 Zell Dincht 3.3 Quistis Trepe 3.4 Selphie Tilmitt 3.5 Rinoa Heartilly 3.6 Irvine Kinneas 3.7 Dream Party: Laguna, Kiros and Ward a Laguna Loire b Ward Zaback c Kiros Seagul 3.8 Temporary Members: Seifer and Edea a Seifer Almasy b Edea Kramer 3.9 Weapon Ingredients Chart 3.10 Battle Meter 4.0 The Card Game 4.1 Getting the Cards 4.2 Basics of Triple Traid 4.3 The Card Rules A Pre-Game Card Rules B In-Game Card Rules C Card Game Trade Rules 4.4 Card Game Tips 4.5 Card List Bestiary 4.6 Rare Card List 5.0 List of Items 5.1 Medicine Group 5.2 Battle Items Group 5.3 Field Items Group 5.4 GF Medicine Group 5.5 GF Ability Item Group 5.6 Ammo Group 5.7 Junk Group A Normal Items B Blue Magic Items C GF Comptability Items 5.8 Magazine Group A Weapon Monthly B Combat King C Pet Pals D Occult Fans 6.0 List of Monsters 6.1 List of Abbreviations 6.2 Monsters Besitary A Cards Page 1 B Cards Page 2 C Cards Page 3 D Cards Page 4 E Cards Page 5 F Others 6.3 Important Storylines. 7.0 Sub Quests 7.1 Timber Maniacs 7.2 Missing Vase Pieces 7.3 Laguna's Statue at Shumi Village I 7.4 Laguna's Statue at Shumi Village II 7.5 Obel Lake 7.6 Getting Rare Cards Quest A Chocobo Forests: prove your affection! B UFO Sighting Incident C Card Queen Quest D CC Group Members 7.7 Zell's Love Quest 7.8 Dollet: Bone Quest 8.0 GF Enhancement Setup 9.0 Strategies 9.1 Things that you should know... 9.2 Miscellaneous Strategies 9.3 BOSS Strategies 9.4 Weapon Strategies 10.0 Gameshark codes 11.0 Contributors and Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------ _____ / 1.0 \_________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Guardian Forces ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GFs are the returning summons from the previous FF series. Generally, there are a lot of differences between them. GF stands for Guardian Force and it is a common abbreviation used in the game. Differences between the previous series: - GFs have statues just like your characters. They can level up just like your characters in gaining EXP and they can accquired AP to learn abilities. - Summon GFs does not requires MP. There is no MP required to summon GFs. Instead, the GF's stats will overlap the character's stats, taking the Elem-Def-J and ST-Def-J from the character and also withstand from the enemy. Summon GFs require time and you need the blue ATB bar drop to zero (or empty) and GF will be summoned. Once GF's HP have drop to zero, the summon will be cancelled off. - GF obtain methods can varies... such as defeating them, accquired them by meeting requirements, draw them from BOSSES. - GFs are the strength of your characters as they gave your characters other abilities beside the Attack command. Frequently Asked Questions About GFs I have forgetten to draw a GF, is there a way to get it back? Yes. But you can only get it back in Disc 4, from either one of BOSSES in Ultimecia's Castle. Of course, you have to unlock Draw, otherwise it is useless. Refer to Disc 4 Walkthrough: Ultimecia's Castle in Part I (@ at GameFAQs, http://www.gamefaqs.com) Why I don't see Card Mod-RF in Quezacotl's Ability list? You must obtain its prequisite in order to get its secondary ability. I have expanded the list section, just accompany this purpose. Refer to the abilities lists and description for more information. There are also certain cases that results lost of an ability: Case #1 You may eliminate the Ability/ its prequisite through using an Amnesia Greens. For this case, I can't help ^_^; Have to restart. You may need to try to use another GF Item to replace that. As far I know, GF menu and item refinements have no replacements. Case #2 You may use a GF Ability Item to cover up one of 22 slots. In this case, just use an Amnesia Greens to eliminate one of abilities so that, there is avaliable space for the ability to "grow" on it. [is there a better word?] I have sold the Magical Lamp, is it possible to get it back? Well, I'm not sure about this. But I myself believed that it is possible to get GF Diablos from one of following BOSSES: Mobile Type 8, Seifer, Adel, Sorceress [the final one] or Sphinxaur. Just keep a look out for either one of them. If you have a Pocketstation, maybe there will be a chance that you can get this item. [dunno, as I don't have a Pocketstation] How to I get GF Doomtrain? You need to get the requirements: 6x Steel Pipe, 6x Malboro Tentacle, 6x Remedy+ (requires GF Alexander's Med LV Up, or Pocketstation) and of course, the Solomon's Ring. Refer to GF Bestiary for more information Is it possible to GF Griever? I don't know. But most likely it's not. There is a rumour regarding Occult Fan III [Magic Issue], that you need 666 items to get this GF, the ring shown in the picture is actually the Solomon's Ring and 666 stands for "Steel Pipe""Malboro Tentacles""Remedy+". [it may be a piece of displeasing news ^_^;] How do I get Mog Amulet and Proof of Friendship? Don't ask me about this.. These items can only be gotten through the Pocketstation. I am still trying to figure other methods. How do I boost a GF? Check the Boost Section. Or here is in-the-game help [provide you have the Battle Meter]: Tutorial -> Information -> Abilities -> GF Abilities -> Boost Feel free to post other questions. I am already quite sick about the above mentioned questions.. _____ / 1.1 \_________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------ No. Name of GF __________________________________________ 1. Quezacotl | Name of GFs | 2. Shiva | ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ | 3. Ifrit | | || || || || || || || | | 4. Siren | | 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 | | 5. Brothers | |___||___||___||___||___||___||___||___| | 6. Diablos | ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ | 7. Carbuncle | | || || || || || || || | | 8. Leviathan | | 9 ||10 ||11 ||12 ||13 ||14 ||15 ||16 | | 9. Pandemona | |___||___||___||___||___||___||___||___| | 10. Cerberus |__________________________________________| 11. Alexander 12. Doomtrain 13. Bahamut 14. Cactuar 15. Tonberry 16. Eden ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Typically, it just like the ASCII Art shown above. The GFs slot will be occupied by the GF, once you have accquired it. GFs can be found during your jounery. To ensure no difficulties in getting them, take a look at the walkthrough and follow the instructions there and you should have no problems. Most GFs can obtained through drawing from BOSSES, so it is best to have Draw Command equip GFs. The GF Status Screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ _______ _______________________________________ | Photo | Quezacotl |Status P1| | of | LV. 1 | HP-J Complete! | | GF | HP 300 / 300 ||> Vit-J 0 / 50 AP | |_______| | Mag-J 0 / 50 AP | | Magic Complete! | Total EXP: 5,000 P | GF Complete! | EXP needed: 250 P | Draw Complete! | | Card 0 / 40 AP | | Mag +20% 0 / 60 AP | | GF HP +10% 0 / 40 AP | Learning | SumMag +10% 0 / 40 AP | Vit-J | Boost 0 / 10 AP | 10 / 50 AP | T Mag-RF 0 / 30 AP | |_______________________________________| ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Which GFs have them? Here is a brief explaination of GF Status Screen. Quezacotl, Shiva, Ifrit, Siren, Brothers, Diablos, Carbuncle, Leviathan, Pandemona, Cerberus, Alexander, Doomtrain, Bahamut, Cactuar, Tonberry and Eden are the sixteen obtainable GFs and have this status screens. GFs such as Moomba (via Pocketstation), MiniMog (via Pocketstation), Chicobo, Odin, Gilgamesh and Phoenix does not have this screen. As for unattainable GFs such as Griever and Tiamat, you can't have them in your besitary. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ What are Abilities? Abilities are skills that allows GFs to learn to enhance besides summoning it. There are six major classes and here are a summary of what each of them does: Command - allows your character to have commands besides attack. All the first 16 GFs have the four basic commands: Item, Magic, GF and Draw. There are also other commands such as Card, Darkside, Absorb, Devour, etc. Each commands have different effects, so it's your option to test them out. Junction - under the Junction screen you will see that you can could make use magic to boost up a character's statistics through Junction. But in order to junction magic, you must have an ability for that junction. E.g. You must have Str-J in order to junction magic to Str. Elemental Combos and Status combos can be done using junction abilities such as Elem-Atk-J or Elem-Def-J, ST-Atk-J or ST-Def-J. Character - these abilities are rather hard to obtain. These abilities allows you to have add-ons such as Str + 20%, Mag +40%, HP +80%, etc. There are also some special abilities such as Auto-Haste, Auto-Shell, Mug, etc. These skills are pretty hard to mastered due to its high AP Consumption [of course, not as exagrating as AP requirements for the Materia in FF7.]. They can be equiped under the Ability section where you could equipped commands. Most GFs have 2 abilities to equip. Except for GFs with Ability x3 and Ability x4. Well, the abbreviation seems a bit clear, therefore no explaination ^_^; GF - Abilities meant for GFs.. There are typically three types, SumMag, GF HP and Boost. GF HP is avaliable for all GFs. SumMag is avaliable for GFs with a summon attack that has a elemental or non-elemental, except support element (e.g. Reflect, Triple/Double). Boost is a pretty good ability. Menu - A brand new innovation that has been included in this new epic RPG. The Menu ability allows you to do refinement of items and magic and some even allows you to call item shop and get discounts, sell for higher prices, etc. Ability menus for magic are quite good as some magic are very hard to obtained. One good example is Aura. Item refinement usually nabs you Medicine, Battle Items and GF Items. Party - this ability can be activate through the same method for character ability. In fact it affects for the entire party. There are only four party ability in the game. Examples are Enc-Half [reduces encounter rate by half.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ How to learn Abilities? Pretty simple. Just select the GF that you wish to learn a particular ability using X button. Next you will have the status screen except you can't see abilities screen instead you will find red bars that shows compatibility of GFs for the characters. The higher the comptability, the faster the GF will be summoned and the less crosses you will find during Boost. Press X once again and you will find the abilities page. Each GF can only accquired a maximum of 22 abilities. Certain abilities require a prequisite in order to get the new ability. So refer to the GF besitary to find out more. Just simply select the ability that you wished to learn with the cursor. Next gain AP in battles. Once the ability is mastered. A "Complete!" sign will replaced the requirements. How to learn Abilities through using GF items? Not that it is not advisble to use GF items immediately before you have gotten all GF abilities. Otherwise, you will not be able to obtain some of GF abilities. To undo the wrong, just get Amnesia Greens and use it on a GF and forget the ability that you have just added. Remember that abilities that you have forgetten, can't be gotten back! Also have an additional save file before you attempt to do this. Note that you can't have the two of same ability. Example: you can't have two SumMag +30% and this applies for any other abilities. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Generally, there are a lot of problems regarding GF's HP. The Quezacotl's maximum HP does not reached 9999 HP at Level 100 as due to its low EXP requirements to level Up. GF Eden can easily get 9999 HP at the level of 56 with GF HP +10% ~ 40% learnt and it has a higher EXP level compared a full EXP level Quezacotl. Certain GFs take ages to level up. Bahamut and Eden are great examples of these. _____ / 1.2 \_________________________________________________________________ ======================================================================== Management of GFs ======================================================================== Tip #1 - All GFs into battles! Always get ALL GFs into battles [not necessary to summon them, but make sure that they are along with your characters to gain EXP]. They gain HP Bonuses and they will inflict more damage when they are at higher levels. You can easily use Junction Exchg under the Switch menu to transfer the junction from one character to another. Tip #2 - Got for Rare Abilities first. Always go after rare skills first (one good example is GF Diablos' Mug. This skill is pretty handy if you need to get the rare items such as Steel Pipes.) Some abilities such as Auto-Haste, Card Mod-RF are very useful add-ons for your party. Tip #3 - Junction Distribution Distribute the G.Fs evenly to all characters. Make sure everyone has junction to four basic factors: Strength (Str) - affects character's attacking power. Magic (Mag) - affects character's magic attacking power. Vitality (Vit) - affects the character's defense from physical damage. Hit Points (HP) - affects the character's HP. It is the life bar! Tip #4 - Get Boost first! For those GFs with "Boost", always get them beforehand of all other GF abilities. This ability can really does a lot of damage as if you does up to a maximum of 4 times the damage compared to a normal summon. Tip #5 - Make use of AP won from BOSS fight. Always check what abilities that you are learning before get into BOSS battles. Always pick those high AP skills that require to master before fighting them, thus making full use of the bonus. Tip #6 - Recover HP of GFs with GF Potions Use G-Potions to recover lost HP of your GFs. BTW, GFs have (auto, I guessed it was a hidden ability) Walk and Recover. Just walking around the field map, allows you to restore HP of GFs slowly at a time. Tip #7 - Improve GF Compatibility Summoning a GF many times using the same character, helps to improve the GF's compatibility with the character. "Boost" will work best in this case. GF compatibility affects the speed of the ATB bar of GF [the higher the compatibility, the faster the GF will be summoned!] Of course, there are generally alternate methods such as using compatibility items [refer to Items section for more information] or the ultimate compatibility booster item, LuvLuv G. _____ / 1.2 \_________________________________________________________________ ======================================================================== How to get the GF? ======================================================================== The list below comprises of the method to get them (briefly as I have already explained in great detail in the walkthrough found in Part I) I have also included the second draw method for certain GFs. Of course, there are also GFs that I still not sure whether it is possible to get them.. GF Diablos - I have recieved a lot of e-mails regarding a second method as they have sold off the item Magical Lamp which teleports you to the World of Darkness. If you know the method, besides this, kindly e-mail me the method! You will be helping a lot of people out there! My assumption is that you can draw it from the Mobile Type 8, Seifer or Sphinxaur. GF Gilgamesh - Is there another method in getting it? I am not sure.. GF Griever - that stupid Occult Fan III which reveals a ring that allows you to summon the GF with 666 items. Actually, that is meant for the Doomtrain ^_^; So seek another method... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GF Name Where to obtain them? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quezacotl B-Garden 2F, at Balamb Garden Network, check the (Tutorial) as Quistis has instructed you. Obtained Disc: 1 ~ 3 along with Shiva. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shiva B-Garden 2F, at Balamb Garden Network, check the (Tutorial) as Quistis has instructed you. Obtained Disc: 1 ~ 3 along with Quezacotl ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ifrit During your SeeD examinations at Fire Cavern. Squall's field test. It's compulsory to have this Disc: 1 GF ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Siren During Dollet Dukedom Mission at Communication Towers, you need to draw from Elvoret after Disc: 1 and 4 defeating Biggs and Wedge, not after X-ATM092 fight. In Disc 4 at Ultimecia's Castle, draw from the Tri-Point found in Wind Cellar. Refer to walkthrough for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brothers Defeat them at the Tomb of the Unknown King. The tomb is found northeast from Deling City, on a Disc: 1 ~ 4 peninsula. You must defeat Sacred in the east chamber and unlock the north and west chamber in order to enter their hideout in the middle. Defeat them in order to get them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Diablos After graduating to become a full-pledged SeeD, you will get an item (Magical Lamp) from Cid after your Disc: 1 ~ 4 departure for the first SeeD mission. It will be * provide lamp is automatically given to you. Access it from the item avaliable. menu. You can also defeat it using Laguna's Party. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Carbuncle During the assasination plan in Deling, Squall and Irvine have sneaked into the President's Manison, Disc: 1 and 4 in order to save Rinoa. You can draw from Iguion. In Disc 4 at Ultimecia's Castle, draw it from Krysta found in the balcony of the castle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leviathan After liberated the MD System, Squall will be asked to meet at the Lobby and proceed to the basement Disc: 2 and 4 where you met The Garden Master: NORG. Just draw it from NORG, must break the shield. In Disc 4 at Ultimecia's Castle, make the Trauma appear by solving the Art Gallery Puzzle and draw from it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pandemona During Galbadia Conquest at Balamb Garden, you need to find the captain and you will eventually fight Disc: 2 and 4 Raijin and 2x G-Soldiers. Defeat them and the next fight, draw from Fujin at Balamb Hotel In Disc 4, at Ultimecia's Castle, proceed to the Flood Gate and enter the Prison Cell, examine the key and draw it from the Red Giant ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cerberus During the Garden Crash Incident, proceed to Galbadia Garden's Hall [during your search for the Disc: 2 and 4 KeyCard.] and you will find it there. Defeat it. In Disc 4, at Ultimecia's Castle, get the Armory Key and enter the Armory. Defeat Vysage, Lefty and Righty. Draw from the BOSS, Gargantua. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alexander During the Garden Crash Incident, access to the 2F (after defeat Seifer at 3F), proceed to the Disc: 2 and 4 Authorium. Defeat Seifer and you will fight Edea. Draw it from Edea In Disc 4, at Ultimecia's Castle, get the Treasure Vault Key and enter the Treasure Vault. You will fight the Catolepas and draw Alexander from it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doomtrain During your trip to Lunar Gate. Proceed to Tears' Point and collect the Solomon's Ring found at the Disc: 3 ~ 4 statue. Next you need to meet the requirements: 6x Steel Pipe - mug Wendigo, card-mod Elastoid. * can't get the Refer to Monster Bestiary. Solomon's Ring 6x Malboro Tentacle - defeat/mug Malboro, card-mod after Lunatic Malboro. Refer to Monster Bestiary Pandora has landed 6x Remedy+ - purchase 60x Remedies from any item on top of Tears' shop. Get GF Alexander (see above) and get Med Point. Data, followed by Med LV-Up and refine 60x Remedies to Remedy+ in a 1:10 ratio. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bahamut After gotten Ragnarok, pilot it to southwest of the World Map [the quarter-sized should be enough] and Disc: 3 ~ 4 you find a building. Press X to land on the launch pad. Enter. You will find a light column. Walk while it is not lighten up. Next examine the column and pick for the option in these order: 1st prompt: 1st option, vs Ruby Dragon 2nd prompt: 2nd option, vs Ruby Dragon, Back Attack 3rd prompt: 3rd option (hidden), vs Bahamut. Defeat it to get the GF! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cactuar After gotten Ragnarok, pilot it to the southeast area. You will find a great yellow-white desert and Disc: 3 ~ 4 that's known as the Khaskabald Desert. Southeast from there, you will find a small island with a small patch of yellow-white desert. Land Ragnarok there and you need to find a small cactus icon. Make contact with it and you will fight the Jumbo Cactuar, at Cactuar Island. Defeat it to get this GF. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tonberry After getting GF Odin, you need to get 20x Chef's Knives as a signal of defeat for 20x Tonberries. Disc: 2 ~ 4 To reduce battles, card-mod Tonberry and King Tonberry's card to get Chef Knives. At the 20th battle, you will battle the King Tonberry. Defeat it to get this GF. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eden After gotten GF Bahamut, you will be able to go down the hole to reach for its underground Disc: 3 ~ 4 facility. Just use the RSP in this method: 2-2-1-1 * have Zell in and have Zell dealt with the last machine. your party. Next at the Deep Sea Deposit, you will encounter the monsters in this order: You can't run Screen 1: Tri-Face from the sub Screen 2: Imp and Grendel battles at Deep Screen 3: Behemoth Sea Deposit Screen 4: Ruby Dragon The Deep Sea Screen 5: 2x Iron Giants Deposit quest can In the last steam machine. Use 10 RSP and fight be done in Disc 4. the Ultima Weapon. Draw Eden from it. In disc 4, at Ultemica's Castle, Proceed to the Clock Tower and draw it from Tiamat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______ / 1.4A \________________________________________________________________ ======================================================================== Non-Abilities GFs ======================================================================== Some GFs obtained does not posses any abilities. Well, I have listed them down here. Hope it helps you. In fact, I add more information and also give some descriptions/tips. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Odin After gotten Balamb Mobile Garden, proceed to the Centra Continent. Find the Centra Ruins in one of islands. Next Disc: 2 ~ 4 you will find a timer at the top right-hand corner. Find and Odin within the given time limit. Just proceed the You can't right ladder. Proceed up the elevator and you will find summon Odin. two vertical ladders. Climb the one on the left and In fact, it proceed north. Examine the blue orb and next climb down. appears Activate the orb on the ground floor and climb up the randomly, at spiral stairways. Find a gargoyle, take the ruby eye. Go beginning of up the stairs. Now proceed to up the ladder on the left. battles. I You will find another Gargoyle. Place the ruby eye and guess it is you will get a five digit password. Now take both eyes. based on the Next proceed to back to the first gargoyle and put in luck stats both ruby eyes and the torch on the right lights up. Now and *frequent input the password by using D-Pad and end with X. Now encounter* enter chamber and defeat it the Odin About it's Summon Attack: Zantesuken ["Cutting Iron Sword"] Well, it is an instant killer weapon, however we can't have the Odin use his Gungen Lance of FF7... The Zantesuken typically works on all non-BOSSES except for Cactuars. *frequent encounter* - Monsters that you encountered in a repetitive battles. E.g. you have encounter a Mesmerize in the first battle. Next you encounter another Mesmerize. Chances of Odin appearing, will be increased greatly ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gilgamesh Well, just get Odin before the boss fight against Seifer at Lunatic Pandora in Disc 3. At the end of battle, Disc: 3 Gilgamesh will replace Odin. Attacks [wow! One of the GFs that have multiple attacks!] Zantetsuken - Odin's sword ^_^;... refer to Odin's bestiary. Excalipoor - does 1 HP damage to all enemies. Excalibur - does medium damage to all enemies. Murasame - does high damage to all enemies [isn't it Sephiroth's sword?] Encounter: the Gilgamesh can encounter any part of battles.... even in BOSS fights against Omega and Ultimecia, intervals of battles, beginning of battles. The attack will differ based on the sword that it picks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Phoenix This GF is much easier to obtained and you just need to get a Phoenix Pinion and use Item command to summon it. Disc: 2 ~ 4 You can get Phoenix Pinions through the following: -> 1 from Vase Piece Quest, refer to walkthrough -> 1 from Shumi Quest Part I, refer to walkthrough -> through refinement ---- Getting Mega Phoenix ; 50x Phoenix Down -> 1x Mega Phoenix [Med LV Up] ; Buy from Esthar Shop!!! (Familiar) ; 1 from girl with pigtail in Library during NORG's Anger ; 1 from Grease Monkey during the Fisherman's Quest ---- Refinement through Siren's Tool-RF ; 3x Mega Phoenix -> 1x Phoenix Pinion. Attack - Rebirth Flame Don't look down on this attack. Not only it causes fire element damage and it also cast Life on all characters. The Rebirth Flame can does pretty decent damage but weaker compared to Ifrit's Hell Fire. There is a slight possibility.. where the Phoenix will be summoned! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chicobo This GF is also quite easy to get. You need to get Gysahl Greens. But you must first proved your affection for it Disc: 2 ~ 4 by summoning a Mother Chocobo at a Chocobo Forests. [ heck.. you can get ChocoBoy to help.]. To get Gysahl * advanced Greens, here are the methods: attacks - Win as prize during the card battles against card available battlers at D-District Prison [rare] if you have - Get one from the girl in Cafeteria during NORG's Anger. level up in - Get one from the Vase Piece Quest Choco World - Buy it from ChocoBoy [pay 6000 gil for 10x, 3000 gil for 5x] - Take it from Chicobo at Chocobo Holy Area [after complete the quest, paying 600 gil for each Gysahl Greens.] Use Item command to summon the Chicobo. Attack - ChocoFire/ChocoFlare/ChocoMeteor/ChocoBuckle ChocoFire is typically the main arsenal of Chicobo. However you can get the additonal attacks through the Pocketstation, by level up your Boko in the Choco World. ChocoFire - does minimum damage to all enemies. ChocoFlare - does medium damage to all enemies. ChocoMeteor - does multiple hits, random to all enemies. ChocoBuckle - does high damage against all enemies exceed 9999 HP damage. * Choco World is only accessible through Pocketstation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MiniMog After you have gain access to Choco World, by summoning a Chocobo in a Chocobo Forest. During this mini game, get Disc: 2 ~ 4 the Mog's Amulet. Now use it on one of 16 GFs and equip MiniMog Command. You will be able to summon the MiniMog using the command. Attack: Mog's Dance The MiniMog will start to dance and heal 1,500 HP all present GFs. * Choco World is only accessible through Pocketstation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Moomba After you have gain access to Choco World, by summoning a Chocobo in a Chocobo Forest. During this mini game, get the Friendship item and you will be able to use this item in combat, same method as summon Phoenix or Chicobo. Attack: MoombaMoomba Well, a Moomba is being summoned as started to attack with its claws and kicks one enemy. Damage varies as it depends on Luck and Speed. * Choco World is only accessible through Pocketstation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______ / 1.4B \________________________________________________________________ ======================================================================== GFs' Abilities List ======================================================================== In this section, you will find a detailed list of abilities for the 16 main GFs [those with abilities]. I have reformat the short-crappy format done by Markweb into a detailed and precise list including prequisite, some more important statistics. Q u e z a c o t l ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summon Attack: Thunder Storm Thunder elemental damage against all enemies. ____________________________________________________________________ | Page 1 | Page 2 | | Magic [Complete!] | SumMag +10% [40] | | Draw [Complete!] | SumMag +20% [70] | | GF [Complete!] | SumMag +30% [140] | | Item [Complete!] | GF HP +10% [40] | | Card [40] | GF HP +20% [70] | | HP-J [50] | Boost [10] | | Vit-J [50] | Mag +20% [60] | | Mag-J [Complete!] | Mag +40% [120] | | Elem-Atk-J [160] | T Mag-RF [30] | | Elem-Def-J [100] | Mid Mag-RF [60] | | Elem-Def-J x2 [130] | Card Mod [80] | |_________________________________|__________________________________| S h i v a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summon Attack: Diamond Dust Ice elemental damage against all enemies. ____________________________________________________________________ | Page 1 | Page 2 | | Magic [Complete!] | SumMag +10% [40] | | Draw [Complete!] | SumMag +20% [70] | | GF [Complete!] | SumMag +30% [140] | | Item [Complete!] | GF HP +10% [40] | | Doom [60] | GF HP +20% [70] | | Str-J [50] | Boost [10] | | Vit-J [50] | Vit +20% [60] | | Spr-J [Complete!] | Vit +40% [120] | | Elem-Atk-J [160] | Spr +20% [60] | | Elem-Def-J [100] | Spr +40% [120] | | Elem-Def-J x2 [130] | I Mag-RF [30] | |_________________________________|__________________________________| I f r i t ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summon Attack: Hell Fire Fire elemental damage against all enemies. ____________________________________________________________________ | Page 1 | Page 2 | | Magic [Complete!] | SumMag +10% [40] | | Draw [Complete!] | SumMag +20% [70] | | GF [Complete!] | SumMag +30% [140] | | Item [Complete!] | GF HP +10% [40] | | Mad Rush [60] | GF HP +20% [70] | | HP-J [50] | GF HP +30% [140] | | Str-J [Complete!] | Str +20% [60] | | Elem-Atk-J [Complete!] | Str +40% [120] | | Elem-Def-J [100] | Str Bonus [100] | | Elem-Def-J x2 [130] | F Mag-RF [30] | | Boost [10] | Ammo-RF [60] | |_________________________________|__________________________________| S i r e n ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summon Attack: Silent Voice Non elemental damage against all enemies + Silence status. ____________________________________________________________________ | Page 1 | Page 2 | | Magic [Complete!] | Mag Bonus [100] | | Draw [Complete!] | Boost [10] | | GF [Complete!] | SumMag+10% [40] | | Item [Complete!] | SumMag+20% [70] | | Treatment [100] | SumMag+30% [140] | | Mag-J [Complete!] | GFHP+10% [40] | | ST-Atk-J [160] | GFHP+20% [70] | | ST-Def-J [Complete!] | L Mag-RF [30] | | ST-Def-J x2 [130] | ST Med-RF [30] | | Mag +20% [60] | Tool-RF [30] | | Mag +40% [120] | Move-Find [40] | |_________________________________|__________________________________| B r o t h e r s ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summon Attack: Brotherly Love Earth elemental damage against all enemies. ____________________________________________________________________ | Page 1 | Page 2 | | Magic [Complete!] | HP +40% [120] | | Draw [Complete!] | HP +80% [240] | | GF [Complete!] | HP Bonus [100] | | Item [Complete!] | Cover [100] | | Defend [100] | SumMag +10% [40] | | HP-J [Complete!] | SumMag +20% [70] | | Str-J [50] | SumMag +30% [140] | | Spr-J [50] | GF HP +10% [40] | | Elem-Atk-J [160] | GF HP +20% [70] | | Elem-Def-J [100] | GF HP +30% [140] | | HP +20% [60] | Boost [10] | |_________________________________|__________________________________| D i a b l o s ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summon Attack: Dark Messenger Non elemental damage against all enemies. Remove 1/4 of current Hit Points against all enemies. ____________________________________________________________________ | Page 1 | Page 2 | | Magic [Complete!] | Mag +40% [120] | | Draw [Complete!] | HP +20% [60] | | GF [Complete!] | HP +40% [120] | | Item [Complete!] | HP +80% [240] | | Darkside [100] | GF HP +10% [40] | | HP-J [50] | GF HP +20% [70] | | Mag-J [Complete!] | GF HP +30% [140] | | Hit-J [120] | Time Mag-RF [30] | | Ability x3 [Complete!] | ST Mag-RF [30] | | Mug [200] | Enc-Half [30] | | Mag +20% [60] | Enc-None [100] | |_________________________________|__________________________________| C a r b u n cl e ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summon Attack: Ruby Light Reflect status cast on entire party. ____________________________________________________________________ | Page 1 | Page 2 | | Magic [Complete!] | HP +20% [60] | | Draw [Complete!] | HP +40% [120] | | GF [Complete!] | Vit +20% [60] | | Item [Complete!] | Vit +40% [120] | | HP-J [50] | Vit Bonus [100] | | Vit-J [Complete!] | Counter [200] | | Mag-J [50] | Auto Reflect [150] | | ST-Atk-J [160] | GF HP +10% [40] | | ST-Def-J [100] | GF HP +20% [70] | | ST-Def-J x2 [130] | GF HP +30% [140] | | Ability x3 [Complete!] | Recov Med-RF [30] | |_________________________________|__________________________________| L e v i a t h a n ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summon Attack: Tsunami Water elemental attack against all enemies. ____________________________________________________________________ | Page 1 | Page 2 | | Magic [Complete!] | Spr Bonus [100] | | Draw [Complete!] | Auto Potion [150] | | GF [Complete!] | SumMag +10% [40] | | Item [Complete!] | SumMag +20% [70] | | Recover [200] | SumMag +30% [140] | | Mag-J [50] | GF HP +10% [40] | | Spr-J [Complete!] | GF HP +20% [70] | | Elem-Atk-J [160] | GF HP +30% [140] | | Elem-Def-J x2 [Complete!] | Boost [10] | | Spr +20% [60] | Supt Mag-RF [30] | | Spr +40% [120] | GFRecov Med-RF [60] | |_________________________________|__________________________________| P a n d e m o n a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summon Attack: Tornado Zone Wind elemental damage against all enemies. ____________________________________________________________________ | Page 1 | Page 2 | | Magic [Complete!] | Str +40% [120] | | Draw [Complete!] | Spd +20% [60] | | GF [Complete!] | Spd +40% [120] | | Item [Complete!] | Initiative [160] | | Absorb [80] | SumMag +10% [40] | | Str-J [Complete!] | SumMag +20% [70] | | Spd-J [120] | SumMag +30% [140] | | Elem-Atk-J [160] | GF HP +10% [40] | | Elem-Def-J [100] | GF HP +20% [70] | | Elem-Def-J x2 [130] | GF HP +30% [140] | | Str +20% [60] | Boost [10] | |_________________________________|__________________________________| C e r b e r u s ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summon Attack: Counter Rockets Triple and Double status cast on entire party ____________________________________________________________________ | Page 1 | Page 2 | | Magic [Complete!] | ST-Def-J [Complete!] | | Draw [Complete!] | ST-Def-J x2 [130] | | GF [Complete!] | ST-Def-J x4 [180] | | Item [Complete!] | Spd +20% [60] | | Str-J [Complete!] | Spd +40% [120] | | Mag-J [50] | Alert [200] | | Spr-J [50] | Auto Haste [150] | | Spd-J [120] | Expend x2-1 [250] | | Hit-J [Complete!] | GF HP +10% [40] | | Ability x3 [Complete!] | GF HP +20% [70] | | ST-Atk-J [160] | GF HP +30% [140] | |_________________________________|__________________________________| A l e x a n d e r ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summon Attack: Holy Judgment Holy elemental attack against all enemies ____________________________________________________________________ | Page 1 | Page 2 | | Magic [Complete!] | Spr +20% [60] | | Draw [Complete!] | SumMag +10% [40] | | GF [Complete!] | SumMag +20% [70] | | Item [Complete!] | SumMag +30% [140] | | Revive [200] | GF HP +10% [40] | | Spr-J [Complete!] | GF HP +20% [70] | | Ability x3 [Complete!] | GF HP +30% [140] | | Elem-Atk-J [160] | Boost [10] | | Elem-Def-J [Complete!] | Med Data [200] | | Elem-Def-J x2 [130] | High Mag-RF [120] | | Elem-Def-J x4 [180] | Med LV Up [120] | |_________________________________|__________________________________| D o o m t r a i n ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summon Attack: Runaway Train Poison elemental damage against all enemies + negative status * Negative status: Silence, Sleep, Confuse, Berserk, Doom, Vit 0, Blind, Curse, Slow, and Stop ____________________________________________________________________ | Page 1 | Page 2 | | Magic [Complete!] | SumMag +10% [40] | | Draw [Complete!] | SumMag +20% [70] | | GF [Complete!] | SumMag +30% [140] | | Item [Complete!] | SumMag +40% [200] | | Darkside [100] | GF HP +10% [40] | | Absorb [80] | GF HP +20% [70] | | Elem-Atk-J [Complete!] | GF HP +30% [140] | | Elem-Def-J x4 [180] | GF HP +40% [200] | | ST-Atk-J [Complete!] | Boost [10] | | ST-Def-J x4 [180] | Junk Shop [Complete!] | | Auto Shell [250] | Forbid Med-RF [200] | |_________________________________|__________________________________| B a h a m u t ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summon Attack: Mega Flare Non elemental damage against all enemies ____________________________________________________________________ | Page 1 | Page 2 | | Magic [Complete!] | SumMag +10% [40] | | Draw [Complete!] | SumMag +20% [70] | | GF [Complete!] | SumMag +30% [140] | | Item [Complete!] | SumMag +40% [200] | | Ability x4 [Complete!] | GF HP +10% [40] | | Str +60% [Complete!] | GF HP +20% [70] | | Mag +60% [Complete!] | GF HP +30% [140] | | Mug [200] | GF HP +40% [200] | | Auto Protect [250] | Boost [10] | | Expend x2-1 [250] | Rare Item [250] | | Mov HP-Up [200] | Forbid Mag-RF [Complete!] | |_________________________________|__________________________________| C a c t u a r ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summon Attack: 1,000 Needles Non elemental attack against all enemies, 1000 units of damage against all enemies. ** Let's says if Cactuar is at level x0 and it will does x000 damage. ____________________________________________________________________ | Page 1 | Page 2 | | Magic [Complete!] | Eva-J [200] | | Draw [Complete!] | Luck-J [200] | | GF [Complete!] | Auto Potion [150] | | Item [Complete!] | Expend x2-1 [250] | | Defend [100] | Initiative [160] | | Kamikaze [100] | Mov HP-Up [200] | | HP Bonus [Complete!] | Eva +30% [200] | | Str Bonus [Complete!] | Luck +50% [200] | | Vit Bonus [Complete!] | GFHP +10% [40] | | Mag Bonus [Complete!] | GFHP +20% [70] | | Spr Bonus [Complete!] | GFHP +30% [140] | |_________________________________|__________________________________| T o n b e r r y ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summon Attack: Chef's Knife Non elemental damage against one enemy at random. ____________________________________________________________________ | Page 1 | Page 2 | | Magic [Complete!] | SumMag +10% [40] | | Draw [Complete!] | SumMag +20% [70] | | GF [Complete!] | SumMag +30% [140] | | Item [Complete!] | GF HP +10% [40] | | Lv Down [Complete!] | GF HP +20% [70] | | Lv Up [Complete!] | GF HP +30% [140] | | Eva +30% [Complete!] | Boost [10] | | Luck +50% [Complete!] | Haggle [150] | | Auto Potion [150] | Familiar [150] | | Initiative [160] | Sell-High [200] | | Mov HP-Up [200] | Call Shop [200] | |_________________________________|__________________________________| E d e n ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summon Attack: Eternal Breath Non elemental attack against all enemies. ____________________________________________________________________ | Page 1 | Page 2 | | Magic [Complete!] | SumMag +10% [40] | | Draw [Complete!] | SumMag +20% [70] | | GF [Complete!] | SumMag +30% [140] | | Item [Complete!] | SumMag +40% [200] | | Mad Rush [60] | GF HP +10% [40] | | Darkside [100] | GF HP +20% [70] | | Devour [Complete!] | GF HP +30% [140] | | Spd-J [Complete!] | GF HP +40% [200] | | Eva-J [Complete!] | Boost [10] | | Hit-J [Complete!] | Expendx3-1 [250] | | Luck +50% [200] | GFAbl Med-RF [30] | |_________________________________|__________________________________| ______ / 1.5A \________________________________________________________________ ======================================================================== Command Abilities (!) ======================================================================== Command abilities are typically abilities that allows your character to use it while in battle. Character has already known the attack command and their Limit Breaks [based on certain citeria.] All the first 16 GFs have actually the four main commands: Item, Magic, GF and Draw Command, yet these items can be learnt too by using GF items. I have added the items that allows you to learn the ability. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ M a g i c GFs: All Item: Magic Scroll Can't: No magic stocked in inventory Under Silence, Berserk, Confuse, Petrify, KO, Sleep status AP: n/a It allows your character to cast Magic that is stocked in the character's Magic inventory. Each character has a maximum of 8 Magic pages and each page can stored up to 100x of the spells. Each slot is only avaliable for one specific magic. When you activate the magic command, you will view something like the one shown below: ________________ |P1 Num | |Fire 100 | After you have select the command, just select the |Blizzard 100 | spell that you wished to cast, pressing the X |Thunder 100 | button. |Ultima 100 | |________________| When Triple or Double is cast, you will have additional boxes of commands: _________ GF Cerberus provides both Double/Triple | Attack | ________ status on the Entire party. Double allows | Magic >| |Single | you to cast 2x Magic [same spell] and Triple | GF | |Double | allows you to cast 3x Magic [same spell]. | Draw | |Triple | This allows you to cast magic in a few turns |_________| |________| and at the same time, allow you to choose the opponent/ally that you wished to cast the spell on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ G F GFs: All Item: GF Scroll Can't: GF's HP reached zero Under Silence, Berserk, Confuse, KO, Petrify, Sleep status. AP: n/a A command that allows you to summon a GF. Remember that you must equip this command before you can use to summon GFs. This command is pretty helpful as it summons the most powerful weapons [err.. early in the game.]. After you have summon the GF, the GF's ATB will cover the character's ATB. Well, the GF's ATB is moving in a different direction. Once the GF's ATB has reached zero, the GF will be summoned. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ D r a w GFs: All Item: Draw Scroll Can't: Have already 100x stocked in the magic inventory Under Silence, Berserk, Confuse, KO, Petrify, Sleep status AP: n/a One of the most important command. This command is the command that allows you to stock magic. This command is essential to draw magic from the field screen or battle screen. In the field screen, you will give the spell that's found in the Draw Point and allow you whom to draw the magic. In the combat screen. You need to do the following: _________ | Mug | | Magic | _______ _______ | Recover | |Stock | --> Monster's draw list |Fira | | Draw >| |Cast | e.g. Bite Bug |Scan | |_________| |_______| |_______| No matter what option you choose between Stock or Cast, you will still ended up at the Monster's draw list. Stock allows you to draw the desired spell [up to a maximum of 9x per draw] and saves it in the character's magic inventory. Cast, on the hand, allows you to draw 1x quantity and cast on the enemy/ally. Remember the Stock has a probability of failure as due to the character's low Mag stats or the monster has died before the character gets his/her turn to draw. Cast has no failure rate and each time, allows you to draw one quantity and cast it immediately. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I t e m GFs: All Item: Item Scroll Can't: No items stocked in inventory Under Silence, Berserk, Confuse, KO, Petrify, Sleep status AP: n/a Well, as the name suggest, I guess you know what this command allows you to do. This command is quite important as it allows you to use items such as Phoenix Downs [restores Life, which you can't have Life magic early in the game..], Potions, etc. It also includes items such as combat items (or battle items). Examples of combat items are Holy Stone, Phoenix Pinion, etc. It works like the Magic command as you will be brought directly to the Item inventory pages [which you can also reorder..] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C a r d GFs: Quezacotl Item: Gambler's Spirit Can't: Under Confuse, Berserk, Sleep, Petrify, KO status AP: 40 This command allows you to convert a dying monster into card. Certain monsters nab you "BOSS" cards such as Elvoret, X-ATM092, etc. The card command can only be done when the monster's HP is low. The best way is to use Quistis' Micro Missile, summon Diablos or cast Demi magic and then use this command. About 1/20 chance, that you get a BOSS card... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ D o o m GFs: Shiva Item: n/a Can't: Under Confuse, Berserk, Sleep, Petrify, KO status AP: 60 It works like the Sudden Death and at the same time removes bonus magic effects [Haste, Aura, Triple, Double, etc.] from the character. You will find a 8 second counter above the monster's head. Once it reach zero, the monster is KO'd. Pretty effective against monsters that weak against Ice. [e.g. Ruby Dragon and T-Rexaur]. It has also implicit a curse status. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ M a d R u s h GFs: Ifrit, Eden Item: n/a Can't: Under Confuse, Berserk, Sleep, Petrify, KO status AP: 60 It is pretty risky.. The Mad Rush causes you to loses control of the ENTIRE party. Berserk, Haste, Shell and Protect are being cast on the entire party. Berserk will still take effect even if the characters are protected against it through ST-Def-J linked to 100x Berserk. I guess it is quite good as if you are desperate... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ T r e a t m e n t GFs: Siren Item: Med Kit Can't: Under Confuse, Berserk, Sleep, Petrify, KO status AP: 100 One of most useful command.. If you don't have the Ribbon or ST-Def-J x4, this command is a must. The Treatment command works like Esuna except it has a better off ability and that's even the character is under Silence, it is still usable! It just removes any negative status and magical effects. Negative status: Sleep, Berserk, Silence, Doom, Curse, Petrify, Confuse, Poison, Blind. Magical effects: Slow, Stop, Vit 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ D e f e n d GFs: Brothers, Cactuar Item: Knight's code Can't: Under Confuse, Berserk, Sleep, Petrify, KO status AP: 100 Well, I just can't understand why the characters needed to learn defense? I thought that they know it already. In the previous FF series, every character knows how to defend... Anyway the Defend command only works for the particular turn. It allows physical damage dropped to zero and halves magical damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ D a r k s i d e GFs: Diablos, Doomtrain, Eden Item: n/a Can't: Under Confuse, Berserk, Sleep, Petrify, KO status AP: 100 Quite a good command, if you know how to make use of it. The Darkside just works like critical attack, doing 3 times more than usual, but sacrificed 1/10 of the current HP. This command could be a killer with you make used of Regen or ST-Atk-J linked to 100x Drain. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ R e c o v e r GFs: Leviathan Item: Healing Ring Can't: Under Confuse, Berserk, Sleep, Petrify, KO status AP: 200 I guess this is the best command.. This command is quite useful as it does a full recovery to one character. But beware that this can be also a move to attack.. It works pretty fine against undead and monsters under Zombie status. But it also does a instant dead attack to characters under Zombie status. Recover is really a good ability that you can't miss it. It could saves you a lot of Curagas.. [BTW, Curaga is a good magic for boosting Spirit] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A b s o r b GFs: Pandemona, Doomtrain Item: n/a Can't: Under Confuse, Berserk, Sleep, Petrify, KO status AP: 100 This command target at one enemy by taking off a bit of HP (about 10% of monster's current HP.) But it does not work quite well, if you did this on undead monsters, monsters under Zombie status. I guess it is still quite a useful command, but don't over use it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ R e v i v e GFs: Alexander Item: Phoenix Spirit Can't: Under Confuse, Berserk, Sleep, Petrify, KO status AP: 200 The second best command. It does most of the time, resurrect dead ally back to full health just like Full-Life. About 5% chance, you will see it restoring Life just like Life magic or Phoenix Down. I guess this perhaps effect due to Luck or Magic stats. But I would rather use a Phoenix Down than this command as it allows the characters to be revived but at critical status, hence doing Limit Breaks! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ L V D o w n GFs: Tonberry Item: n/a Can't: Under Confuse, Berserk, Sleep, Petrify, KO status AP: n/a Well, this aids you to weaken a strong foe but lower it's level and HP. It also causes a change in the draw list, attributes of the monsters [Hit Points, Strength, Vitality, Spirit, Magic, Speed, Evade] to drop. But it also allows you to nab items that can be obtained from it at lower levels such as M-Stone Piece. Most of the time, it halves the level and attributes. Monster at low levels have lesser skills too. Just like the pesky Ruby Dragons. But it reduces the experience points gained. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ L V U p GFs: Tonberry Item: n/a Can't: Under Confuse, Berserk, Sleep, Petrify, KO status AP: n/a The opposite of LV Down. Extremely useful if you want to get third class magic when your characters' levels are around 30+. But it could also be dangerous.. but it gives you better magic to draw from, stronger monsters, more rare items, more EXP at the same time. I have actually levelled up Ruby Dragons to level 100 and at the same time, giving Eden some training. That will help to move Eden to Level 100 at a faster rate. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ K a m i k a z e GFs: Cactuar Item: Bomb Spirit Can't: Under Confuse, Berserk, Sleep, Petrify, KO status AP: 100 Under any circumstances, don't ever use this command in a BOSS fight. Using Kamikaze, may does over 9999 HP damage [about 30,000 HP when character's HP is quite high.. about 3 times], but in turn sacrifices a character. The character can't be revived and only be able to revived after the battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ D e v o u r GFs: Eden Item: Hungry Cookpot Can't: Under Confuse, Berserk, Sleep, Petrify, KO status AP: n/a One of most useful commands. It works only against all enemies except for BOSSES. Devour does an instant dead attack [but with a crappy hit rate...] and may leads to bonuses or status. It can also help to build up the characters.. Devour a Ruby Dragon raises all statistics! But most monsters gives recovery to HP, status ailments or reduce HP! Refer to Monster List for more information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ M i n i M o g GFs: n/a Item: Mog's Amulet Can't: Under Confuse, Berserk, Sleep, Petrify, KO status AP: n/a Allows you to summon MiniMog where the MiniMog will do the Mog's Dance which heals all GFs in combat 1,500 HP. Obtainable through Pocketstation only. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______ / 1.5B \________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party Abilities ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Some people just don't bother pay attention to the Basic Tutorial found in Part I. It explains on how to equip commands, abilities to your characters. So refer to Part I, which can also be found at GameFAQs. Party Abilities works like character abilities except has a party effect.. For an example, Enc-None is equipped in one character's ability slot. The entire party will not encounter any monsters. But you must equip in at least one of the character's ability slot. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ M o v e - F i n d GFs: Siren Item: n/a Prequisite: n/a AP: 30 Allows you to uncover hidden draw points and save points. It works well as some of the terrains in the game, looks complicated.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ E n c - H a l f GFs: Diablos Item: n/a Prequisite: n/a AP: 30 Reduce monster encounter rate by 50% or half. Quite a good ability if your characters' HP are running low or lack of curative magic, items, etc. Quite good if you are sick of combat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ E n c - N o n e GFs: Diablos Item: n/a Prequisite: Enc-Half AP: 100 Allows your party do not encounter any enemies. Wow... Quite a good ability as it removes random battle status. Allows you to navigate around the field smoothly.. It is quite good when solving sub-quests such as Obel Lake Mystery or UFO sighting incident. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A l e r t GFs: Cerberus Item: n/a Prequisite: n/a AP: 200 Allows your party never have back attack status. Not much use in battle. But it is great to use this while doing your quest at Deep Sea Research Center. Well, I really hate this.. for as in FF7, you can just simply tap the R2 and L2 and the characters will face the opponents. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ R a r e I t e m GFs: Rare Item Item: n/a Prequisite: n/a AP: 250 I could say that this ability is quite useful but not apply to finding Blue Magic items. In effect, it increases the rate of getting rare items. For your convience, I have illustrate four good examples: Name Defeat Defeat (with Rare Item) Wendigo Steel Orb (Junk) Strength Love, Steel Pipe (GF) Bomb Bomb Fragment (Junk) Bomb Spirit (GF) Bite Bug M-Stone Piece, Magic Wizard Stone (Junk) Stone (Junk) Jelleye Wizard Stone (Junk) Wizard Stone, Healing Water (Junk) But just like other abilities, it not necessary nab you GF items always, in fact, see the examples on Bite Bug and Jelleye. Therefore in order to get Power Generator for Blitz, the best is to not equip Rare Item as it increases the rate of GF Items, ability/ refinement items compared to Compatibility items and Blue Magic Items. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______ / 1.5C \________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Character Abilities ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Character Abilities are actually bonuses to combat and junction. They allows your characters to have bonus abilities such as Mug and HP +80%. They are extremely difficult to find as they are rare items and therefore you may required to get Bahamut's Rare Item and Mug for assistance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP +20% GFs: Diablos, Carbuncle, Brothers AP needed: 60 Does: Maximum HP increased by 20% Prequisite: n/a Item: Regen Ring HP +20% is quite a good Hit Points booster at the beginning as it could increase the character's maximum HP by 20%. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP +40% GFs: Diablos, Carbuncle, Brothers AP needed: 120 Does: Maximum HP increased by 40% Prequisite: HP +20% Item: Giant's Ring HP +40% is really quite a good ability but if you equipped HP +20%, your character can enjoyed a benefit of HP +60%! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP +80% GFs: Diablos, Brothers AP needed: 200 Does: Maximum HP increased by 80% Prequisite: HP +40% Item: Gaea's Ring Wow! Maximum HP increased by 80%! This ability is extremely helpful when you need to boost your character's HP to 9999. [which is essential for BOSS Fights against the Omega..] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Str +20% GFs: Ifrit, Pandemona, Shiva AP needed: 60 Does: Strength increased by 20% Prequisite: n/a Item: Strength Love A great ability for early in the game. The maximum strength stats that character can get is 255.. Even if you have gotten Squall to Level 100, his strength stats is only 170+ at most with 100x Ultima junctioned. Therefore this ability is quite critical. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Str +40% GFs: Ifrit AP needed: 120 Does: Strength increased by 40% Prequisite: Str +20% Item: Power Wrist Str +40% is really a good ability and it will be a great booster for the character's strength! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Str +60% GFs: Bahamut AP needed: n/a Does: Strength increased by 60% Prequisite: n/a Item: Hyper Wrist An ability which could makes a character a strong ally. This ability can increased a huge deal of strength for the character. Let's say if your character strength stats is 100, you can get 160 strength stats with this ability. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vit +20% GFs: Shiva, Carbuncle AP needed: 60 Does: Vitality increased by 20% Prequisite: n/a Item: Turtle Shell Remember this phrase.. A good attacker must has good defense. Vitality is critical important against foes such as Ruby Dragon [its breath weapon does no elemental damage.. unlike in the Japanese version..] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vit +40% GFs: Shiva, Carbuncle AP needed: 120 Does: Vitality increased by 40% Prequisite: Vit +20% Item: Orichalcon The best defense ability that you could get from GFs.. But there is a better ability which requires Adamantine. But Vit +40% is really more than enough. If a monster's strength stats is 255, and the character's defense is 110, that character will recieved 145 points of damage.. Realized the importance of Vitality? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vit +60% GFs: n/a AP needed: n/a Does: Vitality increased by 60% Prequisite: n/a Item: Adamantine Vit +60% is an extremely good ability. Vitality is pretty effective, but at the meanwhile, pretty hard to get.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mag +20% GFs: Quezacotl, Siren, Diablos AP needed: 60 Does: Magic increased by 20% Prequisite: n/a Item: Circlet Quite an important ability.. It affects the amount of damage done by the character through the Magic command. The higher the magic stats, the more damage/healing will be done. Mag +20% is quite a good ability. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mag +40% GFs: Quezacotl, Siren, Diablos AP needed: 120 Does: Magic increased by 40% Prequisite: Mag +20% Item: Hypno Crown It is a better ability compared to Mag +20%. In my opinion, this ability is sufficient to provide enough help for good magic users such as Edea, Selphie and Rinoa. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mag +60% GFs: Bahamut AP needed: n/a Does: Magic increased by 60% Prequisite: n/a Item: Royal Crown Probably the best booster for Magic. This ability has a great effect in turning weak magic users such as Quistis and Zell to good magic users.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Spr +20% GFs: Shiva, Leviathan, Alexander AP needed: 60 Does: Spirit increased by 20% Prequisite: n/a Item: Rune Armlet Spirit works like Vitality instead it increased defense against Magic. Spr +20% is quite a good ability for characters with great spirit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Spr +40% GFs: Shiva, Leviathan AP needed: 60 Does: Spirit increased by 40% Prequisite: Spr +20% Item: Force Armlet Spr +40% is the best ability that the GFs can provide you without any customization. Spr +40% is more than enough.. but insufficient to reach the 255 barrier. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Spr +60% GFs: n/a AP needed: n/a Does: Spirit increased by 60% Prequisite: n/a Item: Magic Armlet Spr +60% is another ability that can recieved through modifying GFs.. But Spr +60% can be good but it may affect your healing rate dramatically.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Spd +20% GFs: Cerberus, Pandemona AP needed: 60 Does: Speed increased by 20% Prequisite: n/a Item: Jet Engine Speed is an important factor as it affects the number of turns that you can used in a battle. Remember that the faster speed, the faster the ATB runs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Spd +40% GFs: Cerberus, Pandemona AP needed: 60 Does: Speed increased by 40% Prequisite: Spd +20% Item: Rocket Engine Spd +40% is the best speed booster that you can get in the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eva +30% GFs: Cactuar, Tonberry AP needed: 200 Does: Evade increased by 30% Prequisite: n/a Item: n/a Evade increased the probability that your character could dodge an attack. But sometimes it also allows your character to dodge magic. In my opinion, it is nearly impossible to get 255 Eva stats as it is impossible unless you have used a gameshark. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Luck +50% GFs: Cactuar, Tonberry, Eden AP needed: 200 Does: Luck increased by 50% Prequisite: n/a Item: n/a Are you lucky? It lowers the character's chances of being targetted and increase the following: - appearance of GF Odin and Gilgamesh. Phoenix, after your entire party is wiped out [provided that you have Phoenix Pinions in your inventory] - increase the rate of critical. Seifer's criticals are the easiest to distinguish as you will see a fire swipe instead of a normal swipe. Criticals are just like Deathblows in FF7 as only they inflicit more damage compared to normal attacks. - Increase the use of Holy War-Trial, Hero-Trial, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Auto Potion GFs: Leviathan, Cactuar, Tonberry AP needed: 150 Does: uses Potions upon being attacked. Prequisite: n/a Item: n/a Well, sometimes this ability do more harm than help.. I was try to get a character in critical status as the result, I have used about 50 Potions... The character will draw out a Potion [can be Mega Potion, X Potion, Hi-Potion+, Hi-Potion, Potion+, Potion] this varies in the item inventory. Your character will use items from the inventory. To prove it to be more effective, equip Med Data... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Auto Reflect GFs: Carbuncle AP needed: 150 Does: have Reflect cast automatically. Prequisite: n/a Item: Glow Curtain I myself personally don't like Reflect as it only reflect certain spells. The character equipped with this ability will have the Reflect status in the beginning. This status can still be removed from the character using Dispel. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Auto Haste GFs: Cerberus AP needed: 150 Does: have Haste cast automatically Prequisite: n/a Item: Accelerator A good ability in terms of combat. Having Haste being cast on the character (Haste increased 2 times the speed of the character's ATB), increased number of turns. Again this status can be removed through using Dispel. [Squall was equipped with this when I fought Griever..] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Auto Shell GFs: Doomtrain AP needed: 200 Does: Have Shell cast automatically Prequisite: n/a Item: Moon Curtain Shell works like Spirit except it halves damage by magic. Auto Shell is pretty good against magic-based BOSSES such as Edea, Adel, the Sorceresses. This status can also be removed through Dispel. Shell is being cast once you have entered the combat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Auto Protect GFs: Bahamut AP needed: 200 Does: Have Protect cast automatically Prequisite: n/a Item: Steel Curtain Protect works like Vitality except it halves damage by physical attacks. Auto Protect is pretty good against physical attack monsters such as Ultima, Omega, Ruby Dragon's Breath. This status can also be removed through Dispel. Protect is being cast once you entered the battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Expend x2-1 GFs: Cerberus, Bahamut, Cactuar AP needed: 250 Does: cast 2 spells for price of 1 Prequisite: n/a Item: n/a One of best abilities you can get from the game. Under Double, your character will be able to cast two magic (e.g. 2x Cura, 2x Ultima, etc.) in a row. Now with Expend x2-1, you will be able to cast 2 spells for the price of one spell. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Expend x3-1 GFs: Eden AP needed: 250 Does: cast 3 spells for price of 1 Prequisite: n/a Item: Three Stars One of best abilities you can get from the game. Under Triple, your character can cast three magic (3x Curaga, 3x Ultima, etc.) in a row. Now with Expend x3-1, you will be able to cast 3 spells for the price of one spell. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mug GFs: Diablos, Bahamut AP needed: 200 Does: steal an item as you attack. Prequisite: n/a Item: n/a Mug is a very important ability in the game as it nabs you important items such as Power Generators, Steel Pipes, etc. But once an enemy is mugged, you can't get any items after you have won the battle. It is just like a double edged sword. But you will nab in more quantity and this based on the character's strength. With the ability equipped, the character's Attack command will be replaced with Mug. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cover GFs: Brothers AP needed: 100 Does: protect ally from attacks. Prequisite: n/a Item: Knight's Code Cover is actually quite a good ability as helps to reduce damage. The character will went in front of the character with a Defend position hence withstand the attack.. But remember that you must make sure that the character does have any commands used. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Counter GFs: Carbuncle AP needed: 200 Does: counter attack when attacked. Prequisite: n/a Item: Monk's Code The character will counter with an Attack command when attacked. Elem-Atk-J, ST-Atk-J, Mug has effect on the attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Initiative GFs: Pandemona, Tonberry, Cactuar AP needed: 160 Does: allow character to attack first Prequisite: n/a Item: n/a Allows the equipped character to have a full ATB at the beginning, giving him/her the first opportunity to choose command. In terms of speed, this really a good ability as I use this, followed summoning GF Cerberus. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Med Data GFs: Alexander AP needed: 200 Does: double usage of healing/support items Prequisite: n/a Item: Doc's Code Allows the equipped character to double the usage of an item. For example, a Potion normally healed 200 HP. With this equipped, the character uses a Potion but it heals 400 HP! Quite a good ability. As for X-Potion maybe it works like a Megalixir [not sure..]. Also affects Hero, Hero-Trial, Holy War-Trial and Holy War. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Move HP-Up GFs: Tonberry, Cactuar, Bahamut AP needed: 200 Does: Restore HP by walking. Prequisite: n/a Item: n/a Remember Cat's Bell in FF7? This works actually the same as Cat's Bell. Just walking on the field, you could restore HP by 1 per step. That's really a good ability when going down the Deep Sea Deposit.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Return Damage GFs: n/a AP needed: n/a Does: returns 1/4 of damage when attack. Prequisite: n/a Item: Hundred Needles A hidden ability. This ability allows the equipped character to do some counter without physically moving.. When the equipped character is attacked by a monster, 1/4 of damage will be returned to that monster automatically. It does not differ from whether it is physical attack or magic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ribbon GFs: n/a AP needed: n/a Does: prevents all status abnormality. Prequisite: n/a Item: Ribbon Another hidden ability which can be only gotten from Pocketstation. It works like a ST-Def-J with all status protected. [Blind, Berserk, Poison, Sleep, Silence, Confuse, Petrify, Sudden Death, Vit 0, Slow, Stop and Curse are all protected.]. It prevents all status abnormality. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP Bonus GFs: Brothers, Cactuar AP needed: 100 Does: allows HP +30 for every level up. Prequisite: HP +80% Item: n/a Gains 30 bonus points for Hit Points as character level up. Let's says the character have 1200 HP at a level of 20. With HP Bonus, the character, at Level 100 can have more than 3600 HP [additions are based the character's normal levelling up.] [applies when equipped] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Str Bonus GFs: Ifrit, Cactuar AP needed: 100 Does: allows Str +1 for every level up. Prequisite: Str +40% Item: n/a Str Bonus is really a great ability especially for Selphie and Rinoa. In fact, Squall really needs this in order to get Str 255.. Otherwise Lion Heart will not be that devastating. For every level up, Str increased by 1. [applies when equipped.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vit Bonus GFs: Carbuncle, Cactuar AP needed: 100 Does: allows Vit +1 for every level up. Prequisite: Vit +40% Item: n/a Vit Bonus works just like the previous two bonuses instead it increase Vit by 1 for every level up [when equipped.] This works when you need to get super strong characters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mag Bonus GFs: Siren, Cactuar AP needed: 100 Does: allows Mag +1 for every level up. Prequisite: Mag +40% Item: n/a Mag Bonus affects Magic stats. It can allow Quistis to be more effective in using magic and does more damage. Mag Bonus increases Mag by 1 for every level up [applies to when it is equipped.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Spr Bonus GFs: Leviathan, Cactuar AP needed: 100 Does: allows Spr +1 for every level up. Prequisite: Spr +40% Item: n/a Spr Bonus affects Spirit stats. Spr Bonus increases Spr by 1 for every level up [applies when it is equipped.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______ / 1.5D \________________________________________________________________ ======================================================================== Junction Abilities ======================================================================== Junction magic to statistics, only causes an improvement in stats. However you can equipped Character and Party abilities through the ability menu of the Junction screen. All GFs, by default has 2 Ability slots for you to equip abilities [not used in combat abilities]. However certain GFs have better junctions such as Ability x3 and Ability x4. Okay that's a brief introduction to Junction Abilities. Let's get started with the list: Abilities ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ability x3 GFs: Diablos, Carbuncle, Cerberus, Alexander AP needed: n/a Does: Allows GF to have 3 ability slots Prequisite: n/a Item: n/a Ability x3 allows you to have 3 slots for equipping abilities such as Mug, Str +20%, Rare Item, Counter, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ability x4 GFs: Bahamut AP needed: n/a Does: Allows GF to have 4 ability slots Prequisite: n/a Item: Rosetta Stone Ability x4 has been possessed by the king of GFs, Bahamut. Ability x4 has 4 ability slots [twice the number of slots of a normal GF..] It allows your characters to have a Mug, Str +40%, Alert, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Junction Junction is extremely important in FF8. As it could change your character dramatically with strong attacking power. Junctioning requires magic to change its effect dramatically.. The stronger the magic and more quantity of that magic you have, the better the junction will be. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP-J GFs: Quezacotl, Ifrit, Brothers, Diablos and Carbuncle AP needed: 50 Does: Allows you to junction magic to HP Prequisite: n/a Item: HP-J Scroll HP-J allows you to junction magic to booster Hit Points. The stronger the magic, the better the junction will be. Increased maximum HP capacity. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Str-J GFs: Shiva, Ifrit, Brothers, Pandemona and Cerberus AP needed: 50 Does: Allows you to junction magic to Str Prequisite: n/a Item: Str-J Scroll Str-J allows you to junction magic to booster Strength. The stronger the magic, the better the junction will be. Strength is critically important as it affects the amount of damage the character does. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vit-J GFs: Quezacotl, Shiva, Carbuncle AP needed: 50 Does: Allows you to junction magic to Vit Prequisite: n/a Item: Vit-J Scroll Vit-J allows you to junction magic to booster Vitality. The stronger the magic, the better the junction will be. Vitality is basically the character's defence stats. The higher the stats, the less damage the character will received from physical attacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mag-J GFs: Quezacotl, Siren, Carbuncle, Leviathan, Cerberus and Diablos AP needed: 50 Does: Allows you to junction magic to Mag Prequisite: n/a Item: Mag-J Scroll Mag-J allows you to junction magic to booster Magic. The stronger the magic, the better the junction will be. Magic is the attacking power of the character when he/ she uses magic. It also affects the healing effect/ draw rate of the character. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Spr-J GFs: Shiva, Brothers, Leviathan, Cerberus and Alexander. AP needed: 50 Does: Allows you to junction magic to Spr Prequisite: n/a Item: Spr-J Scroll Spr-J allows you to junction magic to booster Spirit. The stronger the magic, the better the junction will be. Spirit is the defensive power against magical attacks. It also reduce healing rate of curative magic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Spd-J GFs: Pandemona, Cerberus, Eden AP needed: 120 Does: Allows you to junction magic to Spd Prequisite: n/a Item: Spd-J Scroll Spd-J allows you to junction magic to booster Speed/Dexrity. The stronger the magic, the better the junction will be. The ATB will be moving faster as higher speed stats. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hit-J GFs: Diablos, Cerberus AP needed: 120 Does: Allows you to junction magic to Hit% Prequisite: n/a Item: n/a Hit-J allows you to junction magic to booster Hit rate. The stronger the magic, the better the junction will be. A higher hit rate reduces the rate of misses. Projectile weapons normally carries a better hit rate compared to normal weapons. Gunblade characters have a perfect hit rate. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eva-J GFs: Cactuar, Eden AP needed: 200 Does: Allows you to junction magic to Eva Prequisite: n/a Item: Aegis Amulet Eva-J allows you to junction magic to booster Evade. The stronger the magic, the better the junction will be. Evade is typically the rate that the character will dodge from an attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Luck-J GFs: Cactuar AP needed: 200 Does: Allows you to junction magic to Luck Prequisite: n/a Item: Luck-J Scroll Luck-J allows you to junction magic to booster Luck. The stronger the magic, the better the junction will be. Luck helps a lot in playing RPGs. In FF8, increase the rate of criticals, defense against status that are not guarded, appearance of GF Odin and Gilgamesh, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elemental/ Status Junction Not much emphasis in the previous FF series... But in FF8, this is an ability that you must know.. Almost all monsters carries an elements and each carries a different element. Elements are strong against opposite elements: e.g. Fire is strong against Ice-element monsters. However if it is same element, it results no damage.. sometimes even healed the monster! Just remember that what element the monster use to attack you, don't use that element. That's how I figured out Tiamat's weakness. I have junction 100x Flare to absorb its Dark Flare. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elem-Atk-J GFs: Quezacotl, Shiva, Ifrit, Brothers, Leviathan, Pandemona, Alexander, Doomtrain. AP needed: 160 Does: junction magic to Elem-Atk Prequisite: all junctions Item: Elem Atk Gives your character an attacking element. The more magic is being junctioned to it, the better the effect of Junction will be. For example, you junction Blizzaga to Elem-Atk-J, you inflicit more damage on Fire based monsters such as Bombs. But lesser/no damage/ damage absorbed against Ice based monsters such as Snow Lions. Refer to Monster List for more information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elem-Def-J GFs: Quezacotl, Shiva, Ifrit, Brothers, Pandemona, Alexander AP needed: 100 Does: junction magic to Elem-Def Prequisite: all junctions Item: n/a Opposite of Elem-Atk. Instead have an elemental based weapon, your character will have an elemental based armor. The better and more quantity of magic you have, the better the junction will be. Certain magic affects more than one element [e.g. Meteor]. Ultima and Apocalyse affects all elements. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elem-Def-J x2 GFs: Quezacotl, Shiva, Ifrit, Leviathan, Pandemona, Alexander AP needed: 130 Does: junction 2 magic to Elem-Def Prequisite: Elem-Def-J Item: n/a Just like Elem-Def-J, just that you will be able to junction 2 magic instead of 1 magic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elem-Def-J x4 GFs: Alexander, Doomtrain AP needed: 180 Does: junction 4 magic to Elem-Def Prequisite: Elem-Def-J x2 Item: Elem Guard Just like Elem-Def-J, just that you will be able to junction 4 magic instead of 1 magic ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ST-Atk-J GFs: Siren, Carbuncle, Cerberus, Doomtrain AP needed: 160 Does: junction magic to ST-Atk Prequisite: all junctions Item: Status Atk When using the Attack command, your character will be inflicit the junctioned status ailments at the same time. Blind and Sleep are the hot favourites among all. Drain works well, but it really sucks when you are fighting against undead and same elemental monster. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ST-Def-J GFs: Siren, Carbuncle, Cerberus AP needed: 100 Does: junction magic to ST-Def Prequisite: all junctions Item: n/a Opposite of ST-ATk-J. You can junction magic to the character so that the character will be immune against the particular status. [provide it is 100x of that spell]. The higher number of spells, the better the junction will be. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ST-Def-J x2 GFs: Siren, Carbuncle, Cerberus AP needed: 130 Does: junction 2 magics to ST-Def Prequisite: ST-Def-J Item: n/a Same as ST-Def-J and the only difference is that your character can be protected against two status ailments instead of one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ST-Def-J x4 GFs: Doomtrain, Cerberus AP needed: 180 Does: junction 4 magics to ST-Def Prequisite: ST-Def-J x2 Item: Status Guard Same as ST-Def-J and the only difference is that your character can be protected against four status ailments instead of one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______ / 1.5E \________________________________________________________________ ======================================================================== GF Abilities ======================================================================== Besides characters get upgrades, GFs too, also get upgrades in terms of attacking power and Hit Points. GFs have auto Mov HP-Up. Boost is one of useful abilities in the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SumMag +10% GFs: Quezacotl, Shiva, Ifrit, Siren, Brothers Leviathan, Pandemona, Alexander, Doomtrain, Bahamut, Tonberry, Eden AP needed: 40 Does: increase summon damage by 10% Prequisite: n/a Item: Steel Pipe It increase damage summoned by GFs by 10%. The stronger the GF [or GFs have attained higher levels], the more damage it will inflicit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SumMag +20% GFs: Quezacotl, Shiva, Ifrit, Siren, Brothers Leviathan, Pandemona, Alexander, Doomtrain, Bahamut, Tonberry, Eden AP needed: 70 Does: increase summon damage by 20% Prequisite: SumMag +10% Item: Star Fragment It increase damage summoned by GFs by 20%. The stronger the GF [or GFs have attained higher levels], the more damage it will inflicit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SumMag +30% GFs: Quezacotl, Shiva, Ifrit, Siren, Brothers Leviathan, Pandemona, Alexander, Doomtrain, Bahamut, Tonberry, Eden AP needed: 140 Does: increase summon damage by 30% Prequisite: SumMag +20% Item: Energy Crystal It increase damage summoned by GFs by 30%. The stronger the GF [or GFs have attained higher levels], the more damage it will inflicit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SumMag +40% GFs: Doomtrain, Bahamut, Eden AP needed: 200 Does: increase summon damage by 40% Prequisite: SumMag +30% Item: Samantha's Soul It increase damage summoned by GFs by 40%. The stronger the GF [or GFs have attained higher levels], the more damage it will inflicit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GF HP +10% GFs: All GFs AP needed: 40 Does: increase GF's HP by 10% Prequisite: n/a Item: Healing Mail It increases the GF's maximum HP by 10%. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GF HP +20% GFs: All GFs AP needed: 70 Does: increase GF's HP by 20% Prequisite: GF HP +10% Item: Silver Mail It increases the GF's maximum HP by 20%. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GF HP +30% GFs: Brothers, Diablos, Carbuncle, Leviathan, Pandemona, Alexander, Doomtrain, Bahamut Cactuar, Tonberry and Eden AP needed: 140 Does: increase GF's HP by 30% Prequisite: GF HP +20% Item: Gold Armor It increases the GF's maximum HP by 30% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GF HP +40% GFs: Doomtrain, Bahamut, Eden AP needed: 200 Does: increase GF's HP by 40% Prequisite: GF HP +30% Item: Diamond Armor It increases the GF's maximum HP by 40% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boost GFs: Quezacotl, Shiva, Ifrit, Siren, Brothers Leviathan, Pandemona, Alexander, Doomtrain, Bahamut, Cactuar, Tonberry, Eden AP needed: 10 Does: boost GF to inflict a higher damage Prequisite: n/a Item: n/a One of the greatest abilities in game. This ability can allow you to inflict more damage. Remember that Boost is critically important as it allows you to inflict roughly 3 times more.. You will first needed to enter the combat and summon a GF (mentioned in "GFs"). Next you will see a box with the summon attack's name. Hold down SELECT button and you will find a Square button [PSX's Square button], the counter says 75. Just tap Square repeatedly and the numbers will rise up! The higher the numbers, the stronger the summon will be. But there are generally obstacles. A red cross will appear between the summon.. Just stop and wait for it to disappear. The highest Boost figure you can gone is 250 and I myself believed only GF Eden could do it. But it is possible for other GFs. Provided you have high affection and a turbo controller. With turbo on, just hold down turbo and watch the number rises! I can't really tell when the Square is going to appear.. as it is random. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______ / 1.5F \________________________________________________________________ ======================================================================== Menu Abilities ======================================================================== In the main menu, you will find a sub-header called "Ability". At the beginning of the game, it is greyed-out. But it will become avaliable once you have at least mastered one menu ability. Menu Ability are important as they could turn useless stuffs in valuable/ hard-to-find stuffs. But they can be really tedious and time- consuming. Menu Abilities can only be used while you are not in combat. Remember the all menu abilities can't be learned else where. Hence don't ever eliminate them. There are many types of meny abilities and here is a unclassified group.. I don't know where to put them. Therefore I would called it a "Miscellaneous Menu Abilities" Miscellaneous ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Card-Mod-RF GFs: Quezacotl AP needed: 80 Does: refine cards into items. Prequisite: Card, all menu Item: n/a abilties Card-Mod-RF is really a good skill as it convert cards into usable items. A lot of people dislike the idea of converting rare cards into items, but can't be helped for those without a Pocketstation. The Pocketstation really aids to nab some of rare items such as Ribbon and Mog's Amulet which can't be obtained for those who don't owned a Pocketstation. Worst of all, even items such as Energy Crystal takes such a long time to get. As for the list, refer to card list section ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Junk Shop GFs: Doomtrain AP needed: n/a Does: called a Junk shop at any spot. Prequisite: n/a Item: n/a Call Junk Shop allows you to call a Junk Shop no matter where you are. A Junk Shop is actually a shop where you are allowed to remodel your weapons. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Haggle GFs: Tonberry AP needed: 150 Does: gives you a discount of 25% Prequisite: n/a Item: n/a With this ability, you can get a discount of 25% of the items. Hmm.. you can buy items in huge quantity with that. [automatically take effect once learnt] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Familiar GFs: Tonberry AP needed: 150 Does: allows you to buy rare items. Prequisite: n/a Item: n/a Wow.. quite a good ability when you need to get as many rare items such as Hypno Crown, Force Armlet, Power Wrist, Orichalcon, Str-J Scroll, Weapon Mon 1st Issue, etc. [automatically take effect once learnt.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sell High GFs: Tonberry AP needed: 200 Does: selling price without discount Prequisite: Familiar, Haggle Item: n/a This ability will allows you to sell items at the usual price (half of the usual price of the item). [automatically take effect once learnt] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Call Shop GFs: Tonberry AP needed: 200 Does: call item shop no matter where you are. Prequisite: Sell High Item: n/a This ability enables you to call any item shop (just choose from the menu) that you have visited. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Magic Refinement I have just added/corrected a few miscellaneous bits of important information regarding some of the refinements. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ T Mag-RF [Thunder Magic Refinement] GFs: Quezacotl AP: 30 What it does: refine items into thunder and wind magic Prequisite: n/a 1x M-Stone Piece = 5x Thunder 1x Magic Stone = 5x Thundara 1x Wizard Stone = 5x Thundaga 1x Corel Fragement = 20x Thundara 1x Dynamo Stone = 20x Thundaga 1x Shear Feather = 20x Aero 1x Windmill = 20x Tornado ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Mag-RF [Ice Magic Refinement] GFs: Shiva AP: 30 What it does: refine items into ice and water magic. Prequisite: n/a 1x M-Stone Piece = 5x Blizzard 1x Magic Stone = 5x Blizzara 1x Wizard Stone = 5x Blizzaga 1x Arctic Wind = 20x Blizzara 1x North Wind = 20x Blizzaga 1x Fish Fin = 20x Water 1x Water Crystal = 50x Water ------------------------------------------------------------------------ F Mag-RF [Fire Magic Refinement] GFs: Ifrit AP: 30 What it does: refine items into fire and flare magic Prequisite: n/a 1x M-Stone Piece = 5x Fire 1x Magic Stone = 5x Fira 1x Wizard Stone = 5x Firaga 1x Bomb Fragment = 20x Fira 1x Red Fang = 20x Firaga 1x Bomb Spirit = 100x Firaga 1x Phoenix Pinion = 100x Firaga 1x Phoenix Spirit = 100x Firaga 1x Flare Stone = 1x Flare 1x Inferno Fang = 20x Flare ------------------------------------------------------------------------ L Mag-RF [Life Magic Refinement] GFs: Siren AP: 30 What it does: refine items into recovery and life magic Prequisite: n/a 1x M-Stone Piece = 5x Cure 1x Magic Stone = 5x Cura 1x Wizard Stone = 5x Curaga 1x Healing Water = 20x Cura 1x Whisper = 50x Curaga 1x Healing Mail = 20x Curaga 1x Healing Ring = 100x Curaga 1x Tent = 10x Curaga 1x Cottage = 20x Curaga 1x Mesmerize Blade = 20x Regen 1x Life Ring = 20x Life 1x Regen Ring = 20x Full-Life 1x Phoenix Spirit = 100x Full-Life 1x Moon Stone = 20x Holy 1x Holy Stone = 1x Holy 1x Holy Water = 2x Zombie 1x Zombie Powder = 20x Zombie 1x Saw Blade = 10x Death 1x Dead Spirit = 20x Death 1x Chef's Knife = 30x Death 1x Death Stone = 1x Death ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Time Mag-RF [Time Magic Refinement] GFs: Diablos AP: 30 What it does: refine items into time support and earth magic Prequisite: n/a 1x M-Stone Piece = 5x Slow 1x Magic Stone = 5x Haste 1x Wizard Stone = 5x Stop 1x Lightweight = 20x Haste 1x Spider Web = 20x Slow 1x Aegis Amulet = 100x Haste 1x Accelerator = 100x Haste 1x Dino Bone = 20x Quake 1x Steel Orb = 15x Demi 1x Black Hole = 30x Demi 1x Dragon Fin = 20x Double 1x Rocket Engine = 30x Triple 1x Samantha Soul = 60x Triple 1x Three Stars = 100x Triple ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ST Mag-RF (Status Magic Refinement) GFs: Diablos AP: 30 What it does: refines items into status-changing magic. Prequisite: n/a 1x M-Stone Piece = 5x Silence 1x Magic Stone = 5x Berserk 1x Wizard Stone = 5x Bio 1x Eye Drops = 1x Blind 1x Ochu Tentacle = 30x Blind 1x Betrayal Sword = 20x Confuse 1x Sleep Powder = 20x Sleep 1x Cockatrice Pinion = 20x Break 1x Soft = 3x Break 1x Steel Pipe = 20x Berserk 1x Silence Powder = 20x Silence 1x Echo Screen = 2x Silence 1x Venom Fang = 20x Bio 1x Antidote = 1x Bio 1x Malboro Tentacle = 40x Bio 1x Curse Spike = 10x Pain 1x Mystery Fluid = 10x Meltdown ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Supt Mag-RF (Support Magic Refinement) GFs: Leviathan AP: 30 What it does: refines items into support magic. 1x M-Stone Piece = 5x Esuna 1x Magic Stone = 5x Dispel 1x Wizard Stone = 20x Dispel 1x Dragon Fang = 20x Esuna 1x Remedy = 5x Esuna 1x Med Kit = 100x Esuna 1x Saw Blade = 20x Dispel 1x Protect Stone = 1x Protect 1x Turtle Shell = 30x Protect 1x Giant Ring = 60x Protect 1x Steel Curtain = 100x Protect 1x Shell Stone = 1x Shell 1x Rune Armlet = 40x Shell 1x Barrier = 40x Shell 1x Moon Curtain = 100x Shell 1x Dragon Skin = 20x Reflect 1x Glow Curtain = 100x Reflect 1x Vampire Fang = 20x Drain 1x Aura Stone = 1x Aura 1x Fury Fragment = 5x Aura ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Forbid Mag-RF [Forbidden Magic Refinement] GFs: Bahmaut AP: 30 What it does: refine items into powerful magic Prequisite: n/a 1x Meteor Stone = 1x Meteor 1x Star Fragment = 5x Meteor 1x Ultima Stone = 1x Ultima 5x Pulse Ammo = 1x Ultima 1x Energy Crystal = 3x Ultima 1x Dark Matter = 100x Ultima ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mid Mag-RF (Medium Class Magic Refinement) GF: Quezacotl AP: 60 What it does: refine primary class magic to secondary class magic Prequisite: T Mag-RF 5x Blizzard = 1x Blizzara 5x Fire = 1x Fira 5x Thunder = 1x Thundara 5x Cure = 1x Cura ------------------------------------------------------------------------ High Mag-RF (High Class Magic Refinement) GF: Alexander AP: 120 What it does: refine secondary class magic to high class magic Prequisite: n/a 5x Blizzara = 1x Blizzaga 5x Fira = 1x Firaga 5x Thundara = 1x Thundaga 5x Cura = 1x Curaga 10x Aero = 1x Tornado 10x Double = 1x Triple ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Item Refinement GFs Item are rarely dropped from monsters, even with Rare Item equipped. The best method to get them is either through the Pocketstation [if you owned one..] and the refinement process [non-Pocketstation owners will have to suffer like me.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Recov Med-RF (Recovery Medicine Refinement) GF: Carbuncle AP: 30 What it does: change items into recovery items Prequisite: n/a 1x Healing Mail = 6x Hi-Potion 1x Healing Water = 2x Hi-Potion 4x Tent = 1x Mega Potion 2x Cottage = 1x Mega Potion 1x Healing Ring = 20x Mega Potion 1x Mesmerize Blade = 20x Mega Potion 1x Life Ring = 2x Phoenix Down 1x Regen Ring = 8x Phoenix Down 1x Phoenix Spirit = 100x Phoenix Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ST Med-RF (Status Medicine Refinement) GF: Siren AP: 30 What it does: refine item into status restoring items Prequisite: n/a 1x Poison Powder = 3x Antidotes 1x Venom Fang = 10x Antidotes 1x Cockatrice Pinion = 3x Soft 1x Ochu Tentacle = 3x Eye Drops 1x Silence Powder = 3x Echo Screen 1x Zombie Powder = 3x Holy Water 5x Betrayal Sword = 1x Remedy 5x Sleep Powder = 1x Remedy 1x Dragon Fang = 1x Remedy 1x Malboro Tentacle = 2x Remedy 1x Med Kit = 20x Remedy ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ammo-RF (Ammo Refinement) GF: Ifrit AP: 30 What it does: refine items into ammo. Prequisite: F Mag-RF 1x Screw = 8x Normal Ammo 1x Normal Ammo = 1x Fast Ammo 1x Shotgun Ammo = 2x Fast Ammo 1x Bomb Fragment = 20x Fire Ammo 1x Red Fang = 40x Fire Ammo 1x Fuel = 10x Fire Ammo 1x Poison Powder = 10x Dark Ammo 1x Venom Fang = 20x Dark Ammo 1x Missile = 20x Demolition Ammo 1x Running Fire = 40x Demolition Ammo 1x Cactus Thorn = 40x Demolition Ammo 1x Sharp Spike = 10x AP Ammo 1x Chef's Knife = 20x AP Ammo 1x Laser Cannon = 5x Pulse Ammo 1x Energy Crystal = 10x Pulse Ammo 1x Power Generator = 20x Pulse Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tool-RF (Tool Refinement) GF: Siren AP: 30 What it does: change item into tools. Prequisite: n/a 1x Healing Water = 2x Tent 1x Regen Ring = 5x Tent 1x Whisper = 1x Cottage 1x Healing Ring = 30x Cottage 1x Diamond Armor = 50x Cottage 1x Rune Armlet = 10x Shell Stone 1x Force Armlet = 30x Shell Stone 1x Turtle Shell = 10x Protect Stone 1x Orihalcon = 30x Protect Stone 1x Steel Pipe = 1x Aura Stone 1x Fury Fragment = 2x Aura Stone 1x Strength Love = 2x Aura Stone 1x Circlet = 2x Aura Stone 1x Power Wrist = 10x Aura Stone 1x Hypno Crown = 10x Aura Stone 1x Dead Spirit = 2x Death Stone 1x Inferno Fang = 2x Flare Stone 1x Moon Stone = 2x Holy Stone 1x Star Fragment = 2x Meteor Stone 1x Energy Crystal = 2x Ultima 3x Mega Phoenix = 1x Phoenix Pinion 1x Magic Scroll = 10x Wizard Stone 1x GF Scroll = 10x Wizard Stone 1x Draw Scroll = 10x Wizard Stone 1x Rosetta Stone = 1x Shaman Stone 1x Item Scroll = 10x Wizard 1x Gambler Spirit = 10x Wizard Stone 1x Hungry Cookpot = 1x Shaman Stone 1x Mog Amulet = 1x Shaman Stone 1x Dark Matter = 1x Shaman Stone 1x Shaman Stone = 1x LuvLuv G 100x Curse Spike = 1x Dark Matter* * This option is NOT shown under the GF information screen. But you must get GF Siren to level 100 and you can do the following refinement. Well, maybe it is a hidden ability. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Forbid Med-RF (Forbidden Medicine Refinement) GF: Doomtrain AP: 200 What it does: change items into hard-to-get items. 20x Mega Potion = 1x Elixir 1x Elem Atk = 4x Elixir 1x Elem Guard = 4x Elixir 1x Status Atk = 4x Elixir 1x Status Guard = 4x Elixir 1x Doc's Code = 1x Megalixir 1x Med Kit = 2x Megalixir 1x Gaea's Ring = 1x HP Up 10x Hyper Wrist = 1x Str Up 1x Monk's Code = 1x Str Up 5x Adamantine = 1x Vit Up 10x Royal Crown = 1x Mag Up 10x Magic Armlet = 1x Spr Up 2x Aegis Amulet = 1x Spd Up 50x Jet Engine = 1x Spd Up 5x Rocket Engine = 1x Spd Up 1x Hundred Needles = 1x Spd Up 1x Luck-J Scroll = 1x Luck Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GFRecov Med-RF (GF Recovery Medicine Refinement) GF: Leviathan AP: 30 What it does: refine items into GF recovery items. Prequisite: n/a 1x Healing Water = 2x G Hi-Potion 1x Mesmerize Blade = 2x G Hi-Potion 1x Whisper = 4x G Hi-Potion 1x Healing Ring = 20x G Mega Potion 1x Pet House = 2x G-Returner 1x Life Ring = 2x G-Returner 1x Regen Ring = 6x G-Returner 1x Phoenix Spirit = 40x G-Returner 1x Healing Mail = 1x Pet House 1x Silver Mail = 2x Pet House 1x Gold Armor = 4x Pet House 1x Diamond Armor = 16x Pet House ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Med LV Up (Medicine Level Up) GF: Alexander AP: 120 What it does: refine items into higher-level items Prequisite: Med Data 3x Potion = 1x Potion+ 3x Potion+ = 1x Hi-Potion 3x Hi-Potion = 1x Hi-Potion+ 3x Hi-Potion+ = 1x Mega Potion 3x Mega Potion = 1x X Potion 50x Phoenix Down = 1x Mega Phoenix 10x Remedy = 1x Remedy+* 10x Remedy+ = 1x Elixir 10x Hero-trial = 1x Hero 10x Hero = 1x Holy War-trial 10x Holy War-trial = 1x Holy War 10x Elixir = 1x Megalixir * This ability is critical to get GF Doomtrain. Refer to GF Bestiary for more information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GFAbl Med-RF (GF Ability Medicine Refinement) GF: Eden AP: 30 What it does: refine items into GF Ability items. Prequisite: n/a 1x Dark Matter = 1x Luck-J Scroll 2x HP Up = 1x HP-J Scroll 2x Str Up = 1x Str-J Scroll 2x Vit Up = 1x Vit-J Scroll 2x Mag Up = 1x Mag-J Scroll 2x Spr Up = 1x Spr-J Scroll 2x Spd Up = 1x Spd-J Scroll 2x Luck Up = 1x Luck-J Scroll 2x Moon Curtain = 1x Monk's Code 5x Silver Mail = 1x Gold Armor 5x Gold Armor = 1x Diamond Armor 5x Holy War = 1x Knight's Code 10x HP-J Scroll = 1x Giant Ring 10x Str-J Scroll = 1x Power Wrist 10x Vit-J Scroll = 1x Orihalcon 10x Mag-J Scroll = 1x Hypno Crown 10x Spr-J Scroll = 1x Force Armlet 10x Spd-J Scroll = 1x Accelerator 10x Accelerator = 1x Rocket Engine 10x Elixir = 1x Doc's Code 10x Giant Ring = 1x Gaea's Ring 10x Power Wrist = 1x Hyper Wrist 10x Orihalcon = 1x Adamantine 10x Force Armlet = 1x Magic Armlet 10x Hypno Crown = 1x Royal Crown 20x Magic Armlet = 1x Moon Curtain 20x Adamantine = 1x Steel Curtain 20x Royal Crown = 1x Status Attack 20x Phoenix Pinion = 1x Phoenix Spirit 50x Barrier = 1x Aegis Amulet 50x Energy Crystal = 1x Samantha Soul 100x Lightweight = 1x Accelerator 100x Dragon Fang = 1x Med Kit 100x Malboro Tentacle = 1x Moon Curtain 100x Whisper = 1x Healing Ring 100x Bomb Fragment = 1x Bomb Spirit 100x Dragon Skin = 1x Glow Curtain 100x Cactus Thorn = 1x Hundred Needles 1x Shaman Stone = 1x Rosetta Stone ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well, that's all. If you want to know what each item does, refer to the Item Bestiary. _____ / 2.0 \_________________________________________________________________ ======================================================================== List of Magic ======================================================================== Magic is proved to be rather useful in all FF series. In FF8, you won't have the Materia System in FF7. But instead you will be able to "draw" them from sources of magic known as "draw points". Magic does not requires MP [Mind Points or Magic Points] anymore. Instead you can stocked them up from monsters too. Advance spells can be obtained from stronger foes. Ability Points, in FF7, is used to level up Materia. Whereas in FF8, they are used for GF Abilities. Frequently Asked Questions about Magic How to stock magic? ["3-Ways to stock Magic"] Use Draw command [for more details on Draw, refer to GF Abilities section]. You can either stock from the following 2 options: - draw from a monster [refer to Monsters FAQ, or Monster Bestiary] - draw from Draw Points [refer to Walkthrough] The third method is through refinement such as T Mag-RF [refer to GF Menu Abilities, Magic Refinement for more details] Where can I get more Aura? Aura is a big headache.. can't be draw from BOSSES, except for Seifer, during the fight at Lunatic Pandora in Disc 3. The last method as the remember the "3-ways" to stock magic [refer to the question above] is through refinement. You can refine 1x Fury Fragment [defeat low level Ruby Dragons or mug high levels Blue Dragons] and you can get 5x Aura per Fury Fragment! Where can I find the Apocalyse? Sad to say, there may not have any other alternate methods beside draw from the lower part of last BOSS. One method is through Game Shark, and worst of all, my Game Shark is outdated ^_^;. Still figuring out another method. BTW, the method to get the most powerful spells are summarized under the Strategies Section against Weapons. Apocalyse is the strongest booster from all magic. Since you can't get this, then Ultima will be your best bet. Element Arts Nothing pays off without any work... Element Arts is very important when comes to magic. 1. NEVER ever use same-elemental based magic on the same-elemental monsters. It will do not damage on them or they will absorb them [ in other words, use it to regenerate lost HP]. One good example is using Fire on the Ifrit. 2. Fire-based monsters are basically weak against Cold/Water-based spells. This also applies vice-versa. 3. Humans basically are weak against status disorder and Poison. Poison, on the other hand, has no effect on mechanical beasts. 4. Lightning/Water/Cold works best against mechanical beasts. Fire works quite well on Poison-based monsters. Wind works well against flying creatures. [of course, there are some exceptions.] Wind is also great against Earth. 5. Holy works best against undead monsters. Healing magic is good example of Holy-elemental spell. 6. The damage inflicts depends solemnly on the Magic attributes of the character. Example, a character with Magic 136 will do more damage than a character will Magic 79 with the same spell. This also effects the drawing of magic spells. The higher the stats, the more benefits the character will do with using magic. 7. This also applies to Magical defense [called Spirit]. You can raises the stats by using sources such as Mag Up and Spr Up. 8. Element magic can sometimes cure your characters.. Just have a 100x Firaga [must be ultimate class and have 100x of it] and junction it to Elem-Def-J. Next just draw any Fire element spell and your character will be healed. But not that the healing will not be that great if your character has higher Spirit than Magic. Your characters can only uses Magic through Magic Command. However under status ailments such as KO, Petrify, Silence, Sleep, Confuse and Berserk, the character can't be able to excute the command. There are certain magic which can be activate by using stones. If you use an Aura Stone, it has the same effect as Aura. But stones are only avaliable for certain kind of spells. There are generally five types of magic and they are summarised below: Status Magic: magic that carries a status ailment. Element Magic: magic that carries an element Curative Magic: magic that restores HP Support Magic: magic that are used to aid your characters in combat Non Element Magic: attacking magic that carries no element. _____ / 2.1 \_________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Curative Magic ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Curative Magic is extremely important as it aids your character by restoring HP so that your character could withstand the battle longer. Curative magic can be also attacking magic against undead. So remember to remove Zombie status or you are in deep shit! C u r e ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Weak recovery magic for one ally. Restores only a small portion of HP. But it can very as effective as a Hi-Potion when your character has gotten high magic stats. Refinement: 1x M-Stone Piece -> 1x Cure [Siren's L Mag-RF] C u r a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Medium recovery magic for one ally. Restores roughly above 2/3 of the character's maximum HP. Quite easy to get it later in the game. Cura means "Cure 2" Refinement: 1x Magic Stone -> 1x Cura [Siren's L Mag-RF] 1x Healing Water -> 20x Cura [Siren's L Mag-RF] 5x Cure -> 1x Cura [Quezacotl's Mid Mag-RF] C u r a g a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strong recovery magic for one ally. Restores between 70% to 80% of the character's maximum HP. This magic is extremely useful later in the game. Make sure all character have this magic. Curaga means "Cure 3" Refinement: 1x Wizard Stone -> 1x Curaga [Siren's L Mag-RF] 1x Whisper -> 50x Curaga [Siren's L Mag-RF] 1x Healing Mail -> 20x Curaga [Siren's L Mag-RF] 1x Healing Ring -> 100x Curaga [Siren's L Mag-RF] 1x Tent -> 10x Curaga [Siren's L Mag-RF] 1x Cottage -> 20x Curaga [Siren's L Mag-RF] 5x Cura -> 1x Curaga [Alexander's High Mag-RF] F u l l - C u r e ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Extremely strong recovery magic for all allies. Restores fully HP for all characters. Only Selphie could use this magic. You can only get this, by selecting it randomly through her Slots Limit Break. R e g e n ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Great curative magic when comes to combat. This magic works extremely well when you are battling tough BOSSES. Regen recovers about 5% of the character's HP per turn [unlike FF7's 1 HP per second..]. Regen, however can be removed, using Dispel and it will eventually wears off through time lapse. Refinement: 1x Mesmerize Blade -> 20x Regen [Siren's L Mag-RF] L i f e ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Weak life recovery magic. But in my opinion, I would rather use this than Full-Life as it allows your characters to unleashes their Limit Breaks. Life Magic removes K.O Status and also restores about 10% of the character's HP. In this way, the character will be definately be in Critical or Crisis status. Phoenix Downs typically works like Life. Refinement: 1x Life Ring -> 20x Life [Siren's L Mag-RF] Elemental and Status Defense: 100x Life to Elem-Def-J [30% defense against all elements] 100x Life to ST-Def-J [20% defense against Death] F u l l - L i f e ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Extreme life recovery magic. Full-Life looks extremely alike Raise in FFT or FF7. Not only removes the K.O Status but also brings the character back to full HP. But it does not work that most of the times, I guess it has something do with the character's Mag stats. Refinement 1x Regen Ring -> 20x Full-Life [Siren's L Mag-RF] 1x Phoenix Spirit -> 100x Full-Life [Siren's L Mag-RF] Elemental and Status Defense: 100x Full-Life to Elem-Def-J [40% defense against all elements] 100x Full-Life to ST-Def-J [40% defense against Death] _____ / 2.2 \_________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elementa; Magic ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elemental Magic has rather famous in FF series such as Fire, Ice [in FF8, they called it Blizzard] and others. Most elemental magic provides booster against their respective elements. But the Elem-Atk-J and Elem Def-J has nearly confuses almost everyone. For those whom have problems regarding the Elem-Atk-J and Elem-Def-J, please refer to GF Junction Abilities for more info. F i r e ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Weak fire magic against one enemy. Fire is pretty weak against Fire based monsters but strong against Ice/Cold element. Fire is quite a good booster against Fire element in terms of Elemental Defense and Attack. Refinement: 1x M-Stone Piece -> 5x Fire [Ifrit's F Mag-RF] Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Fire to Elem-Atk-J [50%] 100x Fire to Elem-Def-J [50%] F i r a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Medium fire magic against one enemy. Fira is pretty weak against Fire based monsters but strong against Ice/Cold element. Fira is quite a good booster against Fire element in terms of Elemental Defense and Attack Refinement: 1x Magic Stone -> 5x Fira [Ifrit's F Mag-RF] 1x Bomb Fragment -> 20x Fira [Ifrit's F Mag-RF] 5x Fire -> 1x Fira [Quezacotl's Mid Mag-RF] Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Fira to Elem-Atk-J [80%] 100x Fira to Elem-Def-J [80%] F i r a g a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strong fire magic against one enemy. Firaga is pretty weak against Fire based monsters but strong against Ice/Cold element. Firaga is quite a good booster against Fire element in terms of Elemental Defense and Attack. Refinement: 1x Wizard Stone -> 5x Firaga [Ifrit's F Mag-RF] 1x Red Fang -> 20x Firaga [Ifrit's F Mag-RF] 1x Bomb Spirit -> 100x Firaga [Ifrit's F Mag-RF] 1x Phoenix Pinion -> 100x Firaga [Ifrit's F Mag-RF] 1x Phoenix Spirit -> 100x Firaga [Ifrit's F Mag-RF] 5x Fira -> 1x Firaga [Alexander's High Mag-RF] Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Firaga to Elem-Atk-J [100%] 100x Firaga to Elem-Def-J [120%] B l i z z a r d ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Weak ice magic against one enemy. Blizzard is pretty weak against Ice based monsters but strong against Fire element. Blizzard is quite a good booster against Ice in terms of Elemental Defense and Attack. Refinement: 1x M-Stone Piece -> 5x Blizzard [Shiva's I Mag-RF] Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Blizzard to Elem-Atk-J [50%] 100x Blizzard to Elem-Def-J [50%] B l i z z a r a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Medium Ice magic against one enemy. Blizzara is pretty weak against Ice based monsters but strong against Fire element. Blizzara is quite a good booster against Ice in terms of Elemental Defense and Attack. Refinement: 1x Magic Stone -> 5x Blizzara [Shiva's I Mag-RF] 1x Arctic Wind -> 20x Blizzara [Shiva's I Mag-RF] 5x Blizzard -> 1x Blizzara [Quezacotl's Mid Mag-RF] Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Blizzara to Elem-Atk-J [80%] 100x Blizzara to Elem-Def-J [80%] B l i z z a g a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strong Ice magic against one enemy. Blizzarga is pretty weak against Ice based monsters but strong against Fire element. Blizzaga is quite a good booster against Ice in terms of Elemental Defense and Attack. Refinement: 1x Wizard Stone -> 5x Blizzaga [Shiva's I Mag-RF] 1x North Wind -> 20x Blizzaga [Shiva's I Mag-RF] 5x Blizzara -> 1x Blizzaga [Alexander's High Mag-RF] Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Blizzaga to Elem-Atk-J [100%] 100x Blizzaga to Elem-Def-J [120%] W a t e r ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Medium Water magic against one enemy. Water is pretty strong against monsters in the desert except for monsters that use Water element attacks. A good magic to boost for Water Element in terms of Elemental Defense and Attack. Refinement: 1x Fish Fin -> 20x Water [Shiva's I Mag-RF] 1x Water Crystal -> 50x Water [Shiva's I Mag-RF] Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Water to Elem-Atk-J [100%] 100x Water to Elem-Def-J [150%] T h u n d e r ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Weak thunder magic against one enemy. Thunder works well against mechanical beasts except for monsters that use Thunder element attacks. Thunder is quite a good booster against Thunder, in terms of Elemental Defense and Attack. Refinement: 1x M-Stone Piece -> 5x Thunder [Quezacotl's T Mag-RF] Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Thunder to Elem-Atk-J [50%] 100x Thunder to Elem-Def-J [50%] T h u n d a r a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Medium thunder magic against one enemy. Thundara works well against mechanical beasts except for monsters that use Thunder element attacks. Thundara is quite a good booster against Thunder, in terms of Elemental Defense and Attack. Refinement: 1x Magic Stone -> 5x Thundara [Quezacotl's T Mag-RF] 1x Coral Fragment -> 20x Thundara [Quezacotl's T Mag-RF] 5x Thunder -> 1x Thundara [Quezacotl's Mid Mag-RF] Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Thundara to Elem-Atk-J [80%] 100x Thundara to Elem-Def-J [80%] T h u n d a g a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strong thunder magic against one enemy. Thundaga works well against mechanical beasts except for monsters that use Thunder element attacks. Thundaga is quite a good booster against Thunder, in terms of Elemental Defense and Attack. Refinement: 1x Wizard Stone -> 5x Thundaga [Quezacotl's T Mag-RF] 1x Dynamo Stone -> 20x Thundaga [Quezacotl's T Mag-RF] 5x Thundara -> 1x Thundaga [Alexander's High Mag-RF] Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Thundaga to Elem-Atk-J [100%] 100x Thundaga to Elem-Def-J [120%] A e r o ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Medium Wind magic against one enemy. Aero works well against flying monsters, earth based monsters except for monsters that use Wind element attacks. Aero is quite a good booster against Wind, in terms of Elemental Defense and Attack. Refinement: 1x Shear Feather -> 20x Aero [Quezacotl's T Mag-RF] Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Aero to Elem-Atk-J [80%] 100x Aero to Elem-Def-J [80%] T o r n a d o ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strong Wind magic against all enemies. Tornado works well against flying monsters, earth based monsters except for monsters that use Wind element attacks. Tornado is a very good booster against Wind, in terms of Elemental Defense and Attack. Refinement: 1x Windmill -> 20x Tornado [Quezacotl's T Mag-RF] 10x Aero -> 1x Tornado [Alexander's High Mag-RF] Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Tornado to Elem-Atk-J [100%] 100x Tornado to Elem-Def-J [200%] H o l y ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strong Holy magic against one foe. Holy works extremely well against most enemies [especially, undead]. The only exception is the Omega Weapon. Holy is a very good booster against Holy, in terms of Elemental Defense and Attack. A Holy Stone just works like Holy Refinement: 1x Holy Stone -> 1x Holy [Siren's L Mag-RF] 1x Moon Stone -> 20x Holy [Siren's L Mag-RF] Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Holy to Elem-Atk-J [100%] 100x Holy to Elem-Def-J [200%] 100x Holy to ST-Def-J [40%] (Death, Drain, Confuse, Curse, Zombie, Sleep, Berserk and Poison) Q u a k e ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strong Earth magic against all enemies. Quake works against all enemies on the ground except for flying enemies and earth based monsters. Quake is a good booster against Earth, in terms of Elemental Defense and Attack. Refinement: 1x Dino Bone -> 20x Quake [Diablos' Time Mag-RF] Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Quake to Elem-Atk-J [100%] 100x Quake to Elem-Def-J [200%] B i o ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Average Poison magic against one enemy. As the enemy moves, about 1% of the monster's HP is be deducted [showing effects of poisoned.]. Bio is indead a special spell as it is partial elemental and status magic. Bio works well against human beings but weak against Poison based monsters and mechanical beasts [can't they be poisoned?]. Bio will have a time lapse and still remains on the World Map [but no HP reduction, as no command is used]. Bio can be removed by using Antidote, Remedy, Treatment [Siren], Esuna, Remedy+, Megalixir, Elixir and Tent [at Save Point]. Bio is quite a good booster against Poison, in terms of Elemental and Status junctions. Refinement: 1x Wizard Stone -> 5x Bio 1x Venom Fang -> 20x Bio 1x Antidote -> 1x Bio 1x Malboro Tentacle -> 40x Bio Remove through: - Cast Esuna/ Use Remedy, Remedy+, Antidote, Elixir, or Megalixir / Use Treatment command. [other characters/oneself] - Time Lapse Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Bio to Elem-Atk-J [100%] 100x Bio to Elem-Def-J [150%] 100x Bio to ST-Atk-J [100%] (Poison) 100x Bio to ST-Def-J [100%] (Poison) _____ / 2.3 \_________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Status Magic ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Status Magic is critically important in FF8. Even though it is puny useless in the Final Dungeon [Ultimecia's Castle], it really possesses a great importance in FF8. Status ailments such as Death, Silence, Confuse, Berserk, Sleep, etc are extremely danagerous if they are not guarded. Fortunately, there is always a method in removing them. But as the saying goes, "Prevention is better than cure", you can be protected against status ailments through ST-Def-J or equipped the secret character ability, Ribbon [obtainable through Pocketstation only] B e r s e r k ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Causes a character become red-hot and keep on using the Attack command once the ATB is full. Berserk can be regarded as support magic, but I would regard it as status magic as it does not allows you to control the character. Remove through: - Cast Esuna/ Use Remedy, Remedy+, Elixir, or Megalixir / Use Treatment command. [other characters] - Time Lapse - Battle Ends Refinement: 1x Magic Stone -> 5x Berserk (Diablos' ST Mag-RF) 1x Steel Pipe -> 20x Berserk (Diablos' ST Mag-RF) Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Berserk to ST-Atk-J [100%] (Berserk) 100x Berserk to ST-Def-J [100%] (Berserk) B l i n d ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A dark cloud of smoke appears around one character's head. Hit rate is reduce by about 30% to 50%. This status ailment is pretty worthless against character's with perfect hit rate such as Squall, Seifer and Selphie (provided you have gotten her Strange Vision) Remove through: - Cast Esuna/ Use Remedy, Remedy+, Elixir, Eye Drop or Megalixir / Use Treatment command. [other characters/oneself] - Time Lapse - Battle Ends Refinement: 1x Eye Drops -> 1x Blind (Diablos' ST Mag-RF) 1x Ochu Tentacle -> 30x Blind (Diablos' ST Mag-RF) Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Blind to ST-Atk-J [100%] (Darkness) 100x Blind to ST-Atk-J [100%] (Darkness) B r e a k ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Causes ATB to stop and turns grey. Character turns into stone [or the term that Squaresoft uses "Petrified"]. Break is another deadly magic as it could turn an enemy into a rock, hence instantly ended the battle, giving you no EXP, AP and items. Once all party members are petrified, it's gameover. Remove through: - Cast Esuna/ Use Remedy, Remedy+, Soft, Elixir, Megalixir / Use Treatment Command [other characters] - Time Lapse - Battle Ends [but you need to revive the character.] Refinement: 1x Cockatrice Pinion -> 20x Break 1x Soft -> 3x Break Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Break to ST-Atk-J [100%] (Petrify) 100x Break to ST-Def-J [100%] (Petrify) C o n f u s e ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Causes the characters to turn in circles on the spot. You will lose control of that character. That character will attack anyone including himself/herself and its random. A very dangerous situation when your strongest character [with highest Str stats] are under "Confuse" status. Remove through: - Cast Esuna/ Use Remedy, Remedy+, Elixir, or Megalixir / Use Treatment command. [other characters] - Time Lapse - Battle Ends Refinement: 1x Betrayal Sword -> 20x Confuse (Diablos' ST Mag-RF) Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Confuse to ST-Atk-J [100%] (Confusion) 100x Confuse to ST-Def-J [100%] (Confusion) D e a t h ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A devil protudes from the ground and attacks with it deadly spear, hence causes a deadly attack and causes the targeted enemy's Hit Points dropped to zero instantly. This magic is extremely dangerous and even the toughest boss has it. Remove through - Cast Life, Full-Life/ Use a Phoenix Down, Phoenix Pinion, Mega Phoenix / Use Revive Command [other characters] Refinement: 1x Saw Blade -> 10x Death (Siren's L Mag-RF) 1x Dead Spirit -> 20x Death (Siren's L Mag-RF) 1x Chef's Knife -> 30x Death (Siren's L Mag-RF) 1x Death Stone -> 1x Death (Siren's L Mag-RF) Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Death to ST-Atk-J [100%] (Death) 100x Death to ST-Def-J [100%] (Death) P a i n ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A curse scripting of words and hence a fusion of dark energy gathers... causing a fixture of status ailments (Silence, Poison and Darkness). This spell is quite hard to get it, but it is really good as it is only magic that allows you to inflict three statues at one go. Remove through: - Cast Esuna/ Use Remedy, Remedy+, Elixir, Megalixir / Use Treatment command. [other characters/oneself] Echo Screen, Antidote and Eye Drops removes Silence, Poison and Darkness respectively. - Time Lapse - Battle Ends Refinement: 1x Curse Spike -> 10x Pain (Diablos' ST Mag-RF) Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Pain to ST-Atk-J [100%] (Poison, Darkness, Silence) 100x Pain to ST-Def-J [100%] (Poison, Darkness, Silence) S i l e n c e ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disables GF, Magic, Draw and Item commands. A speech bubble with "..." appears. This one of the most damaging status if you are very dependant on magic. So better guard against it. Remove through: - Cast Esuna/ Use Remedy, Remedy+, Elixir, Megalixir, Echo Screen / Use Treatment command. [other characters]. Note: Treatment command is still usable by the effected character. - Time Lapse - Battle Ends Refinement: 1x M-Stone Piece -> 5x Silence (Diablos' ST Mag-RF) 1x Silence Powder -> 20x Silence (Diablos' ST Mag-RF) 1x Echo Screen -> 2x Silence (Diablos' ST Mag-RF) Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Silence to ST-Atk-J [100%] (Silence) 100x Silence to ST-Def-J [100%] (Silence) S l e e p ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Causes the ATB to stop. A symbol, "ZZZZ" appears at the character's forehead. Remember that the character can't defend himself/herself. However, the character can be awake with a critical attack (100%) OR normal attack (about 80%). Remove through: - Cast Esuna/ Use Remedy, Remedy+, Elixir, or Megalixir / Use Treatment command. [other characters] - Being attacked - Time Lapse - Battle Ends Refinement: 1x Sleep Powder -> 20x Sleep (Diablos' ST Mag-RF) Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Sleep to ST-Atk-J [100%] (Sleep) 100x Sleep to ST-Def-J [100%] (Sleep) S l o w ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A purple clock appears. Causes ATB to turn dark blue and moves slower. Under this status, only ATB moves slower than usual [1/2 the normal ATB speed] Remove through: - Cast Haste/Esuna / Use Remedy, Remedy+, Elixir, or Megalixir / Use Treatment command. [other characters/oneself] - Time Lapse - Battle Ends Refinement: 1x M-Stone Piece -> 5x Slow (Diablos' Time Mag-RF) 1x Spider Web -> 20x Slow (Diablos' Time Mag-RF) Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Slow to ST-Atk-J [100%] (Slow) 100x Slow to ST-Def-J [100%] (Slow) S t o p ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A huge grey clock appears. Causes the ATB to greyed out. Character freezes and stop movement. Unable to uses commands and attack. Remove through: - Cast Esuna/ Use Remedy, Remedy+, Elixir, or Megalixir / Use Treatment command. [other characters] - Time Lapse - Battle Ends Refinement: 1x Wizard Stone -> 5x Stop (Diablos' Time Mag-RF) Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Stop to ST-Atk-J [100%] (Stop) 100x Stop to ST-Def-J [100%] (Slow) Z o m b i e ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Characters becomes dull-green in colour (yucks!) and turns into an undead, recieves damage from Holy element [include Cure/Cura/Curaga/ Regen/Life/Full-Life/Full Cure] Remove through: - Cast Esuna/ Use Remedy, Remedy+, Elixir, Holy Water or Megalixir / Use Treatment command. [other characters/oneself] - Time Lapse - Battle Ends Refinement: 1x Holy Water -> 2x Zombie (Siren's L Mag-RF) 1x Zombie Powder -> 20x Zombie (Siren's L Mag-RF) Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Zombie to ST-Atk-J [100%] (Zombie) 100x Zombie to ST-Atk-J [100%] (Zombie) _____ / 2.4 \_________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Support Magic ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Support Magic works like a hand aiding your characters, providing them with bonus but only during combat. Support Magic is really important as it could effect the outcome of the battle. One of the support magic, Aura allows your character to use their Limit Breaks instantly. A u r a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A beam of golden light surrounds one character, hence turning that character golden yellow. Just tap Circle and you will be unleash your limit breaks any time! Remove through: - Cast Dispel - Cast status magic, Berserk, Silence, Confuse, Break and Sleep. - Time Lapse - KO Status - Battle ends Refinement: 1x Aura Stone -> 1x Aura (Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF) 1x Fury Fragment -> 5x Aura (Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF) Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Aura to ST-Def-J [100%] (Curse) D o u b l e ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Purple or Pink electronic waves form a hexagon and surrounds one ally, hence word "Double" appears. When you use Magic, the character will be able to cast two magic of the same spell in one turn. Works in conjunction with Expend x2-1 Remove through: - Cast Dispel - Cast Status magic, Berserk, Silence, Confuse, Break and Sleep - Time Lapse - KO Status - Battle ends Refinement: 1x Dragon Fin -> 20x Double (Diablos' Time Mag-RF) Elemental/Status Junction Effects n/a D i s p e l ------------------------------------------------------------------------ One of the most important magic if an enemy loves to use Support Magic. Dispel can removes any support magic [magical effects to be exact]. Sorceress Edea have a fond of using them during her meetings with the SeeD. Dispel is critically important against Iron Giants. Remove through: n/a Refinement: 1x Wizard Stone -> 20x Dispel (Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF) 1x Saw Blade -> 20x Dispel (Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF) Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Dispel to ST-Def-J [50%] (Absorption) D r a i n ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A ball of energy enters the monster and hence returns to the character, hence reduce the Hit Points of the target enemy. If you uses this magic on undead, you will reach negative Hit Points.. [which means damage!] Remove through: n/a Refinement: 1x Vampire Fang -> 20x Drain (Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF) Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Drain to ST-Atk-J [100%] (Absorption) 100x Drain to ST-Def-J [100%] (Absorption) E s u n a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ One of most important magic when you want to combat monsters that uses Status ailments. Esuna is typically very important as it removes any status ailments and negative magical effects. But make sure the character that uses the spell is protected against Silence. Remove through: n/a Refinement: 1x M-Stone Piece -> 5x Esuna (Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF) 1x Dragon Fang -> 20x Esuna (Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF) 1x Remedy -> 5x Esuna (Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF) 1x Med Kit -> 100x Esuna (Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF) Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Esuna to ST-Def-J [20%] (Poison, Petrify, Slow, Silence, Berserk Sleep, Slow and Confuse) F l o a t ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Allows your character to float in mid-air. During the flight, the character will have higher evade and earth magic [Quake] will become useless against the characters. Remove through: - Cast Dispel - Cast Status magic, Berserk, Silence, Confuse, Break and Sleep - Time Lapse - KO Status - Battle ends Refinement: n/a Elemenetal/Status Junction Effects 100x Float to Elem-Def-J [50%] (Earth) H a s t e ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A golden clock appears on the character, hence ATB becomes red, hence moving twice as normal. There are signs of responsiveness. Remove through: - Cast Dispel, Slow - Cast Status magic, Berserk, Silence, Confuse, Break and Sleep - Time Lapse - KO Status - Battle ends Refinement: 1x Magic Stone -> 5x Haste (Diablos' Time Mag-RF) 1x Lightweight -> 20x Haste (Diablos' Time Mag-RF) 1x Aegis Amulet -> 100x Haste (Diablos' Time Mag-RF) 1x Accelerator -> 100x Haste (Diablos' Time Mag-RF) Elemental/Status Junction Effects n/a M e l t d o w n ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A white beam of energy that stretches one opponent, hence lowering Vitality. Does a decent amount of damage.. If the opponent turns pink, the opponent's defense is Vit 0. Remove through: - Cast Esuna - Time Lapse - KO Status - Battle ends Refinement: 1x Mystery Fluid -> 10x Meltdown (Diablos' ST Mag-RF) Elemental/Status Junction Effects n/a P r o t e c t ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A blue transulcent barrier appears in front of the character. The barrier doubles the character's defense against physical damage. Pretty effective against Ruby Dragon's Breath. Remove through: - Cast Dispel - Cast Status magic, Berserk, Silence, Confuse, Break and Sleep - Time Lapse - KO Status - Battle ends Refinement: 1x Protect Stone -> 1x Protect (Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF) 1x Turtle Shell -> 30x Protect (Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF) 1x Giant Ring -> 60x Protect (Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF) 1x Steel Curtain -> 100x Protect (Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF) Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Protect to Elem-Def-J [Fire, Ice and Thunder] R e f l e c t ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reflect is really useless... It only allows you to reflect certain magic [those weak ones, including curative magic] and allows the enemy to attack with the stronger ones like Apocalypse, Ultima, Aero, Flare, Holy, Meteor, Tornado, Water, Dispel, Quake, Death and Zombie Remove through: - Cast Dispel - Cast Status magic, Berserk, Silence, Confuse, Break and Sleep - Time Lapse - KO Status - Battle ends Refinement: 1x Dragon Skin -> 20x Reflect [Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF] 1x Glow Curtain -> 100x Reflect [Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF] Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Reflect to ST-Def-J [25%] (Poison, Petrify, Slow, Stop, Slow, Confusion, Silence, Berserk, Curse, Sleep) S c a n ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scan is typically a form of information seeker. It allows you to see information on the targeted foe such as their attributes for strength [STR], Intelligence [INT], Dexterity [DEX], defense [DEF], spirit [SPI] and evasion [EVA]. It also gives information on it's weakness and a short description of the foe. A sonar appears from the character's body and thus focus on the monster with the words "TARGET". This followed by a detailed information on the stats of the targeted monster. Press "Triangle" to cancel this effect. You can turn around the monster while shown with the screen. You will have this effect for the first time round, but you can have it forever, but change "Always" through Config menu. S h e l l ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A pink globe surrounds one ally, hence increases the character's defense against magical attacks. Magical attacks also includes all forms of magic, including curative magic. Shell reduces the damage by half, but I would still consider it as good for reducing damage from Meteor and Ultima. Remove through: - Cast Dispel - Cast Status magic, Berserk, Silence, Confuse, Break and Sleep - Time Lapse - KO Status - Battle ends Refinement: 1x Shell Stone -> 1x Shell (Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF) 1x Rune Armlet -> 40x Shell (Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF) 1x Barrier -> 40x Shell (Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF) 1x Moon Curtain -> 100x Shell (Leviathan's Supt Mag-RF) Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Shell to Elem-Def-J [20%] (all elements) T r i p l e ------------------------------------------------------------------------ One of best support magic you can find in this epic. Triple allows the character to cast three same magic spell in one turn. To me, it just like the All Materia in FF7 [heck, I still prefers that..] Works in conjunction with Triple. Remove through: - Cast Dispel - Cast Status magic, Berserk, Silence, Confuse, Break and Sleep - Time Lapse - KO Status - Battle ends Refinement: 1x Rocket Engine -> 50x Triple (Diablos' Time Mag-RF) 1x Samantha Soul -> 60x Triple (Diablos' Time Mag-RF) 1x Three Stars -> 100x Triple (Diablos' Time Mag-RF) 10x Double -> 1x Triple (Alexander's High Mag-RF) Elemental/Status Junction Effects n/a _____ / 2.5 \_________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Non-Elemental Magic ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Obviously, these are the cream of crop.. They are extremely strong and normally does group effects. They also great in junction magic. Due to these benefits, there will always be a reason for them to be difficult to obtain. A p o c a l y p s e ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The most devastating magic in the game. Apocalypse cannot be obtained by drawing from BOSSES except for Ultimecia [the final combat..]. The method to obtained this spell is still unknown. [still figuring..]. Apocalypse is just like Ultima with a better summoning effect and does damage to all enemies. Remove through: n/a Refinement: n/a Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Apocalypse to Elem-Def-J [100%] (all elements) D e m i ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A good magic as it could lowers HP of a foe. Demi can inflict a quarter of the monster's current HP. For monsters with HP above 9999, Demi can easily does 9999 damage each time. A pretty useful spell and quite easy to obtain. Remove through: n/a Refinement: 1x Steel Orb -> 15x Demi (Diablos' Time Mag-RF) 1x Black Hole -> 30x Demi (Diablos' Time Mag-RF) Elemental/Status Junction Effects n/a F l a r e ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A beam of thermal energy attacks one foe causing tremedous damage. Flare is very destructive and you make the most of it by having a Triple to Flare Combo. Remove through: n/s Refinement: 1x Flare Stone -> 1x Flare (Ifrit's F Mag-RF) 1x Inferno Fang -> 20x Flare (Ifrit's F Mag-RF) Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Flare to Elem-Def-J [80%] (Fire, Ice and Thunder) M e t e o r ------------------------------------------------------------------------ One of the forbidden magic. The monsters will be brought to space and followed by a meteorite shower against all enemies. It does multiple hit and attacks at random (meaning of the enemy will have endure more hits.) The rate of being hit can be done by increasing the character's Luck. Remove through: n/a Refinement: 1x Meteor Stone -> 1x Meteor (Bahamut's Forbid Mag-RF) 1x Star Fragment -> 5x Meteor (Bahamut's Forbid Mag-RF) Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Meteor to Elem-Def-J [150%] (Earth and Wind) U l t i m a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Perhaps the best spell that you can draw in the game. Normally only the toughest BOSSES have it and it is really a high price to pay (at Shumi Village, you need to pay 5,000 gil in order to draw from the draw point) Ultima does damage to all enemies and the damage will be varies from the character's Magic stats. Remove through: n/a Refinement: 1x Ultima Stone -> 1x Ultima (Bahamut's Forbid Mag-RF) 1x Energy Crystal -> 3x Ultima (Bahamut's Forbid Mag-RF) 5x Pulse Ammo -> 1x Ultima (Bahamut's Forbid Mag-RF) 1x Dark Matter -> 100x Ultima (Bahamut's Forbid Mag-RF) Elemental/Status Junction Effects 100x Ultima to Elem-Def-J [100%] (all elements) _____ / 2.6 \_________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Junction Charts ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After a days of hard work, I managed to pile the statistics into the chart you seen below. Note that the statistics bonus are based on 100x of the magic spell. If you have less than 100x, the bonus will not be same as the chart shown below. Of course, there may be errors. So kindly inform me if you find one. I guess I don't have to explain what the abbreviations mean as they are actually the same abbreviations that you find in the game. Attributes Junction Chart [to the 9 basic attributes Junctions] ______________________________________________________________________ | Name | HP | Str | Vit | Mag | Spr | Spd | Eva | Hit | Luck | |____________|_____|_____|______|______|_____|_____|_____|______|______| | Aero | 300 | 17 | 10 | 16 | 10 | 20 | 8 | 22 | 15 | | Apocalypse |4200 | 80 | 80 | 80 | 90 | 30 | 12 | 30 | 30 | | Aura |3400 | 70 | 22 | 24 | 24 | 10 | 2 | 50 | 40 | | Berserk | 300 | 13 | 8 | 14 | 8 | 5 | 2 | 4 | 3 | | Bio | 700 | 24 | 15 | 24 | 15 | 5 | 2 | 4 | 4 | | Blind | 100 | 6 | 5 | 12 | 10 | 3 | 2 | 30 | 2 | | Blizzard | 100 | 10 | 4 | 10 | 4 | 8 | 3 | 10 | 8 | | Blizzara | 200 | 15 | 8 | 15 | 8 | 12 | 4 | 16 | 12 | | Blizzaga |1400 | 30 | 16 | 30 | 16 | 14 | 4 | 20 | 14 | | Break |1000 | 20 | 20 | 34 | 35 | 10 | 4 | 10 | 12 | | Cure | 200 | 4 | 15 | 4 | 15 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | | Cura | 500 | 8 | 28 | 8 | 28 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 3 | | Curaga |2200 | 20 | 65 | 20 | 65 | 10 | 4 | 10 | 10 | | Confuse | 700 | 22 | 18 | 28 | 18 | 18 | 4 | 8 | 8 | | Death |1800 | 22 | 22 | 38 | 58 | 10 | 4 | 10 | 38 | | Demi |1600 | 34 | 18 | 36 | 18 | 12 | 4 | 14 | 10 | | Dispel |1000 | 12 | 36 | 16 | 60 | 8 | 4 | 8 | 14 | | Double | 200 | 15 | 6 | 18 | 6 | 10 | 4 | 40 | 2 | | Drain | 400 | 13 | 30 | 20 | 24 | 6 | 2 | 5 | 4 | | Esuna | 500 | 6 | 36 | 12 | 36 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 10 | | Fire | 100 | 10 | 4 | 10 | 4 | 8 | 3 | 10 | 8 | | Fira | 200 | 15 | 8 | 15 | 8 | 12 | 4 | 16 | 12 | | Firaga |1400 | 30 | 16 | 30 | 16 | 14 | 4 | 20 | 14 | | Flare |3200 | 56 | 26 | 44 | 26 | 12 | 4 | 26 | 12 | | Float | 200 | 8 | 15 | 8 | 15 | 16 | 4 | 12 | 20 | | Full-Life |4800 | 20 | 80 | 20 | 85 | 8 | 4 | 8 | 20 | | Haste | 500 | 12 | 16 | 20 | 20 | 50 | 8 | 10 | 10 | | Holy |3800 | 55 | 28 | 45 | 48 | 10 | 8 | 24 | 14 | | Life |1200 | 8 | 50 | 10 | 50 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 4 | | Meltdown |1500 | 24 | 80 | 20 | 20 | 3 | 2 | 12 | 8 | | Meteor |4600 | 75 | 34 | 52 | 34 | 30 | 12 | 40 | 22 | | Pain |2800 | 42 | 36 | 60 | 45 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 40 | | Protect | 400 | 6 | 40 | 10 | 18 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 14 | | Quake |2600 | 40 | 20 | 40 | 20 | 7 | 3 | 30 | 12 | | Reflect |2000 | 14 | 46 | 20 | 72 | 10 | 4 | 8 | 16 | | Regen |2600 | 18 | 70 | 18 | 60 | 8 | 4 | 12 | 8 | | Scan | 100 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 3 | | Shell | 400 | 6 | 18 | 10 | 40 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 14 | | Sleep | 100 | 6 | 5 | 8 | 10 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 2 | | Slow | 500 | 12 | 16 | 20 | 20 | 40 | 8 | 10 | 10 | | Stop | 800 | 18 | 20 | 30 | 24 | 48 | 10 | 20 | 10 | | Thunder | 100 | 10 | 4 | 10 | 4 | 8 | 3 | 10 | 8 | | Thundara | 200 | 15 | 8 | 15 | 8 | 12 | 4 | 16 | 12 | | Thundaga |1400 | 30 | 16 | 30 | 16 | 14 | 4 | 20 | 14 | | Triple |2400 | 70 | 10 | 70 | 10 | 70 | 16 | 150 | 30 | | Tornado |3000 | 48 | 24 | 42 | 24 | 33 | 13 | 38 | 14 | | Ultima |6000 | 100 | 82 | 100 | 95 | 60 | 24 | 60 | 64 | | Water | 300 | 20 | 14 | 18 | 14 | 12 | 4 | 18 | 13 | | Zombie | 800 | 15 | 24 | 15 | 12 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2 | |____________|_____|_____|______|______|_____|_____|_____|______|______| ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elemental Junction Attack/Defense ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This chart provides you with the information regarding Elem-Def and Elem -Atk. Remember that elements are critical important as they could increase your characters' attacking power. Even though with a Str stats of 255, Squall [or any other character] still can't get 9999 HP damage per attack. The only way to do this by having elements junctioned to the character's Elem-Atk-J or casting Meltdown to force Vitality to drop to zero. In the actual screen, you will not see a 100% at elemental defense. Instead you will see star replacing it. If the magic gives you a 150% defense, you will see a 50% at the slot with a green star on the right. Only 200% elemental defense will give a 100% on the slot and a star on the right. * Applies to Elemental Defense only. Absorption? Yes! As along your characters have a star and prove the monster's magic is stronger than your characters' Spirit, you can absorb the damage, hence healing one's HP. If your characters got 150% elemental defense against Water, a monster cast water on it and does 2000 HP. You will absorb the same damage, plus half of the damage, which makes 3000 HP. [2000 x 150% = 3000] * Applies to Elemental Attack only. You can inflict a lot more with this combo. Let's say if your character has 255 strength stats and have 100x Firaga to Elem-Atk-J. If you battle a Snow Lion and your character does 4500 HP without elemental attack. With Elemental attack, you character can inflict 4500 x 120%, which means 9999 HP attack. I have managed to figure out this, when I first saw all my character does 9999 HP to the Jumbo Cactuar. But if you use the same elemental combo [100x Firaga to Elem-Atk-J] on a fire based monster and your character does 2000 HP damage, he/she will get 2000 x 120% damage! Be alert when using this.. ____________________________________________________________ | Name | Elemental | Elem-Atk | Elem-Def | |____________|_________________________|__________|__________| | Ultima | All elements | - | 100% | | Apocalypse | All elements | - | 100% | | Meteor | Earth and Wind | - | 150% | | Flare | Fire, Ice and Thunder | - | 80% | | Fire | Fire | 50% | 50% | | Fira | Fire | 80% | 80% | | Firaga | Fire | 100% | 120% | | Blizzard | Ice | 50% | 50% | | Blizzara | Ice | 80% | 80% | | Blizzaga | Ice | 100% | 120% | | Thunder | Thunder | 50% | 50% | | Thundara | Thunder | 80% | 80% | | Thundaga | Thunder | 100% | 120% | | Water | Water | 100% | 150% | | Aero | Wind | 80% | 80% | | Holy | Holy | 100% | 200% | | Bio | Poison | 100% | 150% | | Quake | Earth | 100% | 200% | | Tornado | Wind | 100% | 200% | | Life | All elements | - | 30% | | Full-life | All elements | - | 40% | | Protect | Fire, Ice & Thunder | - | 20% | | Shell | All elements | - | 20% | | Float | Earth | - | 50% | |____________|_________________________|__________|__________| ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Status Attack/Defense Junction ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Status Magic can really be killer when you are battling strong monsters such as Ruby Dragons, T-Rexaurs, Behemoths, Elynoles, etc. But no matter how strong they, they will still be effected by status ailments. The only area where you could ignore them is during battles against BOSSES in the final dungeon at Ultimecia's Castle. The Omega Weapon may be invincible as it has an 100x Ultima to Elem-Def-J but still weak against status changes [or it will be invincible!] Support Magic These magic are simply damaging as they help in boostering up the character's attributes in combat. Protect may looks weak, but it actually doubles the character's defense. Of course, in FF8, the most useful magic will be Aura as it allows your characters to use Limit Breaks. BTW, they only last for a short period of time. Magic Effect Aura allows your character to use Limit Breaks more easily. Haste doubles the speed of ATB. Protect doubles the character's defence Shell doubles the character's magical defense Reflect reflects certain magic.. [check Magic: Reflect] Double allows character to cast two magic in a row. Triple allows character to cast three magic in a row Float doubles the character's evasion Regen restores a portion as the character reaches his/her turn. Meltdown causes opponent's Vitality dropped to zero * Dispel could remove all the above mentioned magic. ________________________________________________________________ | Status Magic Junction | |________________________________________________________________| | Name | Status ailments | ST ATK | ST DEF | |__________|________________________________|__________|_________| | Aura | Curse | - | 100% | | Berserk | Berserk | 100% | 100% | | Blind | Darkness | 100% | 100% | | Bio | Poison | 100% | 100% | | Confuse | Confusion | 100% | 100% | | Pain | Poison, Curse, Silence | 100% | 100% | | Death | Death | 100% | 100% | | Drain | Absorb | 100% | 100% | | Break | Petrify | 100% | 100% | | Reflect | Poison, Petrify, Stop, Slow | - | 25% | | | Confusion, Silence, Berserk, | | | | | Curse and Sleep | | | | Silence | Silence | 100% | 100% | | Sleep | Sleep | 100% | 100% | | Slow | Slow | 100% | 100% | | Stop | Stop | 100% | 100% | | Zombie | Zombie [Undead] | 100% | 100% | |__________|________________________________|__________|_________| | Despell | Absorb | - | 50% | | Esuna | Poison, Petrify, Slow, Silence | - | 20% | | | Berserk, Sleep, Stop & Confuse | | | | Holy | Death, Drain, Confuse, Curse | - | 40% | | | Zombie, Sleep, Berserk & Poison| | | | Life | Death | - | 20% | | Full-life| Death | - | 40% | |__________|________________________________|__________|_________| That's all, I have done for the magic section. Let's move on to the next section _____ / 3.0 \_________________________________________________________________ ======================================================================== Weapon Remodelling / Limit Breaks. ======================================================================== Weapon Remodelling is very useful [extremely important to the main lead, Squall Leonhart] as it increases the character's weapon attacking power and hit rate. In the previous FF series, you can easily buy the weapons from a weapon shop. But in FF8, you need to do the following in order to tune up your weapons [or remodel] 3 SIMPLE Steps to remodel a weapon: 1. Gathered up the ingredients for the weapons! For those whom are playing for the first time, I would recommend you to get the Weapon Monthly manuals. These manuals will give you a detail list of the requirements. The manuals will instantly unlock the weapon's name. The other way is, by having the required ingredients. Refer to each character's section to know where to get the ingredients. I would recommend you to check the Monster Bestiary. 2. Next find a Junk Shop.. There are a lot of them. And it does not matter which shop you go.. Or you can make use Doomtrain's Call Junk Shop Menu Ability [refer to GF Abilities] Locations of Junk Shops Balamb Junk Shop - left of the screen of the town center. Deling Junk Shop - in the Parade road Dollet Junk Shop - found within Noutilus FH Junk Shop - found on the right of town center, cross the planks Esthar Junk Shop - it's Don Juan's Shop! Man at Garden - it's the Card Magician Joker! You will find him at the Training Center (randomly) I hopefully you basically know the menu setup look like. If not, refer to the diagrams below [this diagram looks indentical to the Junk Shop menu]: ___________________________________________________ | Title of Junk Shop | |___________________________________________________| | Squall Leonhart | |___________________________________________________| | | | | Steel Pipe | Revolver 100 | | 1 (3) | |> Keer Trigger 200 | | | Cutting Trigger 400 | | Screws | Flame Saber 600 | | 2 (30) | | | |___________________________________| | | Strength 45% -> 48%^ | | | Accuracy 255% -> 255% | |_______________|___________________________________| Well, time for some explainations. The numbers in the brackets are those that you have in your ITEM inventory. If the numbers on the left exceed the numbers in the brackets, then you will be unable to perform an upgrade. Just in case, my English is a bit too hard to understand... _ _ _ _ _ the name of the ingredient ____/_____________ | Adamantine | | 1 (0) | | \_ _ _ _ _ avaliable in your item inventory |__ requirements In this above case, you can't perform an upgrade. The weapon [as you may guess it's the Lion Heart]. Why, you don't have the item produce an upgrade. (0) is definately less than 1. It is pretty easy to understand. If that's not clear, there's nothing I can do... Note that you can de-graded your weapon back to it's original form, but the used materials will be gone forever. If the number 48 is yellow in colour, that means there is an increase in attacking power. But if the colour of the digits is red, that means that your previous upgraded weapon is much better than the weapon you have choosen to upgrade to. [For example, Flame Saber is obviously a better weapon compared to the Cutting Trigger.]. The numbers next to the name of the weapon is price to pay in order to remodel them. VERY IMPORTANT NOTE (regarding combats) You can't get an item from a monster by winning IF you had steal from a monster during combat. How to equiped Mug? Refer to Basic Tutorial. Examples: 1. You fought 2x Adamantoise and you mug one of them [get an item, let's say Whisper for an example.]. You will not get Adamantine even though you have defeat the other one. Adamantine can be ONLY obtained if you defeat BOTH Adamantoise and do not mug them! 2. You fought 1x Ruby Dragon and you mug it [get: Inferno Fang] and when you defeat it you get nothing. 3. You fought 1x Ruby Dragon and defeat it. You will mostly get Fury Fragment or Inferno Fang [between level 20 ~ 40] or Energy Crystal [level 80 and above] ======================================================================== Learning Limit Breaks ======================================================================== In FF7, you learn Limit Breaks by using them. In FF8, individual characters have different ways in learning them. Plus, there is no more Limit Break guages. Typically you need to get them into crisis level. All characters can use their Limit Breaks once they are in crisis level. What is Crisis Level? There are a lot of mistakes made by me on this... All characters has a Limit Break guage just like the characters of FF7, the only difference is that it is invisible. Limit Guage builds up once the character is under attack [especially heavy attacks]. As different characters have different behaviour status. I believe that Seifer could probably under the Fury status, which explains why he can get his Limit Breaks so easily.. As your characters are in danger, the coloring of HP will changes from white to the following colours: (all are based on my own estimation) - yellow [if character's HP is between 85% to 15% of the maximum HP] - red [if character's HP is between 1% to 5% of maximum HP] Once you see this, just do the following below: __________ ____________ |Attack |>| |Renzoukuken | e.g. Squall Leonhart. |Magic | |____________| |GF | |Draw | You need to hold Right, in order to see the name of the |__________| character's Limit Break. Different character have different names for their Limit Breaks. Press X to select it. Notes on getting Limit Breaks: o Use an Aura on the character - refer to magic besitary in getting it. o Use an Aura Stone on the character - refer to Items in getting it. o Seifer is an exception of all characters, he can excute his Limit Breaks with his HP depleted to 83% _____ / 3.1 \_________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Squall Leonhart ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Age: 17 Sex: Male Height: 5'10" [177 cm] Birthdate: August 23 Blood Type: AB Weapon: Gunblade Limit Break: Renzoukuken Initial Weapon: Revolver Occupation: SeeD Mercernary (Balamb) Description: The story's hero unsociable and expressionless. The hero of the game, a cadet in the SeeD special forces attached to Balamb Garden. Antisocial and stone-faced. Besides his aloof personality, he is very self centered and a person who hates influenced deeply by strangers. After a short listing about this character, time for the ingredient list: R e v o l v e r Price: 100 gil, ATK: - HIT: 255% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: M-Stone Piece Quanitity needed: 6x What it does: Stone with a litte Magic Power Where to get it: Defeat Level 1~10 Bite Bug Encounter Monster: Balamb- Accuald Plains Card Mod: 1x Fungaur's Card -> 1x M-Stone Piece 1x Bite Bug's Card -> 1x M-Stone Piece Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Screws Quantity needed: 2x What it does: Use to remodel weapons Where to get it: Mug or defeat Geezard / Defeat GIM-47N Encounter Monster: Geezard - Galbadia- Montersou Plateau/ Dollet- Hasberry Plains/ Great Plains of Galbadia/ Timber- Vaulny Canyon. Card Mod: 1x Geezard's Card -> 5x Screws Refine: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ S h e a r T r i g g e r Price: 200 gil, ATK: +4, HIT: 255% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Steel Pipe Quanitity needed: 1x What it does: GF learns SumMag +10% Ability Where to get it: Mug Wendigo Encounter Monster: Galbadia- Great Plains of Galbadia [outside Deling] Dollet- Hasberry Plains Card Mod: 1x Elastoid's Card -> 1x Steel Pipe Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Screws Quantity needed: 6x What it does: Use to remodel weapons Where to get it: Mug or defeat Geezard / Defeat GIM-47N Encounter Monster: Geezard - Galbadia- Montersou Plateau/ Dollet- Hasberry Plains/ Great Plains of Galbadia/ Timber- Vaulny Canyon. Card Mod: 1x Geezard's Card -> 5x Screws Refine: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C u t t i n g T r i g g e r Price: 400 gil, ATK: +10 HIT: 255% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Mesmerize Blade Quanitity needed: 1x What it does: Long, sharp blade Where to get it: Defeat/Steal Mesmerize Encounter Monster: Trabia - Bika Snowfields, Thor Peninsula, Hawkwind Plains, Trabia Canyon, Trabia Crater Card Mod: 1x Mesmerize's Card -> 1x Mesmerize Blade Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Screws Quantity needed: 6x What it does: Use to remodel weapons Where to get it: Mug or defeat Geezard / Defeat GIM-47N Encounter Monster: Geezard - Galbadia- Montersou Plateau/ Dollet- Hasberry Plains/ Great Plains of Galbadia/ Timber- Vaulny Canyon. Card Mod: 1x Geezard's Card -> 5x Screws Refine: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ F l a m e S a b e r Price: 600 gil, ATK: +12 HIT: 255% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Betrayal Sword Quanitity needed: 1x What it does: Sword that betrays allies Where to get it: Mug Blitz/ Defeat Forbidden Encounter Monster: Blitz - Centra -Lenown's Plains, Serengetti Plains Esthar- Grandidi Forest. Forbidden - Esthar-Grandidi Forest, Centra Ruins Card Mod: 1x Forbidden's Card -> 1x Betrayal Sword Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Turtle Shell Quanitity needed: 1x What it does: GF learns Vit +20% Ability Where to get it: Mug/Defeat Armaddo or defeat low-level Adamantoise Encounter Monster: Armaddo - Tomb of Unknown King Adamantoise - shores of Long Horn Island Card Mod: 3x Adamantoise's Card -> 1x Turtle Shell Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Screws Quantity needed: 4x What it does: Use to remodel weapons Where to get it: Mug or defeat Geezard / Defeat GIM-47N Encounter Monster: Geezard - Galbadia- Montersou Plateau/ Dollet- Hasberry Plains/ Great Plains of Galbadia/ Timber- Vaulny Canyon. Card Mod: 1x Geezard's Card -> 5x Screws Refine: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ T w i n L a n c e Price: 800 gil, ATK: +15 HIT: 255% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Dino Bone Quanitity needed: 1x What it does: Large dinosaur bone Where to get it: Defeat or Mug T-Rexaur Encounter Monster: Balamb- Accauld Plains (forests), B-Garden: Training Center, Island closest to Hell Card Mod: 1x Armaddo's Card -> 1x Dino Bone 2x T-Rexaur's Card -> 1x Dino Bone Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Red Fang Quanitity needed: 2x What it does: Dragon's fang with a Fire element Where to get it: Defeat or Mug Hexdragons/Chimera Encounter Monster: Hexdragon - Esthar-Grandidi Forests, Island closest Hell, Great Plains of Esthar (before gotten Ragnarok) Chimera - Esthar- Khashabald Desert, Island closest Hell. Card Mod: 3x Hexdragon's Card -> 1x Red Fang Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Screws Quantity needed: 12x What it does: Use to remodel weapons Where to get it: Mug or defeat Geezard / Defeat GIM-47N Encounter Monster: Geezard - Galbadia- Montersou Plateau/ Dollet- Hasberry Plains/ Great Plains of Galbadia/ Timber- Vaulny Canyon. Card Mod: 1x Geezard's Card -> 5x Screws Refine: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ P u n i s h m e n t Price: 1000 gil, ATK: +18, HIT: 255% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Chef's Knife Quanitity needed: 1x What it does: Tonberry's knife Where to get it: Defeat or Mug Tonberry Encounter Monster: Centra Ruins Card Mod: 1x Tonberry's Card -> 1x Chef's Knife 1x King Tonberry's Card -> 1x Chef's Knife Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Star Fragment Quanitity needed: 2x What it does: GF learns SumMag +20% Ability Where to get it: Mug Iron Giants/ Defeat level 100 T-Rexaurs Encounter Monster: Iron Giants - Deep Sea Deposit, Esthar City T-Rexaur - Balamb- Accuald Plains (forest), B-Garden Training Center, Island closest to Hell Card Mod: 3x Iron Giant's Card -> 1x Star Fragment Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Turtle Shell Quanitity needed: 1x What it does: GF learns Vit +20% Ability Where to get it: Mug/Defeat Armaddo or defeat low-level Adamantoise Encounter Monster: Armaddo - Tomb of Unknown King Adamantoise - shores of Long Horn Island Card Mod: 3x Adamantoise's Card -> 1x Turtle Shell Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Screws Quantity needed: 8x What it does: Use to remodel weapons Where to get it: Mug or defeat Geezard / Defeat GIM-47N Encounter Monster: Geezard - Galbadia- Montersou Plateau/ Dollet- Hasberry Plains/ Great Plains of Galbadia/ Timber- Vaulny Canyon. Card Mod: 1x Geezard's Card -> 5x Screws Refine: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ L i o n H e a r t Price: 2000 gil, ATK: +26 HIT: 255% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Adamantine Quantity needed: 1x What it does: GF learns Vit +60% Ability Where to get it: Defeat 2x Adamantoise / Mug BGH251F2 during FH (Disc 2) Encounter Monster: Long Horn Island, it's located in the north-western area of Galbadia. North from the forest at Dollet, you will find a stretch of land that resembles a horn. You will encounter it on the shores (rarely) Card Mod: Minotaur's Card --> 6x Adamantine Refine: 10 Orihalcons -> 1x Adamantine [GFAbil Med-RF]. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Dragon Fang Quantity needed: 4x What it does: Dragon's fang with strong recovery force Where to get it: Defeat 1x Blue Dragon Encounter Monster: - Island closest to Hell (about 1/10 chance) - Winter Island (where you find the Shumi Tribe), go near the mountains. (about 3/10 chance) Card Mod: n/a Refine: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Pulse Ammo Quantity needed: 12x What it does: Ammo that contains powerful energy Where to get it: Through Ifrit's Ammo-RF [you must gotten F Mag-RF] * 1x Power Generator --> 20x Pulse Ammo * 1x Laser Cannon --> 5x Pulse Ammo * 1x Energy Crystal --> 10x Pulse Ammo Encounter Monster: I would recommend you to get Energy Crystal as there is a huge variety of monsters that possess it. The rest considered "extremely" rare. To get Energy Crystal: - Defeat Level 80 and above Ruby Dragons/ Behemoths - Defeat Level 50 and above Elynoles I would go for Elynoles as there is a secret area where you can encounter them to as much as you want! If you have problem doing that, level up to level 80 and the commonly found Ruby Dragons. [you can encounter more frequently at hilltops of Esthar.] Card Mod: 10x Elynole's Card --> 1x Energy Crystal Refine: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================================================================== S q u a l l L e o n h a r t ' s L i m i t B r e a k s ======================================================================== As the main character will always have the most powerful Limit Breaks, Squall is no exception. He can inflict as much as 180,000+ damage with his ultimate Limit Break, Lion Heart. [enough to eliminate any monster from the face of the earth..] Renzoukuken is the name of Squall's Limit Break. Renzoukuken means " Repetitive Slashes" or "Consecutive Blade" and looks quite like Cloud's Omnislash of FF7. As Gunblade is Squall's main attacking weapon, there are two features in this weapon. Squall could actually trigger his gunblade, giving him the ability to inflict more damage. To do this, you must trigger his gunblade, by pressing the R1 button. Just when Squall is using his Limit Breaks, a guage similar to the one below, will popped up at the lower screen. ___________________________ | | X | _ _ _ _ _ | |_____|___|_________________| You will see flashes of light and driving passes the box marked "X", to do a trigger, just tap R1 when the light reaches the box. You will next see - - - - being replaced with a number of hits. Someone has told me that if you trigger at the box while watching Squall hitting the monster will be much easier. If you triggered at the box, Squall can do a lot more damage compared to a normal attack. The maximum number of hits Squall can do, is 7. Normally, you will see a flashing blast at the seventh hit. Now I first jump to Squall's configuration screen before telling you about finishing blows. Here is an ASCII art of the screen. ________________________________________ | Gunblade Auto | ON | OFF | If you set Gunblade Auto ON, |_________________________|______|_______| Renzoukuken will be done | Renzoukuken Indicator | ON | OFF | automatically by the |_________________________|______|_______| computer. Choosing OFF allows |Special | you to trigger yourself. | Rough Divide Fated Circle | The Renzoukuken [ASCII art | Blasting Zone Lion Heart | above] indictator will be |________________________________________| visible if you choose "ON". About 1/6 chance, you see Squall execute one of his finishing blows. The chance will depend on Squall's current HP to maximum HP and also his members' current HP to maximum HP. You will learn new finishing blows, by remodel Squall's gunblade into a stronger gunblade. Of course, the better the gunblade, the better the Limit Break. The advance Limit Breaks to be executed varies as depend on the opponent's attributes, crisis level and luck. A lot of e-mails asking me how to get Lion Heart each time, but it is impossible or Squaresoft will might as well have one Limit Break for each gunblade. List of Finishing Blows ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Rough Divide Description: This move looks great as Squall uses the move that he has used during the battle with Seifer at the opening CGI. Squall just glides his gunblade across the ground and lift it, thus a blast appears from the ground. Area effect: Single opponent Learnt: Revolver Rating: 7/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Fated Circle Description: After Squall has finished the Renzoukuken, Squall helds his gunblade on his shoulders and leap up in mid-air and followed by a quick spin, forming sparks of fire on his opponents. Area effect: All opponents. Learnt: Shear Trigger Rating: 8/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Blasting Zone Description: Squall held his gunblade vertically upwards and followed by a generation of energy surrounding him. Next a beam of light appears from his gunblade and receives the outer atmosphere of the world, followed by a deep cut on the ground on all opponents. Area effect: All opponents. Learnt: Flame Saber, Twin Lance, Punishment Rating: 9/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Lion Heart Description: Squall held his gunblade facing downwards followed by a cloud of wind generating and starts a rushing series of 16x slashes on his opponent [9999 HP each!]. This is obvious the most damaging attack in FF8! I forgot that there is another addition of 9999 HP damage after he has excuted the Lion Heart! [this depends on Squall's Strength stats and monster's Vit] Area effect: Single opponent. Learnt: Lion Heart Rating: 10/10 [actually it deserves more than 10!] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ _____ / 3.2 \_________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zell Dincht ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Age: 17 Sex: Male Height: 5'6" [167cm] Birthdate: March 17th Blood Type: B Weapon: Glove Limit Break: Duel Initial Weapon: Metal Knuckle Occupation: SeeD Mercenary (Balamb) Description: A master of comprehensive wrestling skills whom was admitted to the Garden. He has entered the Garden when he was only 13 years old out of admiration of his grandfather, who was an excellent soldier. He is the type who does everything with enthusiasm, but the reason is his weak point. However, at heart he is gentle and has a serious personality. After a short listing about this character, time for the ingredient list: M e t a l K n u c k l e Price: 100 gil, ATK: - HIT: 98% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Fish Fin Quanitity needed: 1x What it does: Fish's Fin Where to get it: Defeat Fastitocalon-F Encounter Monster: Shores of the World Card Mod: n/a Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: M-Stone Piece Quanitity needed: 4x What it does: Stone with a little Magic power Where to get it: Defeat Level 1~10 Bite Bug Encounter Monster: Balamb- Accuald Plains Card Mod: 1x Fungaur's Card -> 1x M-Stone Piece 1x Bite Bug's Card -> 1x M-Stone Piece Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ M a v e r i c k Price: 200 gil, ATK: +3 HIT: 99% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Dragon Fin Quanitity needed: 1x What it does: Very hard dragon's scale Where to get it: Mug/ Defeat Grendel Encounter Monster: Island closest to Hell, Timber- Shenand Hills (hilltops) Card Mod: 1x Grendel's Card -> 1x Dragon Fin Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Spider Web Quanitity needed: 1x What it does: Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, Ultra Waves Where to get it: Mug / Defeat Caterchipillar Encounter Monster: Balamb- Accauld Plains [forests] Card Mod: 1x Caterchipillar -> 1x Spider Web Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ G a u n t l e t Price: 400 gil, ATK: +8 HIT: 101% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Dragon Skin Quanitity needed: 1x What it does: Durable dragon skin Where to get it: Defeat HedgeVipers [rare item] Encounter Monster: Dollet- Hasberry Plains [forests, hills] Card Mod: n/a Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Fury Fragment Quanitity needed: 1x What it does: Stone that contains morale Where to get it: Mug Blue Dragon / Defeat low Levels Ruby Dragon Encounter Monster: Blue Dragon - Trabia -Winter Island [near mountains], Island closest Hell Red Dragon - Island closest to Hell, Centra- Lenown Plains [forests], Esthar - Nortes Mountains Card Mod: 1x Blue Dragon's Card -> 1x Fury Fragment Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ E h r g e i z Price: 800 gil, ATK: +13 HIT: 103% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Adamantine Quantity needed: 1x What it does: GF learns Vit +60% Ability Where to get it: Defeat 2x Adamantoise / Mug BGH251F2 during FH (Disc 2) Encounter Monster: Long Horn Island, it's located in the north-western area of Galbadia. North from the forest at Dollet, you will find a stretch of land that resembles a horn. You will encounter it on the shores (rarely) Card Mod: Minotaur's Card --> 6x Adamantine Refine: 10 Orihalcons -> 1x Adamantine [GFAbil Med-RF]. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Dragon Skin Quanitity needed: 4x What it does: Durable dragon skin Where to get it: Defeat HedgeVipers [rare item] Encounter Monster: Dollet- Hasberry Plains [forests, hills] Card Mod: n/a Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Fury Fragment Quanitity needed: 1x What it does: Stone that contains morale Where to get it: Mug Blue Dragon / Defeat low Levels Ruby Dragon Encounter Monster: Blue Dragon - Trabia -Winter Island [near mountains], Island closest Hell Red Dragon - Island closest to Hell, Centra- Lenown Plains [forests], Esthar - Nortes Mountains Card Mod: 1x Blue Dragon's Card -> 1x Fury Fragment Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Z e l l D i n c h t ' s L i m i t B r e a k s ======================================================================== Zell's Limit Breaks are just like Tifa of FF7. However, his Limit Breaks has much options for you to chain. Zell is really a good player as his Limit Breaks allows you to put in more fun in battles. His Limit Breaks are quite easy to get compared to Squall. You just need to find items known as Combat King Volumes. Refer to Item Bestiary for the detailed information about them. Like Squall, Zell also has finishing blows and they are too damaging. BTW, Zell also has a status screen where you could set the character's Limit Breaks. ______________________________________________________ | Auto Duel | ON | OFF | |__________________________________|_________|_________| | | Auto Duel "ON" | Rush Punch Circle, X | allows the | Booya Forward, Back | computer to | Heel Drop Up, Down | chain the | Mach Kick Back, Back, Circle | attacks for | Dolphin Blow* L1, R1, L1, R1 | Zell. | Meteor Strike* Down, Circle, Up, Circle | | Burning Rave Down, Down, Down, Down, Circle | * they are | Meteor Barret* Up, X, Down, Triangle, Circle | finishing | Different Beat* Triangle, Square, X, Circle, Up | Limit | Final Heaven* Up, Forward, Down, Back, Triangle | Breaks |______________________________________________________| Normally, here are the sequences that you see while excuting Zell's Limit Breaks. 1. Zell will do his Rush Punch. 2. Next, a box containing the input of keys will appear. Enter any of these combinations before ending of Zell's Rush Fists. E.g. Booya 3. Now you will unleash the chosen up and chain it again until the time has reached 00:00. 4. Note that you need to chain up within the given time and time will flickes. It should looked something like this: ___________________ | ___ ____ | | / \ |___ | This means that you must chain up within | | | | | 22 seconds or the time will pass... | \___/ ____/ 22 | |___________________| | ___ | | / \ | | | The time passes as you chain your combos, also | | | |__|_ | this applies when you are not keying into | \___/ | 30 | buttons. So do it fast [anyway the keys are |___________________| shown when Zell is doing his Limit Breaks]. | ___ | | / \ /| | You must finish the combination of keys before | | | | | Zell finishes the move or the combo will stop. | \___/ __|__ 12 | |___________________| | ___ ___ | The combo will automatically ends when the | / \ / \ | following happens: | | | | | | <> When the timer hits 00:00 [shown on the | \___/ \___/ 00 | left] |___________________| <> When Zell has unleashes finishing blows, except for Rush Punch, Booya, Heel Drop, Mach Kick, Meteor Strike and the Dolphin Blow Well, I have summarised in the chart below on how to get the required Limit Break and the magazine issue needed for the technique. As for methods on getting the magazines, refer to Item section Forward means Right Back means Left _____________________________________________________________________ | Limit Break | Button Combination | Magazine Issue | |-----------------|---------------------------------|-----------------| | Rush Punch | Circle, X | Initial Attack | | Booya | Forward, Back | Initial Attack | | Heel Drop | Up, Down | Initial Attack | | Mach Kick | Back, Back, Circle | Initial Attack | | Dolphin Blow | L1, R1, L1, R1 | Combat King 001 | | Meteor Strike | Down, Circle, Up, Circle | Combat King 002 | | Burning Rave* | Down, Down, Down, Down, Circle | Initial Attack | | Meteor Barret* | Up, X, Down, Triangle, Circle | Combat King 003 | | Different Beat* | Triangle, Square, X, Circle, Up | Combat King 004 | | My Final Heaven*| Up, Forward, Down, Back, | Combat King 005 | | | Triangle | | |_________________|_________________________________|_________________| * they are also known as "Finishing blows". ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Burning Rave Description: Well, Zell gathers his power, forming a huge shield and thus sparks of fire appear from his arm. Zell then punches the ground and thus forming a ground wave and followed by a blast to all opponents. Area Effect: All opponents Rating: 7/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Meteor Barret Description: My personal favorite. Zell jumps into mid-air and gather green bolts of energy and thus rushes to his opponent with a dashing punch and passes through the opponent and followed by an explosion. Area Effect: One opponent Rating: 8/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Different Beat Description: One nice trademark! Zell just simply kicks up his opponent into mid- air and starts with some swift knee bashes and finally ends with a knee stomp. Area Effect: One opponent Rating: 9/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: My Final Heaven Description: Another great trademark.. wouldn't spoil it, watch for yourself. Area Effect: All opponents Rating: 10/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTES about Zell's Duel Okay, the Limit Breaks carries non-elemental damage [Dolphin Blow does not does Water damage]. Here are some minor descriptions of Zell's other Limit Breaks: Rush Punch: Zell rushes forward to an opponent and does a fury of punches. I could say his fighting style is a bit different compared to Tifa. Booya: Zell waves his hands and followed by a knee jab at one opponent. Heel Drop: Zell raises his leg and followed by a slashing down heel drop against one opponent. Mach Kick: Zell turns and does a back turn kick against one enemy, the most damage non-finishing blow, Limit Break that you could accquired early in the game. Dolphin : Zell raises an uppercut followed by a dolphin rising up.. Blow Agree with Kao Megura, Squaresoft must be running out of ideas... Dolphin Blow does damage to all opponents. Meteor : Most damaging skill against non-BOSS. The Meteor Strike Strike removes 1/4 of the monster's current HP. Zell lifted up his opponent, followed by an aerial stomp. There are a lot of combinations which can get you to have new Limit Breaks. They are quite easy and if you put them into practice, you could excute them well. Using Finishing Blow: Burning Rave 1. Rush Punch, Mach Kick, Rush Punch, Heel Drop/Meteor Strike (preferred as Meteor Strike as it does more damage) -> [Burning Rave.] If the timer starts between 9'33 to 12'00 1. Booya, Heel Drop, Meteor Strike, Booya -> [Burning Rave.] Using Finishing Blow: Meteor Barret 1. Rush Punch, Dolphin Blow -> [Meteo Blast] If the timer starts between 9'33 to 12'00 1. Booya, Meteo Strike, Dolphin Blow, Mach Kick -> [Meteor Barret] 2. Booya, Heel Drop, Mach Kick, Heel Drop, Booya, Rush Punch, Mach Kick -> [Meteor Barret] Using Finishing Blow: Different Beat 1. Booya, Meteor Strike, Booya --> [Different Beat] If the timer starts between 9'33 to 12'00 1. Booya, Heel Drop, Mach Kick, Heel Drop, Booya --> [Different Beat] Using Finishing Blow: My Final Heaven 1. Booya, Heel Drop, Meteor Strike -> [My Final Heaven] If the timer starts between 9'33 to 12'00 2. Booya, Heel Drop, Mach Kick, Rush Punch -> [My Final Heaven] _____ / 3.3 \_________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quistis Trepe ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Age: 18 Sex: Female Height: 5'6" [172cm] Birthdate: October 4 Blood Type: A Weapon: Whip Limit Break: Blue Magic Initial Weapon: Chain Whip Occupation: Instructor -> SeeD Mercenary (Balamb) Description: An Elite who serves as Squall's advisor. She has joined SeeD at the age of 15 and is now the guidance counselor of Squall and his friends. In opposition to her cool spirit and strong facade, she gets depressed easily about trivial matters since she is unused to setbacks. After a short listing about this character, time for the ingredient list: C h a i n W h i p Price: 100 gil, ATK: - HIT: 103% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: M-Stone Piece Quanitity needed: 2x What it does: Stone with a little Magic power Where to get it: Defeat Level 1~10 Bite Bug Encounter Monster: Balamb- Accuald Plains Card Mod: 1x Fungaur's Card -> 1x M-Stone Piece 1x Bite Bug's Card -> 1x M-Stone Piece Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Spider Web Quanitity needed: 1x What it does: Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, Ultra Waves Where to get it: Mug / Defeat Caterchipillar Encounter Monster: Balamb- Accauld Plains [forests] Card Mod: 1x Caterchipillar -> 1x Spider Web Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ S l a y i n g T a i l Price: 200 gil, ATK: +3 HIT: 104% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Magic Stone Quanitity needed: 2x What it does: Stone with Magic Power Where to get it: Defeat Level 11~29 Bite Bug or Jelleye Encounter Monster: Bite Bug: Balamb- Accuald Plains Jelleye: Centra - Lenown's Plains, Serengetti Plains Card Mod: 1x Grat's Card -> 1x Magic Stone 1x Buel's Card -> 1x Magic Stone 1x Jelleye's Card -> 1x Magic Stone Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Sharp Spike Quanitity needed: 1x What it does: Long, sharp claw Where to get it: Defeat/Mug Grand Mantis Encounter Monster: Centra- Lenown's Plains [forest], Esthar- Khashabald Desert. Card Mod: 1x Death Claw's Card -> 1x Sharp Spike 1x Grand Mantis' Card -> 1x Sharp Spike Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ R e d S c o r p i o n Price: 400 gil, ATK: +8 HIT: 106% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Ochu Tentacle Quanitity needed: 2x What it does: Strong, flexible tentacle Where to get it: Defeat/Mug Ochu Encounter Monster: Timber- Vaunly Canyon [giant forests], Island closest Heaven, Trabia - Hawkwind Plains [forests] Card Mod: 1x Ochu's Card -> 1x Ochu Tentacle Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Dragon Skin Quanitity needed: 2x What it does: Durable dragon skin Where to get it: Defeat HedgeVipers [rare item] Encounter Monster: Dollet- Hasberry Plains [forests, hills] Card Mod: n/a Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ S a v e T h e Q u e e n Price: 800 gil, ATK: +13, HIT: 110% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Malboro Tentacle Quanitity needed: 2x What it does: Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, Bad Breath Where to get it: Defeat/ Steal Malboro Encounter Monster: Island closest to Heaven, Island closest Hell, Esthar- Grandidi Forest Card Mod: 4x Malboro's Card -> 1x Malboro Tentacle Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Sharp Spike Quanitity needed: 4x What it does: Long, sharp claw Where to get it: Defeat/Mug Grand Mantis Encounter Monster: Centra- Lenown's Plains [forest], Esthar- Khashabald Desert. Card Mod: 1x Death Claw's Card -> 1x Sharp Spike 1x Grand Mantis' Card -> 1x Sharp Spike Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Energy Crystal Quantity needed: 4x What it does: GF learns SumMag +30% Ability Where to get it: Defeat Behemoth (rare). Defeat Elnoyle. Defeat Ruby Dragon (Level 80 and above) Encounter Monster: Behemoth/Elnoyle - Esthar City Ruby Dragon - Esthar- Nortes Mountains /Island closest Hell. Card Mod: 10x Elnoyle's Card --> 1x Energy Crystal Refine: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Q u i s t i s T r e p e ' s L i m i t B r e a k s ======================================================================== Quistis Trepe perhaps have most well-rounded Limit Breaks as she learn 16 Limit Breaks [err.. correction, Blue Magic]. Her Blue Magic are so indeed hard to get and it really takes time to get them. But they are worth it. The Power Generator, which allows Quistis to learn Ray-Bomb is indeed devasating and you need to take ages just to get it. How? Read on. Once Quistis is ready to use her Limit Breaks, you see the following diagrams: __________ ____________ |Attack |> || Blue Magic | Just select the Limit Break "Blue Magic" |Magic ||____________| will do the trick ^_^; |GF | You should a lot of Limit Break pages |Recover | shown below. Empty slots will be cover up |__________| the next Blue Magic. But they will be arranged in the following order: _____________________________________________________________________ | Laser Eye P1| Degenerator P2| Gatling Gun P3| Homing Laser P4| | Ultra Waves | Aqua Breath | Fire Breath | Mighty Guard | | Electrocute | Micro Missile | Bad Breath | Shockwave Pulsar | | LV? Death | Acid | White Wind | Raybomb | |________________|________________|________________|__________________| To learn the above 16 Limit Breaks, you must get items [Junk type] known as Blue Magic and access through the Item Menu [all other characters will be greyed out, so don't worry of giving it to a wrong character.] Now to get them? Refer to Bestiary below. BTW, Blue Magic are actually Enemy Skills from FF7, but they are learnt through using Blue Magic Items, not get it by monsters. List of Blue Magic: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Laser Eye What it does?: Non-elemental damage against one enemy. Area Effect: Single Item required: n/a (Initial) Getting the Item: n/a Card Mod: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Ultra Waves What it does?: Non-elemental damage against all enemies. But causes Slow or Stop. Area Effect: All Item required: Spider Web Getting the Item: Mug/Defeat Caterchipillar at the forests of Accauld Plains of Balamb Continent. Card Mod: 1x Caterchipillar's Card -> 1x Spider Web. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Electrocute What it does?: Thunder element damage against all enemies. Area Effect: All Item required: Coral Fragment Getting the Item: Steal/Defeat Creeps found in Galbadia City Sewers, Steal/Defeat Cockatrice found in Galbadia- Montersou Plateau [forests] Card Mod: 1x Creeps' Card -> 1x Coral Fragment Note: Monsters that carries a Thunder Element will absorb the damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: LV? Death What it does?: Cast Death and Doom to all enemies. Area Effect: All Item required: Curse Spike Getting the Item: Steal/Defeat Tri-Face found at the Island closest Heaven Defeat Forbidden found in Centra Ruins, Esthar- Nortes Mountains with Rare Item equipped Card Mod: 1x Tri-Face's Card -> 1x Curse Spike Note: does not work on BOSSES and undead. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Degenerator What it does?: Removes an monster from the battlefield Area Effect: All Item required: Black Hole Getting the Item: Steal/Defeat Gesper during Laguna's 2nd Dream Sequence at Centra-Evacuation Site Card Mod: 1x Gesper's Card -> 1x Black Hole 1x Diablos' Card -> 100x Black Hole Note: Degenerator does not work on any BOSSES. It works on all monsters except for Tonberry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Aqua Breath What it does?: Water-elemental damage against all opponents Area Effect: All Item required: Water Crystal Getting the Item: Steal/Defeat Fastitocalon found in Dingo Desert of Galbadia. [outside D-District Prison] Defeat Chimera found in Esthar's Khashabald Desert Card Mod: 1x Fastitocalon's Card -> 1x Water Crystal 5x Fastitocalon-F's Card -> 1x Water Crystal Note: Monsters with water-elemental will absorb the damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Micro Missile What it does?: Non-elemental damage + 1/4 of monsters' total HP. Area Effect: All Item required: Missile Getting the Item: Steal/Defeat GIM52N found in D-District Prison, Galbadia's attack at Balamb Garden, Galbadia's attack at Esthar City. Card Mod: n/a Note: Micro Missile does not work on BOSSES. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Acid What it does?: Non-Elemental Damage + chances of lower Vit to zero. Area Effect: Single Item required: Mystery Fluid Getting the Item: Mug Gayla found in Trabia- Bika Snowfields. Card Mod: 1x Gayla's Card -> 1x Mystery Fluid ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Gatling Gun What it does?: Non-Elemental damage against one enemy. Area Effect: Single Item required: Running Fire Getting the Item: Defeat Iron Giants found in Esthar City after gotten Ragnarok. Mug/Defeat SAM08G found in D-District Prison, Galbadia Missile Base, Galbadia attacks at Balamb and Esthar City. Card Mod: 1x SAM08G's Card -> 1x Running Fire ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Fire Breath What it does?: Fire element damage against all enemies. Area Effect: All Item required: Inferno Fang Getting the Item: Mug/Defeat low Levels Ruby Dragon at Island closest to Hell and Esthar- Nortes Mountains. Defeat Hexdragon found in Island closest to Hell/ Esthar- Grandidi Forests with Rare Item equipped. Card Mod: 10x Ruby Dragon's Card -> 1x Inferno Fang Note: Fire based monsters absorb the damage ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Bad Breath What it does?: Cast status ailments of Confuse, Berserk, Sleep, Silence, Vit 0, Poison, Darkness, Curse, Doom and Slow Area Effect: All Item required: Malboro Tentacle Getting the Item: Mug/Defeat Malboro at Island closest to Heaven/ Esthar- Grandidi Forest Card Mod: 4x Malboro's Card -> 1x Malboro Tentacle Note: Does not work Poison elemental monsters and BOSS at Ultimecia's Castle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: White Wind What it does?: Cures and full heals all allies according to Quistis' maximum HP. Area Effect: All (ally) Item required: Whisper Getting the Item: Mug Adamantoise /defeat one Adamantoise at the shores of Long Horn Island. Card Mod: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Homing Laser What it does?: Does non-elemental damage against one enemy. Area Effect: Single Item required: Laser Cannon Getting the Item: Defeat/Mug Mobile Suite Type 8 at Lunatic Pandora, Defeat Behelmel at Galbadia- Montersou Plateau (rare item must be equipped, even though it is high to get) Card Mod: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Mighty Guard What it does?: Cast Haste, Protect, Shell on allies. Aura and Regen is sometimes being cast. Area Effect: All (ally) Item required: Barrier Getting the Item: Mug/Defeat Behemoth found in Great Plains of Esthar after gotten Ragnarok. Card Mod: 10x Behemoth's Card -> 1x Barrier Note: causes no effect when the characters are under Invincible status. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Shockwave Pulsar What it does?: Does over 9999 non-elemental damage to all enemies. Area Effect: All Item required: Dark Matter Getting the Item: Get 100x Curse Spikes and use Siren's Tool-RF to refine them into Dark Matter. Siren must be at Level 100 to do this. Get through Pocketstation. Card Mod: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Ray-Bomb What it does?: Does non elemental damage to all enemies. Area Effect: All Item required: Power Generator Getting the Item: Mug Blitz at Centra- Khashalbald Desert [non-desert area] (make Rare Item not equipped, even though it is very rare.) Only about 4% chance to nab the item. Find it during Zell's Quest at Lunatic Pandora [refer to walkthrough], must trigger trap doors] Get it through Pocketstation Card Mod: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ _____ / 3.4 \_________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Selphie Tilmitt ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Age: 17 Sex: Female Height: 5'1" [157cm] Birthdate: July 16 Blood Type: B Weapon: Nunchaku Limit Break: Slots Initial Weapon: Flail Occupation: Trabia Cadet -> SeeD Mercenary (Balamb) Description: A naive girl with flightily nature and capable character. A girl with skilled personality to the extent that you can't believe that she's a student at the military academy. Usually she has a carefree way of speaking and is frequently disturbed by the pace of her surroundings. After a short listing about this character, time for the ingredient list: F l a i l Price: 100 gil, ATK: - HIT: 98% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Bomb Fragment Quanitity needed: 1x What it does: Stone with Fire element Where to get it: Mug/Defeat Bomb Encounter Monster: Fire Cavern Card Mod: 1x Bomb's Card -> 1x Bomb Fragment Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: M-Stone Piece Quanitity needed: 2x What it does: Stone with a litte Magic Power Where to get it: Defeat Level 1~10 Bite Bug Encounter Monster: Balamb- Accuald Plains Card Mod: 1x Fungaur's Card -> 1x M-Stone Piece 1x Bite Bug's Card -> 1x M-Stone Piece Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ M o r n i n g S t a r Price: 200 gil, ATK: +3 HIT: 99% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Steel Orb Quanitity needed: 2x What it does: Steel orb with graviational power Where to get it: Defeat Wendigo Encounter Monster: Great Plains of Galbadia [desert], Dollet- Hasberry Plains. Card Mod: 1x Wendigo's Card -> 1x Steel Orb Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Sharp Spike Quanitity needed: 1x What it does: Long, sharp claw Where to get it: Defeat/Mug Grand Mantis Encounter Monster: Centra- Lenown's Plains [forest], Esthar- Khashabald Desert. Card Mod: 1x Death Claw's Card -> 1x Sharp Spike 1x Grand Mantis' Card -> 1x Sharp Spike Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C r e s c e n t W i s h Price: 400 gil, ATK: +8 HIT:101% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Inferno Fang Quanitity needed: 1x What it does: Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, Fire Breath Where to get it: Defeat/Mug Ruby Dragon Encounter Monster: Centra- Lenown's Plains, Island closest to Hell, Esthar- Nortes Mountains Card Mod: 10x Ruby Dragon's Card -> 1x Inferno Fang Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Life Ring Quanitity needed: 1x What it does: Ring with Life force Where to get it: Mug Mesmerize Encounter Monster: Trabia- Bika Snowfields, Hawkwind Plains Card Mod: 5x Torama's Card -> 1x Life Ring Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Sharp Spike Quanitity needed: 4x What it does: Long, sharp claw Where to get it: Defeat/Mug Grand Mantis Encounter Monster: Centra- Lenown's Plains [forest], Esthar- Khashabald Desert. Card Mod: 1x Death Claw's Card -> 1x Sharp Spike 1x Grand Mantis' Card -> 1x Sharp Spike Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ S t r a n g e V i s i o n Price: 1000 gil, ATK: +13 HIT: 255% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Adamantine Quantity needed: 1x What it does: GF learns Vit +60% Ability Where to get it: Defeat 2x Adamantoise / Mug BGH251F2 during FH (Disc 2) Encounter Monster: Long Horn Island, it's located in the north-western area of Galbadia. North from the forest at Dollet, you will find a stretch of land that resembles a horn. You will encounter it on the shores (rarely) Card Mod: Minotaur's Card --> 6x Adamantine Refine: 10 Orihalcons -> 1x Adamantine [GFAbil Med-RF]. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Curse Spike Quanitity needed: 2x What it does: Allows Quistis to learn Blue Magic, LV? Death Where to get it: Steal/Defeat Tri-Face Encounter Monster: Deep Sea Deposit, Island closest Hell Card Mod: 1x Tri-Face's Card -> 1x Curse Spike Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Star Fragment Quanitity needed: 3x What it does: GF learns SumMag +20% Ability Where to get it: Mug Iron Giants/ Defeat level 100 T-Rexaurs Encounter Monster: Iron Giants - Deep Sea Deposit, Esthar City T-Rexaur - Balamb- Accuald Plains (forest), B-Garden Training Center, Island closest to Hell Card Mod: 3x Iron Giant's Card -> 1x Star Fragment Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================================================================== S e l p h i e T i l m i t t ' s L i m i t B r e a k s ======================================================================== Selphie's Limit Break is regarded as most powerful Limit that you can find in the game. But it will reduce the fun that you could possible enjoy in the game. The End wipes out everything except for undead and Ultimecia.. Even Omega and Ultima have the fear on that spell. As the saying goes "you work for what you get.", quite a piece of bad news huh? You may take ages just to get her spells. Learning her Limit Breaks is unique. You need to get her Limit Breaks during your selection of spells. Executing her Limit Breaks is just others.. You need to get her into Crisis condition, cast Aura or use Aura Stone, so that she could uses her Limit Breaks. Once she was be able to use to her Limit Breaks, you should see something similar below.. _________ ________ |Attack |>| | Slots | Just push right, once you see the triangle. |Magic | |________| Next press X again and select slots and you |GF | will have a diagram below: |Item | |_________| ___________ ___________ ____________ | Firaga 3| | Aura 2 | |Full-Cure 1 | (1) choose | | | | | | "Do over" | Do over | --> | Do over | --> | Do over | | Use | (1) | Use | (1) | Use | |___________| |___________| |____________| The diagram is NOT exactly the same. It is just an example. You may take countless time, using "Do over" to get the rare magic spells. Those rare spells are her Limit Breaks. You NEED TO use them in order to Selphie learn her Limit Breaks. Generally there is a trick in selecting spells effectively without worrying enemies that is going to attack your party. Okay, Selphie can virtually cast any type of spells, including Apocalypse, Ultima, Full-Life, Curaga, etc. When you choose to cast under "Firaga 3x" she will cast Firaga three times and attack any enemies at random. What I am trying to say, you will not get the chance to cast in the order that you like. Anyway, here is the trick in getting spells. 1) First of all get Selphie to critical status or cast Aura/ use Aura Stone 2) Tap Circle to change turns, have the next member use a magic and meantime return Selphie and have her excute her Limit Break. 3) Before the other member cast the spell, open the Playstation lid immediately! 4) The character whom is casting the spell looks freezed.. in her/his casting pose. Now you could happily selecting your spells! 5) After finished selecting your desired spells, choose to cast. 6) Close the Playstation Lid and the freezed member will start to cast the spell! And it is followed by Selphie casting her Limit Break! List of Limit Breaks ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Full-Cure What it does?: Recovers fully all HP for the entire party, hence also removing status ailments. Does not work for characters under Undead status. Those characters will be instantly killed off. Area Effect: All Chances: 70% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Wall What it does?: A rock of wall appears in front of the entire party, hence giving them the protective barrier of magical and physical defense. (Protect and Shell) Area Effect: All Chances: 50% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Rapture What it does?: A pair of wings appearing on the all enemies, hence lifting them away from battles. Some monsters are can be lifted away, due to mass and their elements. Typically does not work on Earth elemental monsters, BOSSES and Tonberry Area Effect: All Chances: 45% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: The End What it does?: Instant dead attack, regardless of Death protection. Works on any monsters, except for Undead and Ultimecia Area Effect: All Chances: 15% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ _____ / 3.5 \_________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rinoa Heartilly ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Age: 17 Sex: Female Height: 5'4" [163 cm] Birthdate: March 3rd Weapon: Blaster Edge Limit Break: Combine Initial Weapon: Pinwheel Occupation: Princess of "The Forest Owls" Description: A beautiful and enigmatic woman, kind-hearted and driven to succeed. A cheerful girl who possesses a "mood-making" liveliness and gentleness that touches people without discrimination. She's honest about her feelings and readily speaks what she thinks. However, in time, she ends up becoming warped... By the way, Rinoa has a pet dog called Angelo. After a short listing about this character, time for the ingredient list: P i n W h e e l Price: 100 gil, ATK: - HIT: 99% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: M-Stone Piece Quanitity needed: 3x What it does: Stone with a litte Magic Power Where to get it: Defeat Level 1~10 Bite Bug Encounter Monster: Balamb- Accuald Plains Card Mod: 1x Fungaur's Card -> 1x M-Stone Piece 1x Bite Bug's Card -> 1x M-Stone Piece Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ V a l k y r i e Price: 200 gil, ATK: +3 HIT: 101% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Shear Feather Quanitity needed: 1x What it does: Bird's feather that files on wind Where to get it: Defeat Thrustaveis Encounter Monster: Great Plains of Galbadia, Timber- Vaunly Canyon Card Mod: 1x Thrustaveis' Card -> 1x Shear Feather Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Magic Stone Quanitity needed: 1x What it does: Stone with Magic Power Where to get it: Defeat Level 11~29 Bite Bug or Jelleye Encounter Monster: Bite Bug: Balamb- Accuald Plains Jelleye: Centra - Lenown's Plains, Serengetti Plains Card Mod: 1x Grat's Card -> 1x Magic Stone 1x Buel's Card -> 1x Magic Stone 1x Jelleye's Card -> 1x Magic Stone Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ R i s i n g S u n Price: 400 gil, ATK: +7 HIT: 103% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Saw Blade Quanitity needed: 1x What it does: Serrated blade Where to get it: Defeat/Mug Behelmel Encounter Monster: Galbadia- Montersou Plateau Card Mod: 1x Behelmel's Card -> 1x Saw Blade Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Screws Quantity needed: 8x What it does: Use to remodel weapons Where to get it: Mug or defeat Geezard / Defeat GIM-47N Encounter Monster: Geezard - Galbadia- Montersou Plateau/ Dollet- Hasberry Plains/ Great Plains of Galbadia/ Timber- Vaulny Canyon. Card Mod: 1x Geezard's Card -> 5x Screws Refine: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C a r d i n a l Price: 600 gil, ATK: +13 HIT: 104% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Cockatrice Pinion Quanitity needed: 1x What it does: Feather with petrifying power Where to get it: Defeat/Mug Cockatrice Encounter Monster: Galbadia- Montersou Plateau [forest], Esthar- Nortes Mountains. Card Mod: 1x Cockatrice's Card -> 1x Cockatrice Pinion 1x Iguion's Card -> 1x Cockatrice Pinion Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Sharp Spike Quanitity needed: 1x What it does: Long, sharp claw Where to get it: Defeat/Mug Grand Mantis Encounter Monster: Centra- Lenown's Plains [forest], Esthar- Khashabald Desert. Card Mod: 1x Death Claw's Card -> 1x Sharp Spike 1x Grand Mantis' Card -> 1x Sharp Spike Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Mesmerize Blade Quanitity needed: 1x What it does: Long, sharp blade Where to get it: Defeat/Steal Mesmerize Encounter Monster: Trabia - Bika Snowfields, Thor Peninsula, Hawkwind Plains, Trabia Canyon, Trabia Crater Card Mod: 1x Mesmerize's Card -> 1x Mesmerize Blade Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ S h o o t i n g S t a r Price: 1000 gil, ATK: +17 HIT: 107% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Windmill Quantity needed: 2x What it does: Windmill containing wind energy Where to get: Defeat Abyss Worm/ Thrustaevis Encounter Monster: Abyss Worm Galbadia- Dingo Desert (Outside D-District Prison) Esthar- Khaskabald Desert Thrustaveis Great Plains of Galbadia Galbadia- Montersou Plateau (hilltops) Card Mod: 1x Abyss Worm's Card -> 1x Windmill 1x Pandemona's Card -> 100x Windmill Refine: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Regen Ring Quantity needed: 2x What it does: GF learns HP +20% Ability Where to get: Defeat Torama Defeat Chimera Defeat Mesmerize Encounter Monster: Torama: Great Plains of Esthar (after Lunar Cry) Chimera: Island closest to Heaven/ Khaskabald Desert Mesmerize: Trabia-Bika Snowfields/Hawkwind Plains. Card Mod: 10x Chimera -> 1x Regen Ring Refine: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Force Armlet Quantity needed: 1x What it does: GF learns Spr +40% Ability Where to get: Defeat Malboro/Ochu Brought at Esthar Pet Shop with Familiar for 20,000 gil. Encounter Monster: Malboro/Ochu - Island closest to Heaven Card Mod: n/a Refine: 10x Mag-J Scrolls -> 1x Force Armlet [GFAbl Med-Ref] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Energy Crystal Quantity needed: 2x What it does: GF learns SumMag +30% Ability Where to get it: Defeat Behemoth (rare). Defeat Elnoyle. Defeat Ruby Dragon (Level 80 and above) Encounter Monster: Behemoth/Elnoyle - Esthar City Ruby Dragon - Esthar- Nortes Mountains /Island closest Hell. Card Mod: 10x Elnoyle's Card --> 1x Energy Crystal Refine: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================================================================== R i n o a H e a r t i l l y ' s L i m i t B r e a k s ======================================================================== Rinoa's method of learning Limit Breaks is rather unique too. She learns new moves by reading Pet Pals Volume. [I guess is giving her dog, Angelo tutorial on the move.] Of course, Angelo has accquired some of her moves initially. Angelo does not only appears when Rinoa is using her Limit Breaks, also while she is in trouble. During the space jounery, Rinoa has received her Sorceress powers, and hence gain a powerful Limit Breaks Angel Wings, or known as "Varly". This Limit Break increases her Magic to 255! Becomes extremely damaging while casting spells... But you will lost control of her.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Before Space Incident At Disc 3, while at Ragnarok _________ ________ _________ ____________ |Attack |>| |Combine | |Attack |>| |Angel Wings | |Magic | |________| |Magic | |____________| |GF | |GF | |Draw | |Draw | |_________| |_________| After Rinoa have been rescued.... _________ ___________ |Attack |>| |Combine | |Magic | |Angel Wings| |GF | |___________| |Draw | |_________| ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rinoa's Limit Break has been classified into three groups and they are: Angelo's Limit Break ------------------------------------------------------------------------ These Limit Breaks cannot be using through your command. It appears while Rinoa is in trouble. I myself believe that Angelo is the perhaps the fourth character and she is in the back row of your party. She will automatically help Rinoa when her owner is trouble. All of them appears in random and you need to depend on Luck a lot. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Angelo Rush What it does?: Angelo counterattacks against one enemy, where Rinoa is under attack repetively, whether the attacks are magical or physical. Area Effect: Single Vol needed: Initial ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Angelo Recover What it does?: Angelo uses an item to restore HP for any ally, who is in critical condition. This might depends on the items you have: E.g. a Hi-Potion+ can restores a whoopy 2000. It's always a rounded number. [i.e. 2000, 1000, etc.] Area Effect: Single (ally) Vol needed: Pet Pals Vol. 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Angelo Reverse What it does?: Angelo revives any wounded character with a Phoenix Down, but not using the Phoenix Downs in the inventory. The character will be revived with 1/10 of the HP and still under critical status. Area Effect: Single (ally) Vol needed: Pet Pals Vol. 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Angelo Search What it does?: Angelo sniffs the battlefield (quite amusing while seeing Angelo sniffing on snow..) She will then start digging and searching for items and later gives it to Rinoa. Rinoa then gives Angelo a biscuit. To encounted this often, boost Rinoa's Luck through Luck-J and have a longer than usual fight. Angelo can get typical and rare items. [e.g. Tent, Regen Ring, etc.] Area Effect: n/a Vol needed: Pet Pals Vol. 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Limit Breaks: Combine ------------------------------------------------------------------------ These Limit Breaks can be execute directly by using Limit Breaks, just like using your characters. Rinoa need to get to critical status and she will be able to execute the Limit Breaks. [or use Aura] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Angelo Cannon What it does?: Rinoa whistles for Angelo, Angelo goes on her weapon, then Rinoa then fires Angelo at all enemies creating an explosion. [like using a sling- shot] After done with the damage, Rinoa awards Angelo a biscuit. If Rinoa's strength is maxed out, then this will damage all enemies for 9999 HP, making it better than Angelo Strike later in the game. Area Effect: All Vol needed: Initial ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Angelo Strike What it does?: Angelo jumps in and sniffs an enemy, jumps at it and bites it while bringing it into the air, spinning it in a 360 degrees motion, a few times and brings the enemy back to the ground. Rinoa then awards Angelo with a biscuit. Early in the game this does more damage than Angelo Cannon, but if Rinoa's strength is maxed out, then this will only damage one enemy for 9999 HP so its worse than Angelo Cannon later in the game if Rinoa's strength is maxed out. Area Effect: Single Vol needed: Pet Pals Vol. 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Invincible Moon What it does?: Rinoa summons Angelo and throws a biscuit which Angelo catches with her mouth. Next, Angelo jump pass-by the moon [reminds me of Red XIII of FF7] and a curtain of white light surrounds the party giving them an "Invincible status" The characters will looks like partially transparent hence having the same effect as a Holy War or Holy War Trial. The Invincible status seems to last longer depending on what level Rinoa is at and her Magic stats. During this status, Rinoa can try to do Angel Wing (if she had aura or was critical before) but it will "miss" since she's stuck on invincible status at first. The Invincible status may causes all magic to cause a "MISS" except for GF Commands and Curative magic (except Regen). Area Effect: All (Allies) Vol needed: Pet Pals Vol. 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Wishing Star What it does/: Rinoa and Angelo run together as the background of the battle field becomes star filled. Shooting stars that are actually Rinoa riding Angelo hit all the enemies and it is around 10-20 times. The more speed Rinoa has in her stats the more hits this will do and the more strength Rinoa has, the more damage each hit will do. Area Effect: All Vol needed: Pet Pals Vol. 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rinoa's Limit Break: Angel Wing ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A Limit Break which can only be gained in Disc 3 at Ragnarok during the Space Incident. The Limit Break causes you to lose the control of Rinoa. But all her stats rises up [especially Magic] and thus doing 3000+ for Fire.. 9999 HP damage for using Ultima. Like Selphie's Slot, she can cast any spells which are not in her inventory. The only difference is that you can't control and she can only cast a spell once her ATB bar is full. One more thing to note.. She does not cast Support and Recovery Magic except for Dispel. Partially resembles Edea, huh? _____ / 3.6 \_________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Irvine Kinneas ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Age: 18 Sex: Male Height: 6'0" [185cm] Birthdate: November 24th Blood Type: O Weapon: Shotgun Limit Break: Shot Initial Weapon: Variant Occupation: SeeD Mercernary (Galbadia) Description: A young man, well-liked by women whose strongest point is his marksmanship. A cadet at the Galbadia Garden, he self-styles himself as the "No. 1 gunslinger in the Garden" His shooting arm seems sure and he is the girls' favorite because he is full of confidence. He seems callous to simple men, but in truth, he is unexpectedly sensitive and seems to have a serious personality. After a short listing about this character, time for the ingredient list: V a r i a n t Price: 100 gil, ATK: - HIT: 105% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Steel Pipe Quanitity needed: 1x What it does: GF learns SumMag +10% Ability Where to get it: Mug Wendigo Encounter Monster: Galbadia- Great Plains of Galbadia [outside Deling] Dollet- Hasberry Plains Card Mod: 1x Elastoid's Card -> 1x Steel Pipe Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Screws Quantity needed: 4x What it does: Use to remodel weapons Where to get it: Mug or defeat Geezard / Defeat GIM-47N Encounter Monster: Geezard - Galbadia- Montersou Plateau/ Dollet- Hasberry Plains/ Great Plains of Galbadia/ Timber- Vaulny Canyon. Card Mod: 1x Geezard's Card -> 5x Screws Refine: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ U l y s s e s Price: 200 gil, ATK: +3 HIT: 108% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Steel Pipe Quanitity needed: 1x What it does: GF learns SumMag +10% Ability Where to get it: Mug Wendigo Encounter Monster: Galbadia- Great Plains of Galbadia [outside Deling] Dollet- Hasberry Plains Card Mod: 1x Elastoid's Card -> 1x Steel Pipe Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Screws Quantity needed: 2x What it does: Use to remodel weapons Where to get it: Mug or defeat Geezard / Defeat GIM-47N Encounter Monster: Geezard - Galbadia- Montersou Plateau/ Dollet- Hasberry Plains/ Great Plains of Galbadia/ Timber- Vaulny Canyon. Card Mod: 1x Geezard's Card -> 5x Screws Refine: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Bomb Fragment Quanitity needed: 1x What it does: Stone with Fire element Where to get it: Mug/Defeat Bomb Encounter Monster: Fire Cavern Card Mod: 1x Bomb's Card -> 1x Bomb Fragment Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B i s m a r c k Price: 400 gil, ATK: +8 HIT: 112% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Steel Pipe Quanitity needed: 1x What it does: GF learns SumMag +10% Ability Where to get it: Mug Wendigo Encounter Monster: Galbadia- Great Plains of Galbadia [outside Deling] Dollet- Hasberry Plains Card Mod: 1x Elastoid's Card -> 1x Steel Pipe Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Screws Quantity needed: 8x What it does: Use to remodel weapons Where to get it: Mug or defeat Geezard / Defeat GIM-47N Encounter Monster: Geezard - Galbadia- Montersou Plateau/ Dollet- Hasberry Plains/ Great Plains of Galbadia/ Timber- Vaulny Canyon. Card Mod: 1x Geezard's Card -> 5x Screws Refine: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Dynamo Stone Quanitity needed: 4x What it does: Stone with Thunder Element Where to get it: Defeat Blitz/ Defeat Cockatrice Encounter Monster: Blitz: Centra-Lenown Plains, Esthar-Grandidi Forests Cockatrice: Galbadia- Montersou Plateau, Esthar- Nortes Mountains Card Mod: 1x Blitz's Card -> 1x Dynamo Stone Refinement: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ E x e t e r Price: 800 gil, ATK: +13 HIT: 122% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Dino Bone Quantity needed: 2x What it does: Large dinosaur bone Where to get it: Defeat T-Rexaur [mug at low-levels] Encounter Monster: Balamb- Accauld Plains (forests), Island closest to Hell/ Balamb Garden- Training Center Card Mod: 1x Armadodo's Card -> 1x Dino Bone 2x T-Rexaur's Card -> 1x Dino Bone 1x Sacred's Card -> 100x Dino Bones Refine: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Moon Stone Quantity needed: 1x What it does: Holy moon stone with monsters living inside Where to get it: Mug Torama / Mug Elnoyle. Encounter Monster: Both - Esthar City Torama - Great Plains of Esthar/ Deep Sea Deposit Card Mod: n/a Refine: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Star Fragment Quantity needed: 2x What it does: GF learns SumMag +20% Ability Where to get it: Mug Iron Giant/ Defeat high levels T-Rexaurs Encounter Monster: Iron Giant - Deep Sea Deposit/Lunatic Pandora/ Esthar City. T-Rexaur - Balamb Garden- Training Center/ Balamb- Accauld Plains/ Island closest to Hell Card Mod: 3x Iron Giant -> 1x Star Fragment Refine: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Screws Quantity needed: 18x What it does: Use to remodel weapons Where to get it: Mug or defeat Geezard / Defeat GIM-47N Encounter Monster: Geezard - Galbadia- Montersou Plateau/ Dollet- Hasberry Plains/ Great Plains of Galbadia/ Timber- Vaulny Canyon. Card Mod: 1x Geezard's Card -> 5x Screws Refine: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================================================================== I r v i n e K i n n e a ' s L i m i t B r e a k s ======================================================================== It looks kinda strange for me.. I myself don't think you can get new Limit Breaks just get his ammo. You must also tune up his weapon in order get the new Limit Breaks. His ammo is really easy to get compared to other characters. His attacks are superbly strong. But they also carries a couple of good elementals. In order to use his Limit Breaks, you must get Ammo. To get stronger or better Ammo, you must have GF Ifrit's Ammo-RF to order. Pulse Ammo are the strongest ammo. _________ _________ __________________ _____________________ |Attack |>| | Shot | | Num | | Num | |Magic | |_________| | Normal Ammo 100 | | Demolition Ammo 100 | |GF | | Shotgun Ammo 100 | | Fast Ammo 100 | |Draw | | Dark Ammo 100 | | AP Ammo 100 | |_________| | Fire Ammo 100 | | Pulse Ammo 100 | |__________________| |_____________________| ___________ | Dark Ammo | | 100 | The Limit Screen will appear as shown on left. You will | _______ | see a blue ATB [represented by the rectangle]. You can | |_______| | only shoot within that interval. You will stop the |___________| Limit Break when the following happens: 1) Used up all ammo 2) Press Triangle 3) Timer bar runs out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Normal Ammo What it does?: Normal Ammo Area Effect: Single Comments: Irvine's basic attacking ammo. You can get this from all Item Shops, won during combat. The ammo is quite cheap and do a hefty 2000+ damage when Irvine's strength is 255 Learnt: Normal Shot, Variant ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Shotgun Ammo What it does?: Ammo that attacks all opponents Area Effect: All Comments: Shotgun Ammo is pretty useful, compared to Normal Ammo. It is only a bit more expensive, yet it does damage to all enemies. Learnt: Scattered Shot, Variant ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Dark Ammo What it does: Ammo with status changing effect. Area Effect: Single Comments: Another great ammo that causes a series of status ailments [namely Poison, Darkness, Silence] which is the same as to Pain. But it is still consider as a great ammo. Learnt: Dark Shot, Ulysses ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Fire Ammo What it does: Ammo with Fire element Area Effect: All Comments: This ammo works fine especially monsters that you could find in Trabia Continent. It does damage to all enemies and carries a Fire element. Learnt: Fire Shot, Ulysses ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Demolition Ammo What it does: Ammo 3 times more powerful than Normal Ammo Area Effect: Single Comments: A great ammo as you can does a whooping 6000+ damage with this ammo, plus this ammo can be brought from a shop, once you accquired GF Tonberry's Familiar. Learnt: Canister Shot, Bismarck ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Fast Ammo What it does: Ammo for rapid fire Area Effect: Single Comments: This ammo has extremely fast shooting fire, fancy turning Irvine's shotgun in a machine gun. This ammo is quite easy to get, but it runs out easily. So remember to stock them up, once you got the chance. Learnt: Quick Shot, Bismarck. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: AP Ammo What it does: Armor-piercing ammo Area Effect: Single Comments: The second best ammo after Pulse Ammo, rather easy to get and only through GF Ifrit's Ammo-RF. AP stands for "Armor Piercing" and it can does 9999 HP damage when Irvine has 255 Strength stats. It has a sensible recharge rate. Learnt: Armor Shot, Exetor ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Pulse Ammo What it does: Ammo that contains powerful energy Area Effect: Single Comments: Does 9999 HP damage regardless of Irvine's strength stats and enemy's defense. This ammo is extremely dangerous and it is also very hard to get. Only rare items such as Power Generator, Energy Crystal, etc allows you to get this. Learnt: Hyper Shot, Exetor ------------------------------------------------------------------------ _____ / 3.7 \_________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dream Party: Laguna Loire, Ward Zaback and Kiros Seagul ------------------------------------------------------------------------ During the game, you will definately required to switch party. You will be able to use Laguna, Kiros and Ward for combat. They also have Limit Breaks [unlike Young Cloud and Sephiroth in FF7]. They don't need to learn Limit Breaks, as they have only 1 Limit Break. ______ / 3.7a \________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Laguna Loire ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Age: 27 Sex: Male Height: 5'11" [181 cm] Birthdate: January 3rd Blood Type: B Weapon: Machine Gun Limit Break: Desparado Initial Weapon: Machine Gun Occupation: Soldier --> Jounralist --> President of Esthar Description: A hot-blooded man who fights with a pen instead a sword. Kind out of compassion for humanity, he's a man full of courage who helps the faint-hearted and crushes the arrogant. A journalist of military origins, he swapped his sword for a pen and fights boldly against the evils of the world. L i m i t B r e a k ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Desperado What it does?: Laguna will use a grenade and throw it to the crowd of enemy. Next Laguna jump and hang on a rope and swinging around with it and does rapid fire with his machine gun. Does approximately 4x the damage of his normal attacks. However, the damage was limited to 9999 HP. Area Effect: All ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______ / 3.7b \________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ward Zaback ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Age: 25 Sex: Male Height: 217 cm Birthdate: February 25th Blood Type: A Weapon: Harpoon Limit Break: Massive Anchor Initial Weapon: Harpoon Occupation: Soldier --> Janitor --> Minister of Esthar Description: Ex-Galbadian soldier. He is one of Laguna's best pals. You can only use him in battles during Laguna's Dream Sequences. Don't look down on him, as he looks huge and scary. He has work as a janitor in the D-District Prison.. (funny guy huh?) L i m i t B r e a k ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Massive Anchor What it does?: Ward throw his harpoon into mid and next he leaps to mid-air following by his attack. And lands along with his harpoon at all enemies for massive damage. Area Effect: All ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______ / 3.7c \________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kiros Seagul ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Age: 23 Sex: Male Height: 191 cm Birthdate: July 6th Blood Type: O Weapons: Daggers Limit Break: Blood Pain Initial Weapon: Katal Occupation: Soldier --> Minister of Esthar Description: Ex-Galbadian soldier. He is one of Laguna's best pals. You can only use him in battles during Laguna's dream sequence. He is rather a helpful lad in Laguna's friend. He is considered as Laguna's most concerning friend where he consults Laguna for his failure in love with a pianoist called Julia Heartilly. L i m i t B r e a k ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Blood Pain What it does?: Similiar to Yuffie's BloodFest of FF7. Kiros just rushes forward with a series of quick slashes which are embedded with red light and does damage to one enemy. Area Effect: Single ------------------------------------------------------------------------ _____ / 3.8 \_________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Temporary Members: Seifer and Edea ------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are also certain members that would joing your party temporarily. There are two characters and here is their "service time": ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Seifer Almasy Disc 1, Dollet Dukedom Mission, while removing Galbadia threat from the town. Unable to use him after defeat sub-boss, Anacondour. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edea Kramer Disc 3, After Rinoa has met with a mishap, recruitable through your journey to Esthar. She leaves your party after gotten Ragnarok [or during your visit to Lunar Base at outer space to be more exact, but she will be still avaliable at the Switch screen] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______ / 3.8a \________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Seifer Almasy ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Age: 18 Sex: Male Height: 6'1" (188 cm) Birthdate: December 22nd Blood Type: A Weapon: Gunblade Limit Break: Cross Sword >> No Mercy Initial Weapon: Hyperion Occupation: Balamb Cadet -> Sorceress' Knight Description: A troublemaker who views Squall as his rival. A SeeD cadet who is treated as a problem child because he lacks composure and the ability to follow orders, even though he has the disposition to excel. On the other hand, he appreciates Squall's abilities highly and adamantly considers him a rival. L i m i t B r e a k ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: No Mercy What it does: Seifer held his gunblade 45 degrees down and generates an energy blade. Next he just turn his gunblade and the energy ball attacks all enemies. Has a hidden R1 trigger function Area Effect: All ----------------------------------------------------------------------- As you advance later in the game, you will see him using his new Limit Breaks. ______ / 3.8b \________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edea Kramer ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edea, wife of Cid Kramer is the sorceress of the game. She possesses the great power of magic and is consider the best user when comes to magic. She is rather mysterious and secretive. As if she is final boss, you will find out soon..... Limit Break: Ice Strike Weapon: Magic. Occupation: Sorceress -> Matron L i m i t B r e a k ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Ice Strike What it does?: Remember what she do to Squall at the end of Disc 1? That's her Limit Breaks. Edea summons a set of icicles and throw them to the sky and they all come rushing down to one enemy. Carries an Ice element. Area Effect: Single ----------------------------------------------------------------------- _____ / 3.9 \________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ingredient List Chart ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Here you will find a list of ingredients [including method on how to get them], where to locate the monsters, etc. I only include those monster which possesses those ingredient more frequently. ______________________________________________________________________ | Item Name | How and where to whom to get it | |________________|_____________________________________________________| | Screw | Steal or defeat Geezard at Galbadia Continent, it | | | rather easy to find it. Dollet- Hasberry Plains | | | [grasslands]. It is an ugly monster with a grey | | | belly. | |________________|_____________________________________________________| | Steel Pipe | Stealing from the Wendigo [the yellow-green gorilla]| | | forests found in Dollet- Hasberry Plains or the | | | Great Plains of Galbadia. [dark red desert] | |________________|_____________________________________________________| | Dragon Skin | Defeat or steal Anacondaur [remember the Dollet's | | | sub BOSS? It is found in forests of Timber- Vaunly | | | Canyon and it is rather rare. | | | Defeat Blue Dragon at Island closest to Hell or | | | near mountains of Winter Island. (rare) | |________________|_____________________________________________________| | Adamantine | Win it from those Adamantoises at the shores of Long| | | Horn Island found in the upper continent of Galbadia| | | Adamantine can only be gotten if you defeat both of | | | without stealing from one of them. | |________________|_____________________________________________________| | Inferno Fang | Defeat/Steal Ruby Dragon and Hexadragon | | | at Island Closest to Hell or at Esthar- Nortes | | | Mountains [Ruby Dragon], Esthar- Grandidi Forests [ | | | Hexdragon]. | |________________|_____________________________________________________| | Life Ring | Defeat/Steal from Mesmerize at Trabia- Bika | | | Snowfields. Defeat/Steal Turtapod at Esthar- City | | | after gotten Ragnarok | |________________|_____________________________________________________| | Energy Crystal | Defeat Ruby Dragon, Behemoth, Elnoyle at level 100 | | | Ruby Dragon at Lenown Plains, Island Closest to Hell| | | Behemoth at Esthar and Elnoyle inside Esthar near | | | the save point towards the location where the | | | Ragnarok lands low encounter rate also at Deep Sea | | | Deposit the last stairs area before fighting the | | | Ultima Weapon. | |________________|_____________________________________________________| | Ochu Tentacle | Defeat/steal from the Ochu forest near Timber and | | | Island closest to Heaven near Esthar's Grandidi | | | Forest. | |________________|_____________________________________________________| | Windmill | Defeat/steal from Thrustaevis at Galbadia | | | Defeat/Steal from Abyss Worm found in Dingo Desert | | | of Galbadia. | |________________|_____________________________________________________| | Shear Feather | Same as above. Defeat/steal from Death Claw found | | | at Lenown Plains and Grandidi Forest | |________________|_____________________________________________________| | Fury Fragment | Defeat/Steal from Armadodo or Blue Dragon. | | | Defeat Ruby & Blue Dragon at Island Closest to Hell | | | Armadodo can be encountered at Tomb of the Unknown | | | King. | |________________|_____________________________________________________| | Red Fang | Defeat/Steal from Ruby Dragon and Hexadragon | | | found at the Island closest to Hell. | |________________|_____________________________________________________| | Dino Bone | You can get this by defeating the T-Rexaur, found at| | | the Training Center of Balamb Garden or the forests | | | of Balamb- Accauld Plains. | |________________|_____________________________________________________| | Spider Web | Defeat/steal from Caterchipillar found in Balamb- | | | Accauld Plains. | |________________|_____________________________________________________| | Cockatrice | You can get this by defeating the Cockatrice | | Pinion | found at Esthar- Nortes Mountains/Sollet Mts and | | | forests of Galbadia's Montersou Plateau. | |________________|_____________________________________________________| | Dynamo Stone | Defeat/Steal from Blitz at Centra- Lenown Plains, | | | desert that is surrounding Edea's House. | |________________|_____________________________________________________| | Steel Orb | Defeat the GIM47N [yellow robot] at Fisherman | | | Horizon during Galbadia Attack or D-District Prison | | | Defeat Wendigo which is found at Hasberry Plains of | | | Dollet and deserts of the Great Plains of Galbadia. | |________________|_____________________________________________________| | Moon Stone | Steal from Elnoyle or Torama found in Esthar City | | | after you have gotten Ragnarok. | |________________|_____________________________________________________| | Sharp Spike | Defeat/steal from the Grand Mantis at Lenown Plains | | | of Centra Continent. | |________________|_____________________________________________________| | Saw Blade | Defeat/steal from the Belhelmel found in th deserts | | | Galbadia's Montersou Plateau. | |________________|_____________________________________________________| | Curse Spike | Defeat/steal from the Tri-Face at Deep Sea Deposit | | | and Island Closest to Heaven, Defeat Imp at Esthar | | | or Deep Sea Deposit, Defeat Forbidden at Centra | | | Ruins or Esthar- Grandidi Forest, Nortes Mountains | |________________|_____________________________________________________| | Pulse Ammo | Use Ifrit Ammo-RF and change 1x Energy Crystal to | | | 10x Pulse Ammo. Refer to Ammo-RF for more details. | |________________|_____________________________________________________| | Fish Fin | Defeat/steal against Fastitocalon, anywhere at the | | | shorelines. You can also defeat Fastitocalons found | | | Galbadia- Dingo Desert. | |________________|_____________________________________________________| | Force Armlet | Buy this at Esthar Pet Shop with Tonberry's Familiar| | | ability learnt. You can also get this by defeating | | | Malboro found at Island Closest to Hell/Heaven | |________________|_____________________________________________________| | Regen Ring | Defeat Vysage and its group at Winhill Bluffs | | | Defeat/steal against Torama or Turtapod at Esthar | | | City or Great Plains of Esthar after gotten Ragnarok| |________________|_____________________________________________________| | Chef's Knife | Defeat/Steal against Tonberry at Centra Ruins | |________________|_____________________________________________________| | Star Fragment | Defeat/Steal against Iron Giants at Deep Sea Deposit| | | Found them at Esthar City after you have defeated | | | Ultima Weapon. | | | Defeat Tri-face at Island Closest to Heaven | | | Defeat Ruby or Blue Dragon in Island Closest to Hell| |________________|_____________________________________________________| | Bomb Fragment | Defeat/steal from Bomb found in the Fire Cavern | |________________|_____________________________________________________| | Betrayal Sword | Defeat/steal against Forbidden in Centra Ruins | | | Esthar- Nortes Mountains / Sollet Mountains | |________________|_____________________________________________________| | Mesmerize Blade| Defeat/Steal Mesmerize found in Trabia- Bika | | | Snowfields or Great Plains of Esthar [before space | | | incident.] | |________________|_____________________________________________________| | Malboro | Defeat/Steal Malboro found in the Island closest | | Tentacle | to Hell/Heaven or Esthar's Grandidi Forest. | |________________|_____________________________________________________| | Dragon Fin | Defeat/steal from Grendel found in the hilltops of | | | Winhill Bluffs or the Island Closest to Hell. | |________________|_____________________________________________________| | Turtle Shell | Steal from the Adamantoise found at Long Horn Island| | | Steal at Armadodo at Centra Ruins and Tomb of the | | | Unknown King | |________________|_____________________________________________________| | Dragon Fang | Defeat the Blue Dragon found near the mountains of | | | Winter Island and Island closest to Hell | |________________|_____________________________________________________| If you think that you still have trouble in getting them, don't use the chart and look in the character's weapon list. And please! No more e-mails regarding Lion Heart. ______ / 3.10 \________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Battle Meter ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * View through Information under Tutorial Menu. This is not an item! It is a record book that records everything about your combat, like the number of monsters that the character kills, how many times your characters have been KO, etc. The Battle Meter can be gotten Cid Kramer at the Headmaster Office at the 3F of Balamb Garden when Squall becomes an official SeeD mercenary. You need to talk to Cid in order to get this. This is only obtainable in Disc 1. In Disc 2, you are need to defeat the Battle Master in 10F of D-District Prison [through a card game] to enchance it. The last enhancement can only be gotten by defeating CC Group Magician Joker at the Balamb-Training Center [through a card game] in Disc 2 too. Here is a summary of the upgrades: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cid given Battle Meter Upgrade Battle Meter Upgrade Battle Meter at Desert Prison at Balamb, CC Joker _____________________________________________________________ | Battle Report | Character Report | GF Report | |_________________|_____________________|_____________________| | | | | | Walked 2109039 | Squall | Quezacotl | | | Total Killed 213 | Total Killed 176 | | Battles 1490 | KO'd 0 | KO'd 0 | | | | | | Won 1486 | Zell | Shiva | | | Total Killed 189 | Total Killed 110 | | Escape 4 | KO'd 0 | KO'd 0 | |_________________|_____________________|_____________________| ------------------------------------------------------------------------ What is a Battle Report? Typically, it is a summary of your entire party. Like number of steps that your party have walked, how many battles you have encounter, how many battles won, and lastly how many battles you have escaped. Also includes information about cities of the world. What is a Character Report? It's a summary report about your character ranging from Squall to Selphie which includes the total number of monsters killed and how many times the character has KO'd. Also include fact files about Seifer and Edea. Also give you important information regarding Limit Breaks, the 4 basic command, how to control your members and learning their Limit Breaks. Also includes profiles of Dr. Odine, Dobe, etc. What is a GF Report? GF Report is pretty similiar compared to the Character Report, except it reports only about GF like the number of monsters killed also including the number of times, the GF KO'd. It also includes a detailed besitary regarding Abilities and list of menu refinements [which I have gotten from and jointed down under Abilities section.] That's all about the battle meter. Crucial for those whom are new in the game. _____ / 4.0 \_________________________________________________________________ ======================================================================== The Card Game ======================================================================== Cards are a popular in FF8. You can battle against players in cities and towns. They are scatter all over the World. The card game was created by a man named Orlan and the game rules are made by him. In order to play the card game, you must have cards. Of course, why play the card game? It is just crucially important for those whom don't own a Pocketstation. Remember that cards are the easiest methods to get rare cards. You need to get at least 5 cards in order to start an adventure of Triple Triad. You can get 7 cards from the Card Spade at the elevator junction of 2F of Balamb Garden in Disc 1. Just press Square instead of X to start a card game. Frequently Asked Questions regarding Cards How do I play a card game? Read on... How do I remove the Random Rule? For those whom are new to the game, take sometime by reading about the Card Game under the Tutorial Menu. Remember just as what the Card Queen says, your action affects the region rules. So play card games in cities you fancy and does not possess the rule that you want. Balamb area is perhaps the most favourite area as it has only few rules. Just keep on the playing and once the rule is no longer in use for a long time, it will be removed. But I myself like the Random rule, save me troubles for selecting cards. It is a matter of convience ^_^;. Another method is by paying cash to the Card Queen. She will remove the card rules for regions with a lot of rules and add card rules for regions with few rules. What happened when you have gotten all cards? Nothing much.. Just a yellow star marked next to the card menu and marks that you have completed the card game. Well, if certain questions becoming more frequently asked, I may added them here. _____ / 4.1 \_________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Getting Cards ------------------------------------------------------------------------ You must have at least 5 cards to play a card game. There are no limit [if you can reach 8020 cards...] that you can keep. You can collect at least 100 cards for each gene [or type]. There are certain cards that are rare to find. But they really worth it as they could complete your card collection and the same time, nab you great times through Quezacotl's Card-Mod RF. You can get cards through the following methods: 1) Find them or trade for them during your journey. [quite rare] 2) Defeat other card players. [most commonly used] 3) Use the Card Comand. You can get BOSS Cards too. [quite common] 4) Through quests, especially for rare cards [not quite common] _____ / 4.2 \_________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Basics of Triple Triad ------------------------------------------------------------------------ As you start to play a Card Game, you will have a prompt of whether to play the game. Just choose YES and you will see the list of rules and in addition the game rules and trade rules. You can choose either "Yes" to continue or "No" to decline. The former areas such as Balamb, Dollet and Deling will have few rules unlike rules such as Lunar and Esthar which is rather tedious. So the best way, is to practice. "Practice makes Perfect!" The early card rules are very simple. The objective to win the card game is have more cards turned blue than your opponent. There are many trade rules and card rules, which I will be explaining later. Is there a condition to start a card game? Yes! You must at least accquired five cards. If you got more than five cards, you will be allowed to choose your own cards or the Random rule is applied in that region, the computer will does it for you. A yellow pyramid, which is actually a dice for the game which determines whom will go first. Next you will be allowed to select your own cards [if Random rule is not avaliable] and should get a screen like this: _________________________ | Name NUM | | Geezard 1 | You just need to select the card that you | Funguar 1 | wished to use and you are needed to pick | Bite Bug 1 | 5 cards. Just select them, and you will | Gesper 1 | find them place in your column. To unselect | Fastitocalon-F 1 | a card, press Triangle. Okay let's proceed | Gayla 1 | to the ASCII art of Triple Triad | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Opponent's Cards Triple Triad Board Player's Cards ______ _______________________ ______ #1 | | | | | | | | #1 | | | | | | | | |======| | 1 | 2 | 3 | |======| #2 | | | | | | | | #2 | | |_______|_______|_______| | | |======| | | | | |======| #3 | | | | | | | | #3 | | | 4 | 5 | 6 | | | |======| | | | | |======| #4 | | |_______|_______|_______| | | #4 | | | | | | | | |======| | | | | |======| #5 | | | 7 | 8 | 9 | | | #5 | | | | | | | | |______| |_______|_______|_______| |______| __ ____________________ __ |__ | Card Name Showed | |__ __| |____________________| __| ------------------------------------------------------------------------ What the abbreviations means? Player's Card - refer to the cards you could control to play the game. Remember that you can't take cards that are in your card inventory. Opponent's Card - the five cards used by your opponent to challenge you. Same applies to the opponent, as he/she also can't take cards that are in his/her inventory. I would assumed that each opponent has infinite number of cards. #1-#5 - the number of cards found in each players deck. You are allowed to use one card during each time. The game ends when the nine spots of the board are being occupied by the cards. 5 - number of cards, that the player currently controlled. This feature has another function and it is actually the SCORE in the card game. To win the game, you must get a score of 6 and above. The highest score is 9. Card Name Showed - During the card game, it shows the NAME of the card, that you choose to put in to board. And during special circumstances, they are coloured: Yellow - cards that you have previously owned but lost Blue - cards that you haven't gain Grey - cards that you can't have them as you have gotten 100x. White - cards that you have gotten and below 100 cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Have you ever wonder why this card game is called 'Triple Triad'? Typically, it's a rectangle board marked with 3 x 3 squares (3 rows and 3 columns). Now I have explained the board, time to proceed to the cards. It seems that Elementals has a great deal of importance in the card game too. Some cards carries elemental such as the eight basic elements [Fire, Ice Thunder, Water, Wind, Earth, Poison and Holy] Of course, they will be brought into consideration once the Elemental rule is added to the card game. Well, forget about the elements for the time being, instead, I will explains the features of a card. Explainations about the card ------------------------------------------------------------------------ _____________ | _______E | E - stands for Elemental of the card. I guess | 5 | || you should know by now. The Monsters, BOSS |2 2| || , GFs and Characters are being represented | 5 |Picture || by the cards. | | || Picture - picture/drawing of the monster, BOSS, GF | |________|| or character. |_____________| 5 2 2 - think these numbers as the attributes for 5 the cards. The higher the numbers, the more powerful the card will be. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now, the Elemental and Picture does not possess a great importance of the card, instead focus on the digits. The higher the digits are, the more powerful the card will be. The highest number in the game is A and lowest number is 1. [A stands for 10] To cover a card, you must attack with the corresponding opposite direction. To attack the south of the card, your card's north attributes must be higher than the attributes of the opponent's south attributes. North The attributes are arranged in this order, right? West East To attack the card, you must focus on the cards South attributes. Now I will explain the rule: Tutorial #1: Turning a Card from opponent to your side. Before you get too confused, there is a matter that I must clear. You can only change the card to your side, while its your turn to place a card on the board. Don't worry if your number is smaller than the card, it will remain unchanged, as it isn't the opponent's turn to attack your card. So I hoped you get it: "CARDS CAN ONLY BE CHANGED UPON ATTACKING!" Explaination A B Well, if you have problems with this, ____________________________ you will be in deep shit for the entire | ____ | ____ | card game. Let's says A is the card of | 5 | | | 5 | | | your opponent. You need to place a card |2 [2] | p | |{3} A | p | | on the right of it, to change it to | 5 |____| | 8 |____| | your side. Therefore you must be | | | focused on the east attributes (marked |_____________|______________| with a []). To change that card, your card's attributes must be higher than 2, as shown on the left. Therefore as long the west attributes of your card (marked with a {}) is higher than 2, you can turn the card over. Hint: If you don't understand what the above diagram is trying to say, don't read down. The above information must be fully understood. _____ / 4.3 \_________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Card Rules ------------------------------------------------------------------------ As every game has a rule, I will try to explains the rules. Squaresoft had tried to make the card game for interesting by adding some rules. But I guess some of the rules are just too much... At the beginning of the card game, you will be given a list of rules. Those were be the rules that you need to pay attention to it while playing the game. To review the rules. Press Circle while it is your turn. There are many types of rules and I have divided them into two categories: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pre-Game Rules: rules that take effect for the game from the beginning to the end. In-Game Rules : rules that take effect while playing the game, like how you are going to attack, and some special rules. Trade Rules : How the cards are being traded after the card game has ended. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______ / 4.3a \________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pre-Game Rules ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pre-Game Rules are rules that take effect for the game from the beginning until the end of the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name of Rule: OPEN What it does?: The cards will placed on each players' deck with them opened. You can see the player's card, and hence your cards can be seen too. Comments: Nothing much. If the OPEN rule is not added, you will see the opponents' card placed at the deck area with the back cover of the card instead. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name of Rule: RANDOM What it does?: The computer will choose your cards randomnly before the came game started. In other words, you will not be allowed to choose your cards. Comments: Pretty damaging when you are weak in using PLUS and SAME rule. But if you are expert in them, you can easily defeat your opponents. In my opinion, I think that weak cards [Level 1 ~5 cards] have good attributes for the PLUS and SAME. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name of Rule: ELEMENTAL What it does?: Elemental icons will be placed on the board and the following effect took place: - a non-elemental card placed on any element, the attributes will be decreased by 1 [the picture will be covered with a -1] (refer to Fig 4.1) Figure 4.1: Non-elemental card on an element. ________ __________ | A | | A ____ | After being placed |3 A | normally... |3 A |- 1 || over an element. | 3 | | 3 | || A becomes 9, 3 9 | becomes 2. hence 2 9 <- make the 2 attributes... - a Fire elemental card was placed on Ice element, all the attributes will be decresed by one. (refer to Fig 4.2) Hence, in other words, cards with a different elemental will have the attributes reduced by 1. Figure 4.2: Elemental cards placed on an opposing element __________ __________ | 9 Fire| | 9 _Fire| After being placed |8 6 | normally.. |8 6 | || on an opposite | 2 | | 2 | -1 || element, all 8 | attributes will be 7 5 <- reduced by one 1 - a Fire elemental card placed a Fire, all the attributes will be raised by one! Hence, meaning Elements will give cards with same elemental a raise of +1. (refer to Fig 4.3) Figure 4.3: Elemental cards placed on same element __________ __________ | 9 Fire| | 9 _Fire| After being placed on |8 6 | normally.. |8 6 | || its corresponding | 2 | | 2 | +1 || element, all A | attributes will be 9 7 <- increased by 1 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______ / 4.3b \________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In-Game Card Rules ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In-Game Rules are rules that take its effects while attackng. Take effects as the game start. These rules are deadly as they could cause you to lost a game. Just note that a COMBO is actually a combination of SAME and PLUS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name of Rule: Basic or Default [can't remove this rule] What it does?: Attacking card changes defending card to its side if its attacking attributes are higher than the defending attributes. Comments: If you don't understand this rule, you ought to be shot! Explaination A B Well, if you have problems with this, ____________________________ you will be in deep shit for the entire | ____ | ____ | card game. Let's says A is the card of | 5 | | | 5 | | | your opponent. You need to place a card |2 [2] | p | |{3} A | p | | on the right of it, to change it to | 5 |____| | 8 |____| | your side. Therefore you must be | | | focused on the east attributes (marked |_____________|______________| with a []). To change that card, your card's attributes must be higher than 2, as shown on the left. Therefore as long the west attributes of your card (marked with a {}) is higher than 2, you can turn the card over. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name of Rule: SAME What it does?: Changes the card as long as the attributes of the attacking side are the same, applies to three cards involvement. Figure 4.4: Explaining the SAME Rule Abbreviations: * Attacking card XX Spot where the attacking card should be placed. -a Defending card A -b Defending card B [] Attributes to be focused for defending site {} Attributes to be focused for attacking site ________ To excute a same rule, you must have two | 6 -a| opponent's cards on the board. [the cards | 3 2 | must be on the board, before your card | [7] | is being placed. There are a lot of _______ |________|________ combinations besides the one shown on the | {7} | | 1 | left. In the diagram, all cards will be | 5 {3}| XX |[3] 6 | changed to the attacking side as the | 4 | --> | 4 | North attributes {7} and the East |_____*_| |______-b| attributes {3} of attacking card are the same as the south attributes [7] of Defending card A and the west attributes Fig 4.4 [3]of Defending card B. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name of Rule: PLUS What it does?: Changes the card as long as the sum of attacking attributes A against defending attributes A is equal to the sum of attacking attributes B against defending attributes B. [mathematics....]. Applies to three cards involvement. Figure 4.5: Explaining the SAME Rule Abbreviations: * Attacking card XX Spot where the attacking card should be placed. -a Defending card A -b Defending card B [] Attributes to be focused for defending site {} Attributes to be focused for attacking site ________ | 1 -a| This one requires a bit more of | 5 5 | thinking compared to the other rules | [4] | Just focus on the bracketed attributes ________|________| _______ as they are involving the rule. Now | 3 | | {5} | look at the North attributes of the | 6 [6] | XX | {3} 4 | attacking card and South attributes of | 3 | <-- | 4 | Defending Card A (adding up: {5}+[4]=9). |______-b| |______*| Now divert attention to the next two combinations: West attributes of Attacking Card and the East attributes of Defending Card (adding up: {3}+[6]=9). Hence PLUS Rule take effect! All cards turn to attacking side. Addition Method: Subtracting Method: {5} + [4] = 9 Defending card sides [6] - [4] = 2 {3} + [6] = 9 Attacking card sides {5} - {3} = 2 Why the Subtracting Method is more recommended? For the first method, you must look for the other cards to know the sum. This can results to confusion for the game. Whereas for the second method [subtraction method], you just need to subtract the larger number - smaller number and compared with the difference of affected attributes [in this case, the south attributes (dA) and the east attributes (dB) of the defending cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name of Rule: SAME WALL What it does: Changes the cards as long as the attributes are the same. E.g. three card with 3s as its north attributes placed on the squares 1, 2 and 3. Cards with "As" in the north will turn any cards to their side. Figure 4.6: Explaining SAME WALL Opponent's Cards Player's Cards _______ _______________________ _______ | | | | | | | | | [3] | | {3} | | {3} | | [3] | C1 |[6] 7 | |{6} 7 | 2 | 5 {5}| | 7 [5]| P1 | 3 | | 3 | | 5 | | [2] | |_______| |_______|_______|_______| |_______| | | | | | | | | | 7 | | | | | | [3] | P2 C2 | 1 2 | | 4 | 5 | 6 | |[6] 7 | | [2] | | | | | | 3 | |_______| |_______|_______|_______| |_______| | | | | | | | | | 3 | | 2 | | 9 | | 7 | | 9 6 | |{6} 3 | 8 | 9 {5}| | 4 2 | | A | | {2} | | {2} | | 7 | |_______| |_______|_______|_______| |_______| {#} - are numbers in corners/wall of the Triple Triad, must be same numbers, so to accomplished of forming a wall. [#] - are numbers of the attacker, that must be set to the same side of the board in order to defeat the defending cards. Example taken from above: _______ _______________________ _______ _______ | | | | | | | | | | | [3] | | {3} | | {3} | | [3] | | [A] | C1 |[6] 7 | |{6} 7 | 2 | 5 {5}| | 7 [5]| | 3 [A]| | 3 | | 3 | | 5 | | [2] | | 3 | |_______| |_______|_______|_______| |_______| |_______| P1 Edea's Card Ether C1 or P1 is put into Battle Area 2, both cards that are already in the Battle Area, will changes color or being defeated by defeated by the attacking C1 or P1, as the top area will be comprises of 3 in as the north attributes hence forming a "wall". If Edea's card or any card that it upper north number is "A" and that card is put into Square No. 2, all cards will change as it overwrites every other cards, no matter how high its blocking side even 'A'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name of Rule: SAME/SAME PLUS What it does?: This rule is a combination of SAME and PLUS. The "Combo Rule" this rule is combination of both SAME and PLUS rule. But this time is continuous if effect this rule is powerful it can even defeat powerful cards Figure 4.7: Explaing SAME/SAME PLUS Opponent's Card Player's Card _______ _______________________ _______ | | | | | | | | | (1) | | 2 | | 4 | | 3 | C1 |(6) (2)| A-| 4 9 | 2 | A 4 |-C |(2) (1)| P1 | (1) | | 9 | | 9 | | 4 | |_______| |_______|_______|_______| |_______| | | | | | | | | | 1 | | 8 | | A | | 8 | P2 C2 |(2) (1)| B-| 4 4 | 5 | 8 7 |-D |(8) (4)| | (3) | | A | | 2 | | (3) | |_______| |_______|_______|_______| |_______| | | | | | | 9 | 3 |-E | 7 | 9 5 | 4 5 | | | 2 | 4 | |_______|_______|_______| | F For an example, Let's say if C1 is put into Square 7, all the cards (with a letter on its edge) B, F, E, D and C change into opponent's side. It is a simultaneous event after C1 attacks B & F [PLUS rule, focus on Square 4 and 8]. Now here is the COMBO sequence! F's east attributes "5" is greater than E's west attributes "4" and hence causing it to change color as the opponent. Next E's north attributes "3" is greater than D's south attributes "2", D will also changes its color too. Now for the last SAME, D's north attributes "A" is greater than C's south attributes "9" and the hence the card will also changes like others. This is an excellent card rule as it enables you to combine cards using Combo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name of Rule: SUDDEN DEATH What it doee?: It will causes the game will continue if the game is tie or Draw until one of the player win. Of course, if no SUDDEN DEATH, the game will automatically ends whether it is a DRAW, WIN or LOSE. Note that you will get the cards that you have changed to your side during the previous round. E.g. After first round... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Opponent's Card | STATUS | Player's Card | STATUS (Initial) | | (Initial) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belhelmel | remains | Minotaur | change side. Chubby Chocobo | change side | Sacred | remains Geezard | remains | Bite Bug | change side Cockatrice | remains | Zell | remains Chicobo | change side | Squall | remains ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Therefore in the next round, the player will controls Sacred, Zell, Squall, Chubby Chocobo and Chicobo cards. Minotaur will be under the opponent's control along with Bite Bug, Belhelmel, Geezard and Cockatrice. ______ / 4.3d \________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Card Game Trade Rules ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Each time, you played FF8, you will experience different trade rule, based on the people are how subjective in guarding their cards. I have been experiencing a Trade Rule: One, all time... Until, I have started out with the Card Queen's Quest. The Card Queen's action typically affects the trade rule. ONE: Winner will be allowed to select one card from the defeated card player's five cards DIRECT: Remember my explaination on the Sudden Death rule? This rule works like that. The players will get the cards that he/she has changed to his/her side during the card game. Lost cards [cards that changed to the opponent's side] will trade to your opponent. E.g. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player's Cards || Opponent's Card -------------------------------||--------------------------------------- Cactuar | Change Side || Angelo | Change Side Jumbo Cactuar | Change Side || Ruby Dragon | Remains Tonberry | Change Side || Blue Dragon | Remains Ifrit | Remains || Hexdragon | remains Thurstaevis | Remains || Creeps | remains -------------------------------||--------------------------------------- Even though you lose.. You will get Ifrit, Thurstaveis and Angelo Whereas the opponent will get Cactuar, Jumbo Cactuar, Tonberry, Hexdragon, Blue Dragon, Hexdragon and Creeps. DIFF: Winner receive defeated cards from the loser according to the Card Score. Card's Score Win lose Choose a card 7 - 3 = 2 Winner could choose 2 cards 6 - 4 = 1 Winner could choose 1 card 9 - 1 = 4 Winner could choose 4 cards 8 - 2 = 3 Winner could choose 3 cards ALL: Winner will receive all cards from the defeated player ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Spreading/ Abolishment Rules ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abolished Status: The rule will be removed from the region Causes: Rule not familiar with region Rule is not being used too often. Spread Status: The rule will be added to the region Causes: Rule is being used too often. Player want to add it. The third method is by paying the Card Queen to add or remove rules. _____ / 4.4 \_________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Card Game Tips ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Understand the rules. If not familiar, test it out and practice! 2. Choose your card wisely if random rule is not implemented. 3. If the rules that you currently use is unfamiliar to other player that player also can change the rule you currently used. 4. Rules also change according to the number of cards that you currently own. The more cards you have, mostly the rules will be unfavourable to you. 5. Avoid getting greedy just to defeat another card. 6. Take advantage of early controlling the card game. Let him/her follow you were you want him to be. 7. Avoid exposing the weak side of our card if you don't have the advantage or you don't have another card to recover it. 8. Take advantage of collecting cards early in the game 9. Take control of the hot spots Area 2,4,5,6 & 8 if you are offensive. 10. Take control of each corner. If you are a player that loves to use the Combo Rule 11. Take advantage of Elemental Rule these is pretty helpful Eg. If Square #2 and 4 are being placed by element of Fire and Water. You can put your card at Square 1 for defensive side. as the Elements act as a barrier. 12. If you are winning too much because of the rule that you used that player also can prevent you of using the same rule. 13. Sometimes it needs a little luck to win the game, good luck playing. 14. If you are weak in calculations, have a calculator or use the Subtraction method. 15. If you have forgetten the rule, just press Circle to view the rules again. _____ / 4.5 \_________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Card List Bestiary ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here you will find the list of cards, excluding the methods to gain them. I have listed their attributes and the Card Mod-RF exchange rate. I have also added the elements of the card. Basically, the cards have been categories into four sections: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ M o n s t e r s Page 1 ~ 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Generally, there are the cards of all monsters. However not all monsters are included in the game. They are Raldo, Esthar Soldier, G-Soldier, Flapper, Elite Soldier, GIM-52N and Esthar Soldier [Cyborg]. Pupu's Card is a rare card. Refer to Getting Rare Cards for more information. All monster's card except for PuPu's card can be gotten through defeating other players or Card Command ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B O S S Page 6 ~ 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cards for all BOSSES found in the game except for Ultimecia and Griever. Cards of BOSS can be gotten by defeating other players and uses the Card command, refer to Monster's FAQ or Monster Bestiary for more information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ G u a r d i a n F o r c es Page 8 ~ 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cards of your GFs. Most of them can be gotten through defeating a GF. You may also need to defeat some of best card players found in the game. GF Cards can be gotten through quests such as Chocobo Forests Quest. Refers to Rare Cards List for more information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C h a r a c t e r s Page 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cards of main cast of the game. Including the Dream Party member's card, along Seifer and Ward's Card. These cards are pretty hard to get as they got great attributes. Refer to Rare Cards List for more information ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Okay, let's continued with the card list and of course, it will be very tiring to type out in full, hence I have made used of abbreviations: Legend E - card containing elemental Numbers - card attributes CM - Quezacotl's Card-Mod RF for refine cards into items. : # - number of cards needed ___________________________________________________________ | Card Page 01 | Card Page 02 | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | 1 Card Stat E-none | 7 Card Stat E-none | | 5 4 | 1 1 | | 1 | 3 | | Name: Geezard | Name: Grat | | CM 1 = 5 Screw | CM: 1 = 1 Magic Stone | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | 5 Card Stat E-none | 6 Card Stat E-none | | 3 1 | 3 2 | | 1 | 2 | | Name: Fungaur | Name: Buel | | CM: 1 = 1 M-Stone Piece | CM: 1 = 1 Magic Stone | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | 1 Card Stat E-none | 5 Card Stat E-none | | 5 3 | 4 3 | | 3 | 3 | | Name: Bite Bug | Name: Mesmerize | | CM: 1 = 1 M-Stone Piece | CM :1 = 1 Mesmerize Blade | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | 6 Card Stat E-none | 6 Card Stat E-Ice | | 2 1 | 3 1 | | 1 | 4 | | Name: Red Bat | Name: Glacial Eye | | CM: 1 = 1 Vampire Fang | CM :1 = 1 Arctic Wind | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | 2 Card Stat E-none | 3 Card Stat E-none | | 5 3 | 3 4 | | 1 | 5 | | Name: Blobra | Name: Belhelmel | | CM: 4 = 1 Rune Armlet | CM :1 = 1 Saw Blade | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | 2 Card Stat E-Thunder | 5 Card Stat E-Wind | | 4 1 | 5 3 | | 4 | 2 | | Name: Gayla | Name: Thrustaevis | | CM: 1 = 1 Mystery Fluid | CM :1 = 1 Shear Feather | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | 1 Card Stat E-none | 5 Card Stat E-Poison | | 1 5 | 5 1 | | 4 | 3 | | Name: Gesper | Name: Anacondaur | | CM: 1 = 1 Black Hole | CM :1 = 1 Venom Fang | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | 3 Card Stat E-Earth | 5 Card Stat E-Thunder | | 1 5 | 2 2 | | 2 | 5 | | Name: Fastitocalon-F | Name: Creeps | | CM: 5 = 1 Water Crystal | CM: 1 = 1 Coral Fragment | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | 2 Card Stat E-none | 4 Card Stat E-Thunder | | 1 1 | 2 4 | | 6 | 5 | | Name: Blood Soul | Name: Grendel | | CM: 1 = 1 Zombie Powder | CM:1 = 1 Dragon Fin | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | 4 Card Stat E-none | 3 Card Stat E-none | | 3 2 | 7 2 | | 4 | 1 | | Name: Caterchipillar | Name: Jelleye | | CM: 1 = 1 Spider Web | CM: 1 = 1 Magic Stone | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | 2 Card Stat E-Thunder | 5 Card Stat E-none | | 6 1 | 3 2 | | 2 | 5 | | Name: Cockatrice | Name: Grand Mantis | | CM: 1 = 1 Cockatrice Pinion | CM: 1 = 1 Sharp Spike | |_____________________________|_____________________________| ___________________________________________________________ | Card Page 03 | Card Page 04 | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | 6 Card Stat E-none | 2 Card Stat E-none | | 2 6 | 7 3 | | 3 | 6 | | Name: Forbidden | Name: Turtapod | | CM: 1 = 1 Betrayal Sword | CM: 5 = 1 Healing Mail | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | 6 Card Stat E-Earth | 6 Card Stat E-none | | 6 3 | 5 5 | | 1 | 4 | | Name: Armadodo | Name: Vysage | | CM: 1 = 1 Dino Bone | CM: 1 = 1 Wizard Stone | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | 3 Card Stat E-Poison | 4 Card Stat E-none | | 5 5 | 7 6 | | 5 | 2 | | Name: Tri-Face | Name: T-Rexaur | | CM: 1 = 1 Curse Spike | CM: 2 = 1 Dino Bone | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | 7 Card Stat E-Earth | 2 Card Stat E-Fire | | 3 5 | 3 7 | | 1 | 6 | | Name: Fastitocalon | Name: Bomb | | CM: 1 = 1 Water Crystal | CM: 1 = 1 Bomb Fragment | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | 7 Card Stat E-Ice | 1 Card Stat E-Thunder | | 3 1 | 7 6 | | 5 | 4 | | Name: Snow Lion | Name: Blitz | | CM: 1 = 1 North Wind | CM: 1 = 1 Dynamo Stone | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | 5 Card Stat E-none | 7 Card Stat E-none | | 3 6 | 6 3 | | 3 | 1 | | Name: Ochu | Name: Wendigo | | CM: 1 = 1 Ochu Tentacle | CM: 1 = 1 Steel Orb | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | 5 Card Stat E-Fire | 7 Card Stat E-none | | 4 6 | 4 4 | | 2 | 4 | | Name: SAM08G | Name: Torama | | CM: 1 = 1 Running Fire | CM :5 = 1 Life Ring | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | 4 Card Stat E-Fire | 3 Card Stat E-none | | 2 4 | 6 7 | | 7 | 3 | | Name: Death Claw | Name: Imp | | CM: 1 = 1 Sharp Spike | CM: 1 = 1 Wizard Stone | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | 6 Card Stat E-none | 6 Card Stat E-Poison | | 3 2 | 3 2 | | 6 | 7 | | Name: Cactuar | Name: Blue Dragon | | CM: 1 = 1 Cactus Thorn | CM: 1 = 1 Fury Fragment | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | 3 Card Stat E-none | 4 Card Stat E-Earth | | 4 6 | 6 5 | | 4 | 6 | | Name: Tonberry | Name: Adamantoise | | CM: 1 = 1 Chef's Knife | CM: 3 = 1 Turtle Shell | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | 7 Card Stat E-Earth | 7 Card Stat E-Fire | | 5 2 | 3 5 | | 3 | 4 | | Name: Abyss Worm | Name: Hexadragon | | CM: 1 = 1 Windmill | CM: 3 = 1 Red Fang | |_____________________________|_____________________________| ___________________________________________________________ | CARD PAGE 05 | CARD PAGE 06 | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | 6 Card Stat E-none | 2 Card Stat E-none | | 5 5 | 4 8 | | 6 | 8 | | Name: Iron Giant | Name: Fujin & Raijin | | CM: 3 = 1 Star Fragment | CM: 1 = 1 X-Potion | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | 3 Card Stat E-none | 7 Card Stat E-Wind | | 7 6 | 4 8 | | 5 | 3 | | Name: Behemoth | Name: Elvoret | | CM: 10 = 1 Barrier | CM: 1 = 10 Death Stones | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | 7 Card Stat E-Water | 4 Card Stat E-none | | 3 6 | 3 8 | | 5 | 7 | | Name: Chimera | Name: X-ATM092 | | CM: 10 = 1 Regen Ring | CM: 2 = 1 Turtle Shell | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | 3 Card Stat E-none | 7 Card Stat E-none | | 1 A | 5 2 | | 2 | 8 | | Name: PuPu | Name: Granaldo | | CM: 1 = 1 Hungry Cookpot | CM: 1 = 1 G-Returner | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | 6 Card Stat E-none | 1 Card Stat E-Poison | | 7 2 | 3 8 | | 6 | 8 | | Name: Elastoid | Name: Gerogero | | CM: 1 = 1 Steel Pipe | CM: 10 = 1 Circlet | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | 5 Card Stat E-none | 8 Card Stat E-none | | 4 5 | 2 2 | | 7 | 8 | | Name: GIM47N | Name: Iguion | | CM: 1 = 10 Fast Ammo | CM: 1 = 1 Cockatrice Pinion | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | 7 Card Stat E-Poison | 6 Card Stat E-none | | 2 7 | 5 8 | | 4 | 4 | | Name: Malboro | Name: Abadon | | CM: 4 = 1 Malboro Tentacle | CM: 1 = 30 Dark Ammo | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | 7 Card Stat E-Fire | 4 Card Stat E-none | | 4 2 | 6 8 | | 7 | 5 | | Name: Ruby Dragon | Name: Trauma | | CM: 10 = 1 Inferno Fang | CM: 1 = 30 Demolition Ammo | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | 5 Card Stat E-none | 1 Card Stat E-none | | 6 3 | 8 8 | | 7 | 4 | | Name: Elnoyle | Name: Oilboyle | | CM: 10 = 1 Energy Crystal | CM: 1 = 30 Fire Ammo | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | 4 Card Stat E-none | 6 Card Stat E-none | | 4 6 | 4 5 | | 7 | 8 | | Name: Tonberry King | Name: Shumi Tribe | | CM: 1 = 1 Chef's Knife | CM: 5 = 1 Gambler Spirit |